WILL. [Month 4 Day 2]

Almaien: "WILL is a very interesting stat and kind of misleading. It's more like your spirit that lies in the body. To put it in context high-level WILL users can manifest their soul as they chose. They can shape it into animals, monsters, larger forms of themselves. These then interact with the world around them acting as a part of them."

Me: "Are there other things it can do. Like can it make you more determined to do something? It stands for willpower doesn't it."

Almaien: "It's the same as the other stats so no it doesn't affect you."

I just give her a side confused look.

Me: "I don't understand."

Almaien: "Think of stats as sort of like another you. First, you have you standing before me. You have your own motivations, goal, mental health, physical health, and all those kinds of things. Then you have your other-self which is your stats but both of you are still inside the same body. It's kind of hard to explain. Ug … Right, let's from the top. In total having three parts, your soul, your body, and your system. Your soul is the manifestation of your inner person, and it can take any form depending on the person. For example, when you first level up you will to a higher level your soul might manifest as an animal that follows you around. Next is your body which is you in your everyday life when it dies so do your other two parts. It holds everything about you as a person."

Me: "So like my beliefs, what I want to do, hunger, mental health, who I am, what I like, that kind of stuff."

Almaien: "Exactly, everything that makes you, you. Some people get confused and think that stats influence the person, but they don't. Just because I have to say a high WILL does not mean that I suddenly have a massive drive to conquer the world or something. Only you can affect you. Now finally we have the system which is just an information display of you. Kind of. It's an ultimate you. This is always difficult to explain."

Me: "Is it something to do with your ultimate potential. I have heard about it before."

Almaien: "Yep that can be said about it. It's like another you that is always perfect. Let's say in your current body you let yourself go and say you get fat and out of shape, but you were once a warrior. The system you will still retain all of that so even though your body is out of shape the system you can still act like the warrior that you are. All three parts of these are inside you and all makeup you in total but also act independently of you but still make you."

Me: "Thanks for totally not making that complicated at the end their Almaien."

Almaien: "Your welcome Lothran." She says whilst giving the cheekiest grin possible.

I just give her an equal grin back.

Me: "Thanks for the explanation, Almaien."

Almaien: "You can always ask me anything Lothran, never be afraid to ask me."

We continued to walk in comfortable silence for a bit whilst I digest what she said.

Me: "How come the three parts influence each other than if they are independent."

Almaien: "They are still linked to one another, the system still needs the body to interact with the world, the soul needs the body to manifest, the body needs to soul to be alive, and needs the system to gain power. The soul and the system then feed each other through the stats and make the body live. If that makes sense."

I think I have got it, but I still don't know how to train it.

Me: "Almaien, you know how you can train your stats to gain free points how do you train you WILL."

Almaien: "God that a discussion and a half but I'll make it simple and tell you what we the elves believe work and what we do. It connects with yourself, sitting down with yourself and connecting with it. Magic helps a lot with this and the mana that is inside of you can help bridge the connection between all three parts of yourself. What we do is sit down and circulate the mana around our body and think about ourselves. What makes me, me, what defines you as a person. Your body holds your everyday things like personality, like, dislike so you don't want to think that kind of stuff. It is what defines you as a person completely. Your soul holds the core of you. What can never be changed about you? It sometimes helps to think of an animal you might be, but it depends on the person."

Me: "Hold up if you said that my magic and helps to connect to it does that mean that someone else's magic can affect it too."

Almaien: "If they are truly powerful then yes, they can. They could rip your soul from your body. But to do that you have to be truly powerful. You would need enough energy and strength to break the connection of the soul from both the system and the body and then drag it away from it. These things don't want to be away from each other. They are intertwined and noted together and so constantly attract to it."

Me: "So I'm safe from that kind of stuff them."

Almaien: "For the most part yes your safe don't worry." She says that whilst giving me a pat on the shoulder and a warm smile.

I just simile back whilst we continue the walk.

I need to train up my WILL then by connecting with my true self. God this sounds like an Asian kung fu move. Connect with thy self to truly understand they but hole. Ho yes, word of wisdom master. Ha, that reminds me of those quotes of wisdom memes back on earth. What was it?

Ah, that was it, it so good.

Almaien: "What are you so happy about all of a sudden."

I turn to her whilst putting on my best wise man face and voice.

Me: "A poor man has dick cheese whilst a wise man complements it with wine."

Almaien: "*Puft*, *cough*, *cough*, what. Haha haha. Where did that come from."

Me: "From the inner soul."

This just makes her laughs harder.