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Chapter 168

"Mary, I can't believe this. I can't stand Jim Tomas after what he did to me. But this? Who did this? His family must be devastated." Chloe sat in front of the TV, switching channels, looking for more news on the kidnappings. 

"Chloe, you know they are going to be coming back here, right? The FBI will be snooping around and asking questions again." Mary sat next to her friend. "They are going to want answers from you."

"What? Do you think I flew four hours away from here last night and kidnapped him or something? Maybe I had time on my ten-minute break at work? Of course, tending bar in Chicago, then on to Louisville in my ten minutes is totally possible," she mocked, rolling her eyes. "Then there was my all-day shift at Bloomingdales doing makeup. Maybe I made a disguise. Oh, and we both know I can be strong enough to overpower Dorian Brooks too and throw him in my creeper van. Mary, thanks for making me feel like crap. My own friend doesn't trust me."