It must continue. [Month 4 Day 2]

Almaien: "How else can I help Lothran I assume that you did not just come here to make my day."

Me: "I'm not allowed to come here and make you happy. How very rude of you already kicking me out."

Almaien: "If you want to make me happy it's going to take more than that."

Me: "Well lucky for you I bring gifts so let me show them to you."

I drag Almaien to the trader's cart and open one of the boxes. Inside are all the cards we have made which we hope is enough for the elves.

Taking one of the cards out I give it to her.

Almaien: "Making me touch your wood in the morning now. Bold of you."

Me: "What?"

Almaien: "Never mind. What is this, is it to do with the project that you talked about before."

Me: "Yep, let me introduce you to the cards which allow you to connect to an online economic system."

Almaien: "The economic system sounds amazing but what does online mean."

Me: "Right it will be easier to show you, but it will be better to do it indoors."

Almaien then showed me to her newly built house which was swanky and even though was new felt loved and lived in. I also brought with me the box of cards.

I then explained everything about the cards the system the same way I did back at the village meeting at home.

After explaining she sat there for a few moments with a big grin on her face.

Me: "Now it's my turn to ask why you are so happy."

Almaien: "Can't a teacher not be happy about her student doing so well. It had only been a few days and yet you have managed to make something incredible."

Me: "To be honest I can't take all the credit for making it. I stole the idea from someone at my home. I just needed to transfer it to this place and magic helped to make that happen. I knew what I needed and much of how it worked so it was easy to make. I can't take credit for the main idea."

Almaien: "Well nevertheless you still made it and I'm proud of what you have done."

She stands up and hugs me whilst still having a large smile on her face.

Me: "Thanks." I say whilst returning the hug.

Almaien: "Now give me some money so I can see what I can do."

Me: "Already asking for money. How shameful."

Almaien: "Very funny but you are gaining a lot from this Lothran. You're not the only one who understands what this means if you introduce it to all the other villages."

Me: "Do you disapprove?"

Almaien: "No because I know of the good that it can do and how much it will develop everything around here. You clearly understand the implications as well and I don't think of you as a stupid person so you will have thought of what will happen."

Me: "If it does play out with everyone using the system and I become a sort of de facto leader of this area I promise that I will do right by everyone. I will make sure that I don't abuse the power I know how that it feels to be on the boot of society."

Almaien: "You can always ask me for help don't forget that. We might not have known each other for long but you have proven yourself capable and willing to help others and not be stupid about it and do it "for good" as they say. You're an intelligent person Lothran and I think that you can take us far."

Me: "us?"

Almaien: "I plan to use your system that gains from it will be massive and the fact that you have taken your village so far in front of all the other villages in the area proves you are doing something good. The other villages will most likely take the cards as well so you should already think of yourself as the leader of the area. So, get things prepared for that."

Me: "You already have so much confidence in me. Why?"

Almaien: "Actions Lothran, you liberated your village and the villages around from bandits, defended your village from the demon attack when two others failed. You even had time to take in the survivors of the other villages and were still fine. You created this system to help advance the area. This just shows your skills and I have been alive for a while Lothran I can read a person and what kind of person they are."

Me: "Thank you Almaien, really it means a lot to me that you have so much trust in me."

You're the first to believe in me in a long time. I don't feel like some helpless bum around you, it's not so lonely anymore. It doesn't feel so blank.

Almaien: "Are you alright Lothran."

Me: "Fantastic." I give her a truly heartfelt smile.

She smiles back with equal enthusiasm.

Me: "Right I have quite a few cards which should be enough for your entire village. You can distribute them as you see, please. This card will be your one and will have your account, account for your village."

Almaien: "Awesome, give me how every much money you think I need, and I think that we can go from there. Wait how am I going to make new cards if you did not give me enough."

Me: "Umm. Crap let me update the system."

Quickly getting the main hub core out as I carry it with me just in case something like this happened, I add a feature where I can pick if nodes can act as the central node and make more nodes.

It's a quick fix and then giving Almaien her new card.

Me: "Right that is everything for the cards now is onto the money and an idea I had for all the villages to help everyone out. I was thinking of making a merchant guild where people get their cards, traders can meet, and people can sell their things. What do you think?"

Almaien: "I think that you are scarily intelligent as you are already thinking of ways to introduce money flow."

Me: "You say I'm intelligent and yet I say one thing and you already know what I mean and the purpose."

Man, It feels good to have these kinds of conversations. It just feels so smooth.