Chapter 9

Adam sat tapping his finger on the rock glass with bourbon in his penthouse apartment in Downtown Louisville. Drew entered the room sitting down quietly, noticing his brother's side-eyed glare.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Drew slunk down in a side chair across from his brother. "The bar. They're wanting me to organize a celebrity meet and greet for Kentucky Derby week." Drew tried to not make eye contact.

Adam rolled his eyes, looking out over the city from the amazing view. "Are you ever going to grow up? Fucking bar scene. That's pathetic."

Drew looked away, embarrassed at his brother's harsh criticism. "I'm just trying to make my own business. It's going well. Maybe one day I can open my own bar. So… how are things with you and Eve?"

Adam hissed through his teeth. "Well, let's see? My asshole brother and his drunken whore interrupted our first date. My girl's best friend, who's also a baseball player, has it out for me. Him being in my line of business can be bad news for us all around. I'm not sure what kind of relationship they really have, but I think he's going to give me problems. So, you tell me how it's going, Drew?"

"If you're worried about Greg, don't be. He's cool once you get to know him. They are close like brothers and sisters. That's it. I'm sorry I embarrassed you on your date. I'll tell Eve it was all my fault and apologize. Have you been able to make a deal with daddy dearest?" Drew sat back in a contemporary leather armchair, hoping his brother would calm down.

Adam got up, walking to the large glass window overlooking the city. The image of the professional-looking man was a vision not unlike a mafia king as he stood brooding in the window of the penthouse condo. "Nothing yet. I am going to meet Ashford in New York next week. Again in Florida a few weeks from now. Martin Ashford wants me to see the new stadium and headquarters of the OFL."

"What about Selene? Is she going with you?"

Adam looked over his shoulder at his brother like he was out of his mind. He let out a slightly amused huff. "You're kidding, right? She may be family, but she's about as charming as a rabid dog. No. If things work out, I may invite Eve. She's beautiful and classy. She knows a lot about sports, too. Eve went to school for public relations, so it may be an asset to sweeten the deal. She can talk sports with dear old dad to get on his good side. Eve wants to be a talent recruiter. I may let her meet Martian. He loves when people can talk sports with him."

Drew threw back his head, laughing. "How do you know so much about Eve? Are you stalking her or something?"

"No, idiot. Unlike you, I actually listen when a woman tells me about her interests and goals. Eve's special." Adam sat down across from his brother, leaning his elbows on his knees. He smiled slightly, thinking about Eve as she swished the bourbon around in his glass.

Drew narrowed his brows and crossed his arms. He was a little upset with Adams' relationship himself. "You are really interested in her, aren't you? Even after I told you that I liked her before you ever met her. That's messed up. You're my brother."

"It's not like the girl ever gave you the time of day. What's wrong? Are you going to go all bro code on me? Eve is too classy for you," Adam scolded.

Drew rolled his eyes. "You act like you are so much better than me. You may wear those expensive suits and drink high dollar bourbon, but you're not better than anyone. You hate on everyone I know and think we are selfish socialites. In fact, you're worse." Drew got up, ready to leave. "At least my friends don't always see everything so negatively. Maybe you could learn something from them."

Adam just brushed it off. He didn't care when Drew thought. Eve was his. He won this time.

Adam's phone rang. "It's Selene. Get out of here. Go check on the status of the LA deal. Hello…?"

"Darling! Adam, I miss you. When are you coming back to LA, love?" The loud woman practically screamed over the phone.

Adam sat back, rubbing his temple. "Soon. What do you want?"

"I need some cash. Wire money into my account. I just found the cutest Prada bag." She yelled for someone in the background about another glass of champagne.

"Stop yelling on the damn phone, Selene! You are a big girl. Get a fucking job. You and my spoiled brat brother are draining our family fortune faster than I can keep up with it." Adam went to the bar and poured another glass of bourbon, downing it fast.

"Oh, sweetie. It's just money. Can't take it with you. Anyway, I'm going to Cabo for a few days. Don't worry about checking up. Chao, love!" Selene hung up.

Adam just went back to sit in the armchair, leaning his head back. Looking at him alone, anyone could see the entire world was on his shoulders. His immediate family was not the responsible type he was. They spent through the Weston fortune faster than he could make it. His family's thoroughbred farm had been on the verge of being shut down, and would have been if it wasn't for him. Drew and Selene just made it harder for him to keep things in check.

A ding came on his phone, making Adam smile for the first time all day. A text from Eve appeared.

Eve: Sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to blow you off at the baseball field. I was rude. Greg and I were having a disagreement. Forgive me?

Adam: I can't stay mad at my lady.

Eve: Your lady? Dinner tomorrow night? My place. Are we still on?

Adam: Wouldn't miss it. See you then, beautiful.

Eve dropped her phone next to her, flopping back on her bed with a smile. "His lady? So sweet. I can't believe someone that hot wants to date me." Eve swooned at the thought.

Greg stood in the doorway, watching her with hurt written all over his face. He was getting ready for the weekend road trip with the team, and couldn't leave town while Eve was still mad at him.

Almost in tears, he lightly tapped on the door facing. "Eve. Can I come in?"

She jumped, not knowing he had come into the condo. Throwing a pillow at him before she realized it was her bestie, she yelled, "You scared me!"

He looked so sad standing there. Like a lost little puppy trying to not make eye contact. "I'm leaving. I wanted to say bye. I —"

Eve got up and rushed to hug him. "I'm sorry."

"You're not still mad? I hate when you're mad at me." Greg hugged her tightly.

"No way. I know you are just watching out for me. How long will you be gone?"

Greg sighed in relief that his best friend wasn't still mad at him for the confrontation with Adam. "A week. I have to go to Florida after the away-game to sign my contract. They said it's important that I meet them this coming week."

"Hmm. That's good, though. One step closer to the pros."

"Yep. Hey, about your date. If you need anything, Jake is staying home. He's benched until his arm is better. He took a hard hit last game." Greg pulled her back at arm's length to look her in the eyes. "You still don't know him well enough. I just wanted to make sure you have a date escape in case you need it."

"Okay. I may go check on Jake tomorrow, anyway. He texted and said he was really hurt. He seems a little down. I'm sorry for being mean to you. Thanks for always being there for me, Greg. Even when I don't think I need your help," Eve said, laying her head on his chest. "Today's the day."

Greg fought back tears, feeling Eve's tears drop on his shirt. "I know, Evey. I went over to put flowers on your parents' grave. It's been two years since your mom passed away. You want me to take a later flight? I can tell the coach something came up."

"No. I'll be all right. I'm just glad you came to tell me you were leaving. Text me when you get a chance."

"I will. I have to go. Love ya, Eve."

Eve backed up, "Love you too, ya big grouch."

"Eve. We're okay, right?"
