All new things. [Month 3 Day 7]

Freya is pregnant. I look from Freya towards Rex who is sleeping in the corner but seems to wake up when I look towards him. He must have assumed I wanted to play as he come up to me and starts running around me and jumping on me.

Me: "Well Rex it looks like you're going to be a further congratulations. Does that make me the grandfather because you two are like my kids? You certainly act like it."

After getting Rex to sit down I turn back to the elf healer.

Me: "How long until she gives birth and is there anything else you can tell me."

???: "I don't know exactly, but I would say in the next few weeks although sadly we don't know a massive amount about the wolves of the area. I don't even know how many children she will have as we don't have access to those kinds of tools. I can't really give you anything else other than saying that Freya is healthy, but she should take it easy, rest plenty and eat well."

Me: "Thank you for help healer."

???: "Was my pleasure."

Freya and Rex are going to be parents and soon there are going to be little versions of them running around. This is going to be awesome.

Almaien: "Congratulations Lothran."

Me: "Thank you."

Alright, there is not much else I can do right now and me standing here getting giddy about it won't do much. It's midday I have time, so let's see if I can start the magic lessons.

Me: "Almaien, do you have time now for our magic artefact lessons."

Almaien: "Um, Yep we can at least start some of the teachings and the beginning stuff is quite easy. Let's go back to my tent as I have the stuff there that you will need to do it."

Once back at Almaien's tent we sit down on one of the carpets that she has in the corner of her large white tent. It is very comfortable, fluffy and slightly worn.

Almaien: "Before the artefacts, I think that it is best to start with magic. At its core magic is incredibly simple. Intent and having the mana to do it. You want to create a magic shield pour mana while imagining what you want to happen, and it does so. Of course, there are a lot of extra bits of detail that can affect this but that is the premise."

Before she can continue, I interrupt her.

Me: "If you don't mind what are these other factors."

Almaien: "Right will theirs, control which is how well you can control the mana around your body. This can be important for getting your mana to your shield for example and because if you can't get it up fast enough then you die. It also affects how much mana you put into your spell. You can put too little or too much, you get the idea. Next would be mana density, which is the quality of mana, generally, everyone differs but are act similar. It links into mana signatures which every person no matter race, or such all have unique mana signatures linked to them. But the main premise is that the more you use your mana the better and more refined it is. The problem with that is everyone and everything is always using their mana, so it becomes less important."

Me: "What do you mean we always use mana."

Almaien: "Well I mean just existing consumes the mana in your body. Just like you need to eat to survive you also need mana to survive overall it's not much and is covered by your natural regeneration of mana. But say if someone removed your mana core whilst you were alive you would die soon after."

Me: "Ok."

Almaien: "Final you have mana type. Everyone will have some form of mana type that the core will have a natural affinity for. It's your first mana that you unlock and it's what you are born with."

She sees me get sad for a moment then quickly seeks again.

Almaien: "Don't get sad thinking you can use other magic. You can and can still learn any other magic possible, if you so wish, you just have to unlock that skill just like when you get your innate talent magic."

Me: "How do you get the other magic skills."

Almaien: "It's kind of odd and random. It's sort of like you need to embrace the mana of that type and get a feeling for it to use it. God that is a terrible way to explaining it. Let's say you want to learn earth magic you need to feel the mana of the earth and then control it. it can be a bit odd if you actual get the skill but that is the general gist of it.

Me: "Would it be worth learning all magic then."

Almaien: "You can learn the different types but that does also mean that you need to split your time between the different types of magic so you might have two good magic skills or one amazing magic skill. No matter what it is it takes time to get better at learning the magic. A good teacher can also take you a long way."

Me: "If you don't mind me asking but do you do with your magic then."

Almaien: "It's entirely personal really and just because you use say fire magic doesn't limit you to just using fire. Mana can do all types of things that aren't related to your innate talent. Look watch this."

She looks towards the table and raises her hand. From the table a small bowl it picked up and draw over to her.

Almaien: "To put it simply mana and magic are whatever you want it to be. You're not limited in the slightest unless it goes against the laws of nature. Anything goes so the more imaginative and creative you are the better you can be. Just put practice into what you want."

Me: "But how did you do that telekinesis."

Almaien: "Just use your mana and feel the object, imagine it coming towards you and will get the skill with a bit of time and practice. This is magic you just have to go out there and get what you want."

Me: "Then how do you stop all of this different magic than."

Almaien: "Be creative, figure new ways out. Though the most common way is to overpower the other person magic and take control. Remember I said about the magic signatures of people, well they are on everyone's magic and so if you overpower someone's magic and put your signature over theirs you can take over their magic. Simple. And if you want to stop it, figure a way to stop it."

This will be fun.