Their new home. [Month 2 Day 21]

It was a long journey. It was around 9 days of none stop travelling going through the forest, fighting off monsters, the occasional demons but they were very weak and few.

But we had finally arrived at the area where I thought that it might make a good village.

It was to the southwest of my village and was on top of a hill still inside of the forest. The hill was not enormous but from what the scouts said when they climbed to the top it provided a good view over the surrounding lands.

We arrived at midday and set up camp. I was then brought into Almaien tent where a meeting was taking place to decide everything.

Inside was Almaien, Imio and two other elves that I had not seen before.

Almaien: "We've looked around the area and it looks like a good point for our new village. High up, close to the river, good soil, and land and if what you said is true, we are close to these other villages. It's a good spot so we will settle here."

Sweet. Mission accomplished

Almaien: "But there is lots more work to be done. First Lothran I need you to set up this trading network that you have been talking about. It would be a massive help to building up the village faster if we can get resources from you. But the time that your trader comes back we should have come up with a deal that we think is acceptable for your help. You might want to come along to that."

Me: "The preparations for it are already underway I just have to go back home and get it rolling and we can start trading with you when we travel back here. I think in a few days I can come back with our trader and some resources."

Almaien: "That would be a be a big help."

The rest of the meeting was then just talking about her layout of the village and what she want to do. I left at that point as it's her village, and it would be rude of me to intrude on something like that.

I then slept for the night and then in the early morning said my goodbyes and headed back for home.

Overall, it was a trip that I thought was going to be a quick and easy one but turned out to be quite the adventure and get gained massively from it. If I can get the knowledge and help with creating magic artefacts that would be big. I already have some massive ideas for it that if done correctly and implemented into our village it will take us far. Can't wait.

After a few days of travel, we arrived back home. Hello home, I'm home.

But sadly, for me home does not equal rest there is stuff to do. It's around midday so I can get the work done for the trading done and then we can head off tomorrow.

Once inside as we pass the guards, I get a quick update on the state of everything whilst we're away and nothing happened in terms of demons. The guards did tell me that Alssa was looking for me and to find her when I got back.

Lucky I was planning to head straight to her. I managed to find her at her home having a break.

Me: "Alssa how has everything been whilst I was away." I say whilst walking into the living room area.

She quickly looks up at me excited. I'm glad that she is enjoying her work.

Alssa: "Your back, good we have work to do. I found someone who wants to do the different productions in the village. He's called Okas and used to run a small business in Valeg village where he made their village made glue. I did what you asked and had him start working on the production of the glue and varnish. He was the main one that I picked as he seemed eager to get back into a business and working and when I asked if he would be willing to try other products, he was eager to learn."

Me: "On the production how was he are the going well."

Alssa: "They are still running so I would assume so. The main thing he has done is make them more streamline and making sure that everyone gets what they need to produce their goods. Seeing how the trading was not up he decided to just get used to the productions and not increase it. Did not want to risk it. He also took our suggestion and found people who wanted to run that specific production. It worked well and the workload has been distributed quite well."

Me: "Alright I will have a meeting with him later along with the trader. Did you find a trader?"

Alssa: "Yes, kind of. I found a woman who wants to start it and learn it but has very little experience with doing it. In the entire village, she was the only one who showed any kind of interest in it, so I had to pick her. The main good thing about her would be her enthusiasm."

Me: "To be honest that is the best we can ask for in a trader from a village like ours. What her name."

Alssa: "Kixa."

Me: "Alright get them both a message that I want to meet them at my house today we have much work to do. Whilst I was away, we found some dark elves. Their village had been destroyed by demons then we fought with some slavers and helped the dark elves move their village to the hill to the southwest. They are willing to join the trading network that we are creating with the other villages. So, the faster we help them rebuild their village the better we are going to be. Now that I think about it, it's going to be better if we call a whole village meeting for this. Yep, do that. Call all the heads including our two new heads of trade and production."

Alssa: "Alright I'll gather everyone."

With that, I left and headed home to prepare for the village meeting.