Traveling. [Month 2 Day 28]

In the morning all the building materials have been removed from the carts. After getting permission we decide to leave the carts here whist we went to the other villages. We just decided to take the small amount of soap with us in bags. I have not shown it to the elves yet as I did not need it for the deal, but I will in the future.

Now that we have open trade with the elves, we can come back anytime we want. So, we can keep some reserve good just in case we need anything else.

Now without the carts, we can move much faster and so we planned out our journey. First, we will head towards Nilahr village as it is closing only a day away, then towards Alor village which is two days away from Nilahr village then finally Liko village which is around two days maybe a bit more.

So, we make our journey towards Nilahr village. In the early morning of the next day is when we arrive.

The village is very close to the river and where the river expands out and merges with a second river. The village is placed a slight bit up from where they join but the village seems to be a bustling river village. If the noise from the village is any indication.

We instantly get spotted by guards who come out to meet us asking who we are. After some explanation and waiting for a few moments Nilahr finally comes out from the village.

After some pleasantry, we enter the village. Yep, it's a fishing village.

Down the path, I can see straight towards the river where plenty of boats line the river. The river is also massive now with plenty of space from many, many boats. I can see fish stalls where people are trading fish with one another for other items. Theirs also crayfish, and crab and in large amounts. This might become one of my favoured places, cus I love seafood and freshwater food.

This place is like a haven for me. It will also play massively into the magic artefact project.

We get walked around a bit and being shown the village, they seem to have recovered well after both bandits and demons. It Seemed Nilahr know what she is doing which benefits me. It's worst to have incompetent allies than anything else, to be honest having anyone incompetent in your life is very frustrating.

After the showing around we head towards a large building which turns out to be the villages town hall where meetings and such took place before they had the bandit problem.

Inside we just agree to have open trade with one another and introduced each other's traders to one another. They would be the ways of trading between the village and was just easier to have it go through them.

This is starting to give me an idea for something else. If we can get all the traders of the village under one banner, we can make a merchant guild. First though is we would need an economy and form of money but that will be taken care of soon.

Another thing to sort out. For now, though we have open trade between villages and if both sides are always happy with the deals, then all is good. We both expressed our desire to have a good friendship with one another and to create a lasting one.

The final thing that I did was explain about the dark elves and where they have gone. They were of course immensely interested in it and set out straight away to get to it.

It was quite quick that meeting overall so after saying goodbyes we left and head for Alor village after getting some directions to form Nilahr.

We arrived at their village at the start of the new month which was nice. In terms of looks, their village was very much like ours with walls and general looks.

Once we arrived outside it played much the same as when we arrived at Nilahr village. We got a tour we then had a meeting where it went the same as Nilahr village and then telling them the dark elves where again they showed interest.

This then again repeated for Liko village where she was happy to see us again and I had a quick lunch with Liko, Silja and Noemi. It was nice to catch up with them again and having another look around the village and seeing the much happier people.

We then had the same chat as the other villages and again the same dark elf part where I could see that both Silja and Noemi were excited to see and Liko was over the moon excited as she could not stop bouncing around to meet them. She was very excited to learn new stuff from the elves.

With that done I had visited all the villages and all the trading was done. So, I parted ways with Kixa as she went back to the village to continue the trade with the dark elves, so she went back with all the guards whilst Rex, Freya and I headed back to Almaien village. Four days later and we had arrived right back at where it had all begun.

When we arrived, I could see that new houses were around the place, and I even saw a couple of Kabalt and such people walking around. This group was from Alor village and had just delivered some building materials after they had made a deal with Almaien.

It was good to see everything was progressing as planned. The only thing that was of slight concern personally for me was Freya. She recently has started to be a bit bloated and larger. She is also a bit slower than normal and I'm worried that she might be ill.

So, once I was back in the elf village and after seeing the new people, I made my way to find Almaien.

After a chat with her, she took me to the elf healer which is where I received some surprising news.

???: "Well, this is simple. Freya is pregnant and is going to give birth soon."

Minds explode. Boom.