
Nyx and I talked for hours. Apparently she was a run away and the boss, whoever he was, had found her and taken her in. Unlike me, she was grateful. When I told her my story, she just laughed. I guess she didn't believe me.

"I'm willing to do whatever he wants me to do, as long as I don't have to go back home." She says. She grins at me, her green eyes flashing. "Hey, how about we have some fun before we have to deal with all the strictness?"

I laugh nervously. "I uh....would LOVE to hurts." I say, obviously struggling to find an excuse. The truth was, my back DID still hurt, but not nearly as much as it did earlier. Whatever they put on my back was doing wonders.

She grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet, leading me to the door. "Come on...don't be such a wuss."

I narrow my eyes at her. "I'll show you who's a wuss." I exclaim, pushing past her and running down the hall. I could here her running behind me and I laugh, sliding down a railing of a small stairwell.

I wait for her at the bottom, and when she lands she grins at me. "Lets go outside! The grounds must be huge! This is a mansion after all!" She darts away and I follow her.

We decide to take an elevator after tiring out. We were much higher up than I thought. After we reach the bottom floor, Nyx runs towards the front doors. We had just gotten outside when my arm is grabbed.

I cry out in surprise, and see Nyx being held by a man. I look up to see who my captor was.

To my surprise, it was Apollo. He didn't look to happy, and neither did the guy who was holding Nyx.

"Just what do you think you're doing." he snarls. "Both of you." he adds, looking between Nyx and I.

I open my mouth to answer but Nyx beats me to it. "We just wanted to see who could get outside first, that's all."

Apollo narrows his eyes at her, and then looks at me. I nod at him.

"Whatever. Get back to your rooms. It's almost role call." He grumbles, turning to the guy who had grabbed Nyx and whispering to him.

Nyx walks with me to my room before waving me goodbye and going to hers. I plop down on my bed and sigh.

It was odd. I almost felt...happy. Even with the fact that I had gotten kidnapped and tortured, I still had a small smile on my face.

It was...odd.