Working on the artefact. [Month 3 Day 8]

With my learning done now, it was time for home. I was allowed to sleep there for another night and had some of their cooking and then headed back home.

After travelling for two days I was back at home, everything was working smoothly, and I did not have to do anything. Everyone is competent and knows how to do their job, so I do not need to oversee every action they do allow me some time to work on my artefact.

At home, I got a desk, the D+ core and the inscriber that I was also given by Almaien. They are very simple to make, and they had plenty, so they gave one to me as a sort of gift which was very nice of them.

Right, it's time to plan out my virtual economic system.

My idea is to create an economic system that is not based upon gold or a centralised bank which is what is used on earth. It's also not going to be biased upon dept and printing money.

It's more based on cryptocurrency. The idea is to have this D+ core be the first hub/ node and then expand from there. Other nodes will then be created from this one as they are needed.

The nodes will then be distributed to everyone, and it will how they will access the online system that they keep their money.

With this I don't need a bank to run it, I don't need to print or produce money. It also has large long-term potential.

Form this main node I will create off nodes that will continue the network and act as validators for all transactions that happen on the network.

They will act like cards for people when they want to buy something. They use the node to pay for say some fish and it is paid to the other person node. Once both nodes validate the transaction as in, they both have agreed that they have sent the money and received the money then it is a valid transaction.

Once the transaction is validated it will then get transmitted to all the other nodes for them to write down/ store the transaction as a sort of history.

This way all transactions are recorded and can validate a transaction so that no one can fake a transaction. By saying they paid someone, but the history does not match.

The use of the main hub is also to act as a transaction hub for all deals. It is going to be how I can make money off it to then use for the village and with hard work the kingdom in the future.

For all transactions that get validates I will take a 1% cut of the transaction or if in the future I can change the amount.

With me taking all transactions I am also hoping that it will help in a future problem that I will have which is the diversification of money in the economic system. To put it simply it's where is the main bulk of the money is being kept. With this 1% transaction, it means it will always tax everyone including the very wealthy as they will always have more transactions.

I can then take this money and it can be redistributed back into the system. This will be done later when I have more public sectors and such but that is a general idea. Have to see if it works through.

Once someone has a transaction first it can check that the cards have the same hub signature then it can have the transaction whilst recording the two people's signature so if in the future it can be checked.

The actual nodes that come from the main node I plan to not use cores for as that would be very expensive to do for every single person. I plan to have the main core create them by storing a part of its signature in it that links it to the main core and all nodes/ cores that come after it.

It will then be powered by the magic in the air and the magic that is naturally inside all things. The air magic will be used to make sure the cards are charged for transactions.

Using the magical signature, they can all link together as they are unique and so can't be forged. It is just making the single-core spit itself between mutable places and talking to itself.

For now, the card will be made of wood and will hold the details of the persons as it will also act as identification.

A two for one deal. It can do this using the person's signature as a way of identification.

So, it will have their Name, Race, Sex, and magical signature as all the other attributes from the system are constantly changing.

In the future, I will also create a database for everyone using these cards but that will require another artefact and maybe even creating something like the internet which is an even more daunting task than this.

One step at a time.

Once everyone has a node, I will then introduce the actual money. For this, I will also not be following how it was done back on earth which was essentially an infinite amount of money as the government would just print it. Which was good for the short term as if you needed money just give yourself some.

However, the problem was the long term as the more money that they printed the money that they currently had would become worth less than before.

What I want is to create a cap on the amount that is in the system. It will also work in the same way the crypto work in that the amount that you do have can be split into any amount that you want depending on how much you need to send.

In all honesty, I have no idea if this is going to work but I'm about to find out.

Notes for my readers.

If you would like you can give me some name suggestions for the following:

Name of currency.

Name of the central hub/ node/ D+ core.

I will pick the best one to be used or use my own once if I can figure one out. Good luck.