Chapter 7

The next day, Greg fixed Eve's messy closet. After the cleanup, they headed to the local pub to watch the game. Eve hummed with joy over the delicious chicken wings and beer that made her smile from ear-to-ear. Licking the sauce from her fingers, she realized this was what made her most happy. This was her element. Hanging out with her best friend and watching the game. What could be better than this?

Greg sat watching the football game, stuffing his face with a handful of fries. When halftime came, he turned his attention to Eve.

"Evey, have you heard anything about the job?"

She groaned in utter annoyance at this interruption of her happy bubble. Who in their right mind wanted to talk about work when there was a delicious plate of buffalo wings, dripping with sauce, in front of them. "Dude? No adulting during the game. It's killing my buzz. To answer your question, no. I told you it was a long shot."

"You're hopeless, Evil. I know you don't want to talk about it because you're a big chicken shit when it comes to change. You will just continue trying to not think about it until you get the job. You are notorious for avoiding anything stress related. I do have a question though." Greg took a big gulp of his beer.

"Okay. Shoot."

"If this thing works out with Adam, what then? You are going to have your dream man… oops… I mean… dream job, soon," he said with a smirk.

He knew how to get a rise out of her better than anyone. The glare on her face said it all. He hit the maximum capacity limit on his daily dose of annoy Eve. Mission accomplished.

Eve had a feeling she knew what he was hinting at. "I don't have the job, Greg. You are a pain in the ass, you know that? I saw the announcement on Twitter too."

"So, you know your super lover boy crush is the new President over all the OFL now? The very area in the company you applied for. You may work for your stud muffin. How is that going to work for ya?"

Greg knew even the mere mention of that man made her squirm in her seat. Eve had a huge crush on the new President of the Omega Football League owned by Ashford Sports. The tall football player with long wavy blonde hair and amber-colored eyes, with the body of a Greek god, made her swoon. None other than the first-born son of the owner of Ashford Sports, Hunter Ashford. The one man that made butterflies flutter in her stomach more than anyone else.

Greg flashed his eyelashes at her playfully, watching her blushing expression, knowing full well that Eve was daydreaming about the man as they spoke. Eve just tried to ignore Greg as she continued eating her hot wings.

Eve's crush, Hunter Ashford, was one of the hottest quarterbacks in the NFL, and starting quarterback for the Florida Gators for five years. After her retirement from the NFL, he became a big corporate player in the Omega Football League's startup. After Hunter's early retirement from the field, he worked with his multi-billionaire father to start the new league.

The quick growth of the OFL had impressed Eve. The idea behind it was to create opportunities for more players and staff. Those that were left out of other leagues. Providing more jobs behind the scenes as well. The opportunity gave people like Eve a way to start on the ground floor, with a chance to someday be a leader in the company. Eve knew that if she got the job, it was going to be huge for her career.

Eve glanced across the table at Greg, seeing him still smirking at her.

He waved a French fry, sticking his tongue out at her like a child. "Did I hit a nerve, Evil?

"So? What's your point? What does Hunter have to do with anything?"

Greg gave a hearty chuckle. "You think you can give up Bruce Wayne if you get a chance with Thor? The Greek god that makes your lady parts thunder."

"You have way too many superhero references regarding sex. Adam and I just met. It's not like I'm going to be running off to Vegas to marry him or anything. Adam's nice. I just want to get to know him. Besides, it's not like Hunter would ever be interested in someone like me. I'm a nobody. He's got every woman in the world trying to gain his attention. Thor is right though. He looks just like what Thor would look like in real life. All the Ashford siblings look like they built them in a lab or something. It's not fair for the rest of humanity for that family to have such good-looking people all in one place."

"Right! Have you seen pics of Ashford's youngest daughter, Faith? She's a bombshell. Grace is pretty hot too."

"That's why Hunter would be way out of my league. I'm sure he is not into us average folk. Besides, it's a big company. I may never meet Hunter, even if I do get hired."

Greg grabbed a hot wing, pointing it at her. "You never know. You might even be working right under him. Haha! You would like to be under him, wouldn't you?"

Eve threw a fry at him with a little laugh. "You suck, Greg."

"What if you do meet him? Are you going to spaz out like you always do around hot guys? I'm actually surprised you are so calm around Adam."

Eve zoned out, thinking about her crush and the chance to meet him. "I don't know? It's just a silly celebrity crush. It's nice to fantasize about, but I'm not diluted in thinking I have a shot. You know I've liked him since the first time I saw him on TV, when he was playing college ball. I've followed his whole career. I just look up to him. That's all."

"Yep, and ever since then, no other guy has ever had a chance at turning your head. Until this Adam guy, that is. You dragged me to every game when Hunter played. Any game close to this area, we were there. Sometimes I wonder if it's football you like, or the tight pants and sexy quarterbacks." He laughed, throwing a fry back at her.

Eve scrunched up her nose, hiding her smile. "It's a toss up. Sexy men in tight pants are my kink. Know what? If you would play football again, it would be perfect. My bestie and football. Perfection. I could have an excuse to be in the locker room to peek in on hot football players naked." She wiggled her eyebrows at him jokingly. "Yummy!"

"In all seriousness, I wish I could play football again. It's always been my favorite sport. Baseball can be a little boring sometimes. But right now baseball pays my bills, so it's that or nothing." He called over the bartender and ordered another beer.

"Football pays more. Are you going to try out next season for the OFL?" Eve hoped he would.

Greg sighed. "Eve, you know that it's hard to switch games. Besides, I just got to the pros. I don't want to screw it up."

"You've talked to other people that did the switch. It's possible. I have faith in you. I know you like football more than baseball. Do what makes you happy. Forget about the money."

"I'll tell you what. I'll try out next season, if you call about the status of your job application this week. It's a good idea to show some real interest. You don't have to be pushy, just show you are really serious about this. Either way, Evil, we're going on to bigger and better things." Greg toasted her with his beer.

Eve sat and thought, "Definitely! Okay. If I don't hear from them by tomorrow morning, I'll call. And stop calling me Evil!"


"Greg. I mean it."

"Okay! Party pooper."