Making the market. [Month 3 Day 20]

Me: "Alright to get this finished I need you all to put in your personal information onto the card. If you go to the top right, you should see an icon of a person. If you click on that it should load up a page where you can put in your personal information like with the system."

The card displays the interface the same as the system one and was an easy implementation as in the symbol book there was already one for having something like the system to display things. They were originally used in artefacts to display more information about them than what the system gave.

I watch as they open the tabs and then get confused.

Franz: "How do we put our information in?"

Me: "Your magic is now bonded with the card, so it has your magical signature so just think of the section you want to fill out and think of what you want to fill out. For example, for your name think about the name section like you were doing a spell and then think of your name filling out the information."

They then fill out their information and tell me that they are done.

Me: "Alright now that information is on the card it means that you can use it. Now that this is all done it's time for me to give you the first balance for each of your departments."

I then get out my card which has my own personal account and then the account that is linked to the central hub. That account has extra things such as the total circulation of money, the market cap, and it also allows me to update the network from the card if need be. Through if I update it from the card it would have to be very small things as anything important or major would have to be updated through the main hub.

I go to the main hub account and go to the transfer page where it already has each account listed. Filtering it I then go for just department heads and send them all a balance of 10. I should come up with a name. I will do that soon.

Me: "Alright you should all have received 10 in your head department account. Also, a note that 10 can be split into however many parts you want you don't have to send just 1 you can send 0.1 if you want."

Okas: "But this is useless without anyone else having cards and also how much is even 10 worth."

Me: "For the cards that are where I need some help, I need you to start producing these cards. Just make them from wood and use your current one as a template then just give them to me and I can make them. Then Alssa and Kixa I need your help in distributing all the cards to everyone that also includes the other villages, but I will go with you when we distribute the cards."

They all nod their heads.

Me: "To answer your second question and that would be nothing. Now it holds no value because it can't do anything. But once people start to use it, it's going to gain value. It's based upon people and how they view it. In the future, we can regulate prices for things when we become larger but as we are so small there is not much of a need to. For now, it's fine and people can view it as they please. Someone can charge 1 for some meat if they want. But over time as it's used more that will change as say meat becomes less important and it becomes more available with supply. It then might drop down to say 0.5. It just needs to be used and circulated more to create a market. People will then decide the price. As the head of law, I will also make sure that transactions are in expectation as I can look at the transaction and through the magical signature, I can get a general idea for what the transaction was about."

This along with the interface were the only major useful symbols that I found in the book. The elves had tried to replicate the system that we currently have by creating the two parts, the interface and then the inspection tool. They managed to create both but in very simple form as they both can only work in very specific circumstances such as saying a single item and does not work on people. The same with the inspection it only works on simple things, not people or even artefacts. In the book, it said it only worked on identifying low levelled plants and such.

Seeing how the transactions that happen digitally are very simple I managed to get it to work for a general overview/ description of the transition through reading both the people's signature and magic when they do the transaction. For example, my transaction to all the heads just says allowance for the month.

This is basically what I was thinking in my head when I did it.

Me: "Alright we are done. Okas the quicker you can get on making the cards the better this system will be. I know this might be a bit confusing and you might not have much trust in it now but trust me. I promise that it will play out well and you will all see the benefit of it."

Horst: "I'll just say now you haven't failed us before and personally thing seems odd, but I will give you the trust you gave me when you said that I could become a better blacksmith."

They all seem to agree with him after thinking for a few moments.

Me: "This meeting is done if you guys have nothing else to say."

Alssa: "Don't know if you find it useful but just want to say that there have been five new births in the village that happened whilst you were away."

Ila: "Oh, they were so cute. I love seeing the new families all together like that."

Kids can be nice; they can also be annoying little. *cough*. Not sure if I would want to have kids. Hold up Lothran you don't even have a girlfriend yet. Maybe one day. Sad times. Can't a man just get a little bit of love? Oh well.

Horst: "I've been looking for an armour but so far no luck."

Me: "Any ideas for getting one soon."

He just gives me a sorry look and shrugs his shoulder.

Me: "Just keep looking hopefully someone will appear. Maybe we need to go to some other villages."

Horst: "I'll keep looking."

There is a moment of silence as I look around and can see that no one else want to talk.

Me: "Let's leave it there."

Everything is ready for the economy to boom. Now is just the waiting game.