A couple hours later, Apollo was true to his word and came back. By then I was sober-ish, with a throbbing headache.
Apollo leans against the wall and stares at me, his arms crossed. He seemed to be considering his words.
"Wren." He finally says. "You are a fucking idiot."
I grin at him sheepishly before looking down at my hands, which were resting on my lap. "I'm sorry...." I say.
Apollo scoffs. "After all the training you've gone through, you still do shit like this? I can't believe you!" he shakes his head before stalking towards me.
I shrink back. "Um...Apollo...did I do anything... weird?" I ask. I had drank a lot last night, and tended to act oddly when that much alcohol was in my system.
Apollo stops to think, before blushing ever so slightly. He turns around and clears his throat.
I panic a bit. "What? What did I do?"
"Nothing." Apollo grumbles.
I eye him frantically, trying to get a hint of what I had done. I freeze when I realized that Apollo had blushed. He blushed!
He never blushes, yet alone shows any emotion other than annoyance, boredom, and anger.
"Oh shit..." I murmur to myself, grabbing my sheets in embarrassment.
A/N: Totally on writers block so this was all I could squeeze out. I'm sorry!!! Another chapter will be released in a couple days to a week I don't know!!! Let me know how you're enjoying I Love You Not in the comments, and add it to your Library to get notified of more updates!