The village meets again. [Month 2 Day 23]

Once everyone was at my home the meeting began.

Me: "Well come back everyone, good to see you all again. You can see that we have some new faces first is Okas our new head of production in the village."

Okas then stands up. He's a black-furred Kabalt with brown eyes and was thin in stature. Not because he doesn't eat, he is just naturally thin. From the brief conversation I have had with him, he seemed decent and held himself with respect. One of the first things he said was thanking me for giving him another chance to create a business.

He seemed good in my books.

Me: "The second is our new head of trade. Kixa."

Kixa stands up. She's a very light lime green Kabalt with black eyes. When I first saw her, she took me back for a second. I was unsure if I should be intimidated or like her exotic colours. But after having a conversation with her she seemed like a very sweet girl if a bit reclusive. She seemed to come from a poorer background from what I gathered. I imagine that is motivating her.

Me: "Alright I don't want to spend too much time here we have a lot of work to do. First, let me catch you all up on what happened whilst I was away. We found some dark elves then fought off some slavers trying to capture them. We then help the dark elves fight them off. The dark elves village had been destroyed due to the demons and so we helped them move the village to our southwest about two days away. They are now going to be included in the trading network that all our villages in the area that we are setting up. This is the reason that we have our two new heads of departments."

Looking around I can just see Horst give me the thumbs up, Ila has a sweet smile on her face and Franz, Valret and Wilfred are indifferent.

Me: "The reason for this meeting is that we are going to get a trading party together and head over to their village with a bunch of resources and building materials and give it to them to help the progress of their village. We are also going to need to update the other villages about what is happened and about all the trading that is going on."

Okas: "What are we getting in return."

Me: "Our best bet would be learning to make magic tools and such."

Once I mention the magic tools, they all seem to sit higher in their seats and are looking more alert. They must as exist as I am. I plan to make not just tools but something to take us far into the future. Something to make us stand out and take us far. Well, I think it will at least. Will have to see if it works in practice.

Me: "What I need from everyone is to keep doing what you are currently along with their new work. Kixa I will be going with you on the trading deals and to inform the other villages. Okas, I want you to increase the production of the glue and varnish, I'm also going to give you a new recipe to make something called soap if very simple to make with just animal fat and ash. Its uses as a cleaning agent for people. But I don't want you to just make it I always want you to find ways to make it better from smell to quality."

Kixa: "Please teach me as much as you can."

Okas: "Should be fun."

Me: "Horst I need you to find someone to become an armour as I managed to take some leather armour from the slavers that we are currently using for the troops. But if we don't find someone who can repair it, it's going to become useless. They don't need to know what they are doing just someone who might be interesting and want to learn."

Horst: "Bah, I can do that."

Me: "Walfried I need you to work with Okas if he needs new buildings and such. Also, work with Franz to make sure that the farms are ready for after the demons so that we can start growing crops and such, it needs to be large enough to feed the entire village."

Franz: "I have it planned out and the land has already been fertilised we just might need some more space for the crops once they have grown." Walfried just nods along with everything that is being said.

Me: "I'll leave it in your capable hands. The final thing would be Walfried if you can get a bunch of building materials and such together as fast as you can that would be good."

Walfried: "Mmm."

Seems today Walfried is very quiet. Might be a bit tired. I feel your pain.

Me: "I think that is everything from me and what happened, anything you guys have to report."

Horst: "All the guards are now fully equipped with uncommon weapons."

Valret: "They now also all have classes."

Me: "Beautiful stuff, fantastic work Horst."

Walfried: "All the damage from the demon attack has been repaired and I made sure that we kept all of the Guja corpses that you wanted."

Ila: "I have also done some testing of the bones but have not found much of anything right now."

Me: "That's fine Ila just keep at it, and Okas I just got reminded, so get some production on the Guja corpses. The main thing we found was if you crush up the skin it makes a very powerful fuel and later, I might be able to find some more uses. I will keep you updated just to make sure to keep all the parts of the Guja."

Okas: "I will get on it."

Me: "If there is nothing else, I think we can leave it there."

Everyone then gets up and leave. There is a lot to do. I really can't wait to get magic tools and such.