Introduction to is all. [Month 3 Day 20]

Me: "For the past few days I have been working on an artefact that will change everything around here. I have created a digital currency for everyone to use."

Alssa: "What does digital mean."

Me: "Right it's the same as the system that we all use but instead it stores the amount of money that you own. With this money, you can buy things from other people by paying them with this money."

Kixa: "Why would we want to pay with money when we can just trade things."

Me: "Because this is now universal, and you can always get something for it. Say if you want to give someone a plank of wood but they do not have anything to give you back of equal value they can now pay you if they have the money. It is also a safe way of travelling whilst still holding your wealth. If you did trade for the item, then you would have to travel back with those items which could be stolen. If you have done it with money, it is kept on the card which is protected as only you can access your card. Granted this does not massively apply to you Kixa as you want those items. You can go from village to village getting say cheap fish from Nilahr village and then sell it for a higher price at our village. The more you trade the more you will find out about supply and demand."

Horst: "But how does this apply to the rest of us."

Me: "You can now get money for your services and the work that you do. It's how this village and all the villages are going to run around here now. It just stimulates everything as people are more likely to do work for incentives. Say if we want new housing, we can pay people to do it which will still be done through Walfried. Now that those works have money from jobs they can then go and spend it on say some new clothing."

Walfried: "Why would I pay for workers with my own money through."

Me: "You won't pay from your pocket. If you go through the tabs at the top of the card you will see one with your name and then one with the name of the department that you are head off. For example, Walfried you will have one saying Walfried then Head Builder. Though at the moment these both will be empty until I open the economy which I will do once this is all explained to you."

Alssa: "Is there a real need to do this, isn't the current way working."

Me: "It is just to streamline everything we have. If people need something and are willing to pay for it then someone out there will be willing to do it. For example, say I want some fur and tell people I want it then someone will go out and hunt an animal to get the fur and then sell it to me. They then make money to spend on say their family so that they can live better maybe a better bed for their kids, You get the idea."

Alssa: "So it improves the lives of everyone if they work for it."

Me: "Yep."

Alssa: "What happens if they need some help though. Would they have to pay for that like say they need some healing?"

Me: "That is where we come into the more difficult part of this. We are going to have to introduce some new things. Mainly a law system."

Alssa: "Let me guess you need me to find someone for that."

Me: "If you could find someone who could do that, I would be incredibly impressed. No, for now, I don't think there is anyone who can do that so for now it will have to be me."

Ila: "I'm confused now am I making people pay for getting healed."

Me: "No you are not you will and shall always remain free. The basic needs for all people are housing, food and water, and healthcare. You shall remain free if people ask for it and they need it. The way that you will survive and not just constantly consume money is through selling medication. I want you to work with Okas to increase the production of all the medication that you make. You are then going to sell them to other villages and people if they want to pay for it."

Ila: "How am I going to do that with no money. I will need people to do that."

Me: "All department heads will get a set amount of money from me to run things. This will be every month and what you need to do as department heads is to find a way to not ever spend more than the amount that you have. If you can make an increase, then that is amazing as it means that you can expand your department. This amount that I give you can change though depending on if you do well or bad. If you do well like creating a profit, then I will decrease the amount as you don't need it. If you are doing bad, I will increase the amount and find out why you are doing bad and help you."

Valret: "I don't see how this works for the army. We would always have to pay the soldiers."

Me: "That is the final thing to talk about which is salaries. Everyone who works for you gets paid salaries so, for example, you all work for me as heads of departments, so you earn a salary from me. Then in each of your departments, you have someone work for you, so you pay them. You get the idea.

Kixa: "How much do we get paid."

Me: "Generally, it works that the more important your job or the more work you do the higher your pay. As the head of law, it's my job to make sure that you are all and I pay your workers and pay them well for their work. I can check this as I own the artefact that controls the payments, and I can see what you pay. But I trust you all to do what is correct and not become like the bandits that used to rule over you."

They all have a serious look on their faces so I think we shouldn't have to worry about the law quite yet.

Me: "Is everything explained, and you all understand."

There was a general sound of yes, think so, and we will see.

Me: "Don't worry you will get the hang of it soon. Generally, as time goes, they will sort themselves out."

It's time to get the ball rowing then.