The trading. [Month 2 Day 27]

We then follow Almaien towards her tent which seemed to be the same size as the other tents in the area. Inside there is a very small table and then some makeshift chairs that look like some odd collapsible chairs.

Almaien and Imio sit down whilst the rest of the elves stand at the back. I then take a seat along with Kixa whilst the guards stay outside with the cart. Rex and Freya are also inside resting and having a nap cuddling together. Hey, look like a massive cuddly bed that I want to jump on and smother myself in. Sadly, I have work to do.

Almaien: "You might have only been gone for a few days but welcome back. Not much has changed around here."

Me: "Don't put yourself down like that. From what I have seen you have already started to lay the foundations for the village. You think ahead and plan things out. The village that you have laid out looks organised, and for someone who has lost a lot that showed good hope for our trade and future friendship."

Almaien: "You sure know how to pep someone up don't you."

Me: "I know that when you are at your low, it feels good to have someone just give you a pep and for you to be able to be proud of what you have done."

Almaien: "That is very sweet of you, must be buttering me up for this deal then."

I just give her a smirk.

Me: "As long as we can both walk away happy from this at the end that is all that matters."

Almaien: "Then I will kick this off them. The main thing that we need is a large number of build materials for everything in the village. The food we are perfectly fine in getting just the building will help us along massively. As you have shown interest in it before we are willing to offer some of our techniques and knowledge to you for these."

Me: "That seems good for us. Whenever we have the materials to send over Kixa will bring them over. Depending on the knowledge you give us we can give you our current large bulk we brought plus some more over the next few weeks. After that, you can give us some more knowledge or if you have anything else to trade you can do so. Kixa here is our village trader so you can go through her for trade. She will also be the one to bring you the good."

Almaien: "It's a pleasure to meet you Kixa I look forward to our partnership."

Kixa: "I also will look forward to it, um. I hope we have a fruitful partnership."

Almaien just has a small smirk on her face before turning back to me.

Almaien: "I'm willing to offer some of our bow making techniques to you for today and four more visits worth of building materials."

She goes high, although we are being friendly with one another she seems to still want her worth.

Me: "Lessons on magical artefact making for today and five more visits worth of building materials."

Almaien: "Do you think me so cheap Lothran. The lessons, today and eight visits worth."

Let's see if I can get a bit more.

Me: "Lessons and the D+ magic core, for today and five visits and after I leave here, I will go to every village that is going to be part of the trading network to visit here. Also, once my idea for the project using the D+ core and learning making magic artefacts is done you will be one of the first people I introduce it to. Finally, I can give you glue to help with your construction."

Almaien: "And what is it that you want it to do?"

Me: "That would ruin the surprise wouldn't it. But it will revolutionise the area we live in and take us further than any other place or kingdom for that matter."

She sits there for a moment looking at me critically.

Almaien: "Alright deal but whatever you create better be amazing otherwise I will get my worth out of this deal another way if it needs be."

Me: "Don't worry I'm not going to go and piss off someone a lot stronger than I am. I also very much like you guys and want to create a good relationship with you."

We both then walk around the table and shake on it. We then head out of the tent, and I give the elves the materials which they take with great interest.

They take the building materials and after showing them the glue and how to use it, which they seemed to like, they all leave and instantly get to work building.

For the lessons on the magic artefacts, she told me to give her a few days to create a bit of a lesson plan and to get something to help me along in the lessons. I told her that I can then go to each of the other villages to set up the trading network which she said was more than enough time for it.

She did try again to find out what I wanted to make with the D+ core but I just told her that it will bring us into the future. Well, I think that it will.

After that, we then stayed the night as she offered us, and we had some dark elf cuisine. We did not manage to have it before as we mainly just eat our reserve food which was just dried meat. The few times that we did have fresh food it was not made for taste it was just for substance. Now though that the elves were more settled we managed to have it.

They did a lot of frying of food with some oils that they extract from some plants in the wild. It would have a hint of seasoning mainly this odd type of pepper. What I imagine a knock off-brand version of it would be like.

But it was nice, the meat was juicy and soft. It melted in the mouth after the initial crunch from the outside of it. Lovely stuff.

But with food in our bellies and a good day of getting the deal we wanted it was time for sleep. God, I was tired and needed it badly.