Chapter 8

It was a Wednesday afternoon, before the River Bats baseball home game. Eve walked through the locker room door, bringing the team water and Gatorade. "All right, boys, put your junk away. I don't want to see any penis measuring contests or sword fights."

One of the team members, Jake, snapped her with a towel on the butt. "Eve baby, is that what you think guys do in locker rooms?"

"Yep. I hear you girls gossip. Jake, I hear they didn't have a ruler small enough for you to join in." She passed him a bottle of water.

He laughed and grabbed her by the waist, kissing the top of her head. It was known that Jake was well endowed from the rumors from the team's various female groupies. "Now, Eve. You know that is just wrong. I think you were thinking about your girlfriend, Greg. So who wears the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants this week?"

Greg just ignored the typical team banter they had with Eve. He pulled on his socks and grabbed his cleats. They were all like a group of her big brothers to her, so their teasing was just part of her daily life. What they dished out, she gave back ten fold.

Eve laughed it off. "Oh, Greg has them. He wore them out to the club last night. You should know. He said you were being a little rough in bed last night and stretched them out of place. You should be more gentle with your dates. Those were my favorite jeans." Eve shoved Jake playfully.

Greg scowled, saying, "Hey! Why am I always brought into you two's bullshit?"

Jake threw a towel at him. "Oh, calm down, princess. You are just butt hurt because Eve went out with that rich agent. You're jealous, big man. Eve, he's been pissy ever since you met this new guy. Greg's been walking around like someone took his toy away."

"That's not true. I'm happy if she's happy. I just don't trust the guy yet. Especially since his brother is Drew. That alone says sketchy to me." Greg pulled on his jersey with a jerk. It was clear he was not happy about Eve dating Adam.

Eve frowned with concern and walked over to him slowly, while the guys went back to getting ready for the game.

Eve grabbed Greg's bicep. "Greg?"

"What?" He tried ignoring the inevitable topic.

"You really don't trust Adam?" She was disappointed to think he didn't like Adam. Greg's opinion meant the world to her.

Greg pulled her aside, gaping at her. "Listen, Eve. I don't know why, I just don't have a good feeling about this. It's probably just me being overprotective. I might just be paranoid. Just… be careful, okay?" He hugged her, laying his head on hers. Greg wanted to see her happy. He knew she was lonely, but something about Adam didn't sit well with him.

Eve hugged him tight. "I'll be fine. Thanks for always looking out for me."

The coach opened the locker room door with a bang, and everyone turned to face him. "Listen up team! We have a guest in the house!"

Eve and Greg turned to face the coach. Eve's eyes got wide and looked over at Greg, who growled under his breath in annoyance. Greg grabbed his hat, shoving it on his head and down over his eyes slightly, to hide his displeasure with the man who just walked into his safe place.

"What's Adam doing here?"

Eve just shrugged.

"I want to introduce you all to Mr. Weston. I know all you scrubs have been gossiping about the new agent in town like a bunch of little girls." The coach stepped aside to allow Adam to the floor, as the team chatter moved around the room like a wave.

Adam stepped up with a serious and intimidating look on his face, wearing a sharp black suit with a red tie. He adjusted himself, looking around the room, straightening his shoulders when he's eyes rested on Eve. His piercing blue eyes were like a man on the prowl, as a sly smirk curved the edges of his lips. He lightly licked his lips and gave Eve a wink. Quickly, he went back to the hard business executive persona he walked in with.

Greg looked over at Eve, who was now blushing from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. He rolled his eyes and sat on the bench, pulling her down next to him. He glared at Adam, who turned his attention back to the team. Greg already had an agent, so the conversation didn't affect him, anyway.

He grabbed his glove and took Eve's hand. "Excuse me, Coach. I don't think this conversation involves me since I'm heading to Florida. I'm going to take Eve and warm up."

The coach nodded in agreement as Adam's eyes grew dark, watching Greg pull Eve from the room. Greg seemed like a roadblock and Adam didn't take kindly to anything standing in the way of something he wanted. He turned his focus to work, trying to forget the tension between him and Greg. Adam proceeded to address the team, trying to seem unaffected. Deep down, he was fuming.

Once outside, Eve shoved Greg away from her. Furious, she crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes red with anger. "What the hell was that, Greg Stapleton?"

Greg pulled on his baseball mitt. "I needed someone to help me warm up. I already have an agent. I didn't need to listen to your boyfriend talk up the team. All agents are alike. They all say the same boring shit."

"It has nothing to do with the fact that I just happened to be dating him?" Eve growled.

"Calm down. Just throw a few pitches with me. Please?"

Eve stared him down, knowing he was shutting down the conversation. When Greg didn't want to talk, he was impossible.

"Fine!" She stomped out onto the field.

A few throws in, Eve's pitch got hard and fast. She was a good pitcher with great aim. Also, a bit of a hothead. Her last throw beamed Greg in the stomach.

"OUCH! Hey! Eve! What gives?" He rubbed his stomach, coughing from the shock of sharp pain.

"You're lucky I didn't aim lower, you douchebag! What's your problem with Adam?"

Greg walked over to take her arm and pulled her into the dugout. "You tell me? I asked my agent. No one in LA knows him. Why is that? Something's not right here, Eve."

Eve pulled back, looking at Greg, surprised at his comment. "I... I don't know. He said his business is new. Maybe he is just getting off the ground floor. His family is rich, but maybe he's trying to build up on his own without their help."

Greg thought about it with some consideration. He was always a little bit much when it came to Eve. He just wanted to know she was safe. In that, sometimes he got a little too aggressive with his protective nature. It had run off a few guys in the past, but all for the best.

"Maybe you're right. I just don't trust the guy. He really has to show me he's legit before I will fall for it. I don't want you to get hurt. I hope you know I mean well, Eve. I just want to know you're safe."

Eve looked away, ready to punch her best friend in the face. "Stop trying to be my dad. He died. He left me and so did my mom. Just like my brothers. Just like my ex. Just like you will too. Everyone does. Don't worry, I won't get hurt. I don't think I can ever love anyone again, anyway. I'm unloveable. People leave me, that's just the way it is." She started to walk away, trying to fight back tears.

"Except maybe, you're hoping for the possibility of Hunter? That maybe he might be different. The one you're afraid to meet because you don't want to get rejected. I know you didn't follow up with the OFL. You're scared," Greg dropped his tone.

She whipped her head back around. "How could you bring that up? He would never want me and you know it! That digs deep, Stapleton. You know what? I think maybe I should just forget about that childish dream. Love doesn't happen to me. Especially with someone like Hunter. That really hurt, Greg."

Her head dropped as she walked away and Greg saw a single tear drop onto the cement floor of the dugout. He knew he hurt her. Greg just shook his head in disappointment with himself.

Eve headed back inside the stadium, as Adam was coming out. Greg saw him and grabbed a ball bat, heading straight for him, and the man didn't see him coming. He was too focused on Eve, who was clearly upset.

"Eve, sweetheart. Are you okay?" Adam tried to get a hold of her, now seeing she was crying.

She pulled away and wrapped her arms around herself. "I'm fine. See you Friday."

She rushed away as fast as she could. She didn't want to talk to Adam or anyone else.

Adam looked over at Greg and stomped his way over to him, suddenly noticing Greg was doing the same. "Do you have a problem with me, Stapleton?"

Greg walked up to him toe-to-toe, red faced, and steaming mad. He pulled the bat over his shoulder, ready to swing at Adam at any moment. "No problem. As long as you don't hurt my Eve, there will be no problem."

Adam's face turned into an evil smirk. "Your Eve? Ms. Callaway is her own person. You don't own her, ball boy."

"No, I don't. But I watch out for her. She's like family to me, and I sure as fuck I don't trust you. Watch yourself or you'll be on the receiving end of this." Greg pointed the bat he was holding in Adam's face.

"Are you threatening me?" Adam's eyes turned red with anger.

"Not a threat. It's a damn promise. I know your brother. If you're anything like Drew, I don't want you anywhere near her. I hope you're not. I hope you are legit. Right now, though, I don't think you deserve Eve. She's a good person. She doesn't need someone playing games with her head."

Adam chuckled in disbelief at the conversion he was having. "Says the guy who's made a career of playing games. I know your reputation, Stapleton. Mister ladies' man is standing here trying to tell me how to treat a lady. Take your own damn advice. Don't you worry. I will take very good care of Eve. Very good care. Just stay out of my way, ball boy. Leave things to the real men and you keep playing with your balls." Adam backed away, grinning devilishly. Adam's phone rang, and he looked down at the screen and sighed. "I have to take this. Business." Adam turned on his heals rushing away.

Greg mumbled under his breath. "Take care of her? That's what I'm afraid of."