The workings [Month 3 Day 10]

I have a plan for what I want, and I know what the end goal is I just need to now make the artefact.

The good thing about creating this is that because I have a good idea about what I want to create the magic should help me to create it. What I mainly gathered from magic and creating artefacts is that it's all about intent and imagination.

During the lessons, I kind of felt that I could potentially create my symbols to put into the language. I see no reason that I could not as all it is doing is giving meaning and magic behind the word.

I would assume that this would be very similar to how you create a spell so for many parts of creating the artefact I am going to do the symbols the same way you do a spell.

It's still going to take a lot of work, but you always must start somewhere.

So, I get to work going between working on the core to looking at the symbol book trying to find if they have what I need. If not, then I would create my own with what I imagined. I also made sure to write down these new symbols that I used getting some leather parchment and writing it down on that. We don't have a paper which I will have to fix in the future.

By the end of the day, I had gotten down the currency and storing it on the core which was important but also very basic.

The next day after a quick check-in with everyone and making sure that all is running smoothly. It's very nice only having a small village as everything is very low key.

I then started on the next part which was being able to duplicate the core essential to create more of it and to be able to create the cards.

This took me two days to get done and was a very painful process, but I got it in the end.

Next was being able to store the currency on both the cards and the core and making sure that they are linked together. Which just took half a day.

After that was then linking all the cards together and the core using the digital signature which was the faster part ever only taking around half an hour.

I still had a part of the day left so I took the rest of the day off. Don't want to work me into the ground.

Authentication was next for the cards so being able to store the personal information on each person's card. This create quite a few problems that I did not think of before. I need to worry about security and privacy. I can't just have anyone come along and either looker at the persons personal information or taking someone's card and use it themselves.

I again went back to the personal signature to provide the security so only the personal signature that is linked to that card can assess the information that is on them. I then did this again for using the card on the network so only that signature has access to the money on the card and can only do transactions with that card.

This should give the security that we need for everything as you can't forge magical signatures and even if the person dies and you try to use their core it does not work. This is due to the core losing a part of the signature as it no longer connects to the soul of the being. It still has a unique part but it's different from before. Like it's just a sign of a core not the core of a being.

I also added that people can interact with their card so that when they first get it they can put their personal information in the card which can be stored digitally. This took a few moments as it was just a slight addition to the currency part.

That is what I think at least from working with these signatures so much.

This authentication took a long time like everything was always done as it was three days to get it done.

The last part was then the communication between all the cards and the core checking that transactions are valid and then writing the history down. That was two days' work.

With that done it was almost fished I just needed to test it a bunch and make sure everything works and it does what I intended.

That was another day of work checking it all and lucky I did as I found that you could look at how much money everyone had from the cards. I then had to change the cards and the main core so that all background transitions and such were only available for viewing from the main core and not cards.

I made it so that cards only have personal information on them and nothing else. The main core could check these, but I locked that for now just to make sure that no one somehow gets access to the core and looks.

To lock it I just made it so that only my signature can unlock it. That had given me another idea which is if I want to be able to update the system and such all the cores can update which as well as an easy part surprisingly. I then locked that part as well so only I can update the system.

With that the virtual economic system was ready and it was time to unveil it to everyone. They had been very curious about why I was stuck in my house for so long working on something so intently day in and day out. Now it was time to show them, so I called a meeting with everyone.

I was bouncing on my feet whilst everyone walked into the house and sat down.

Horst: "What's gotten into your trousers mate."

Me: "It's done!"

Ila: "Real descriptive Lothran, thanks."

Me: "Right sorry. I want to give you all something that I want you to try out."

Picking up from the table some of the wooden cards I then give one out to all of them.

Valret: "Sir what do you want us to do with some wood."

Ila: "Why are you giving us all wood." She says whilst smirking a bit.

So childish. I give her a quick smile back before talking.

Me: "Pour a little bit of your magic into the wood. By the way, it's called a card."

Everyone here is E rank so everyone has magic now. I think the entire village is now E rank through we have started to stagnate a bit as we have not been going out and hunting higher EXP monsters. Should probably get on that. God so much work.

As they pour magic into the cards it lights up a bit and then a sort of notification menu pops up.

Horst: "What the hell are these numbers about."

This is going to be a long explanation.