Bad Choices

Nyx pulled me into her room, and looked around. It was the first time I had been in here. She had been right, my room was bigger, but not by a lot. The setup was pretty similar, the main thing in the bedroom being the bed.

Nyx walks over to a dresser as I look around.

"Hey Wren, you ever get drunk before?"

I turn to look at her, to find her pulling out several bottles of alcohol. I roll my eyes at her. "That's so you..." I mutter.

She grins. "Come one, I bet you're a lightweight." She taunts.

My eyes flick to her. "Am not!" I defend myself. She hands me a bottle and grabs one for herself. "Whoever finishes first wins then." She smirks at me. I eye her, fully aware of what she was doing but not wanting to be known as a lightweight. I sigh and pop the top of with the edge of her dresser. She the same thing.

"3...2...1!" She exclaims before tilting her bottle back and beginning to chug.

I gape at her, as these bottles weren't small and the alcohol was concentrated. I smirk and tilt my bottle back too.

After a bit, we had finished, and were already a little woozy. I sit on the floor, but that makes my head spin a little. "Where did you even get those." I point to the remaining full bottles.

"It's a secret." She smiles, scooting next to me.

I close my eyes as I felt the alcohol starting to take effect. "Lightweight." Nyx whispers in my ear. My eyes snap open and I glare. "Give me another one." I growl. She does and I open it, taking a swig.

We share that one, and talk for a bit before Nyx falls asleep, resting her head on my shoulder. I sit for a little longer, staring at the wall, before standing up. Nyx flops over but doesn't wake up.

I walk out of the room, stumbling down the hall, and start heading up to my room. I have a goofy smile on my face that causes a few heads to turn. When I reach my floor, I notice Apollo walking down the hall. I grin and saunter up to him. "There you are." he sighs.

"Hellooooo." I purr, running my hand down his chest.

Apollo freezes, shocked, before grabbing my wrist and pushing my hand away. "What the hell do you think you're doing!" he hisses quietly.

I blink up at him innocently, before he grabs my arm and drags me to room room. He slams my door and pivots to glare at me.

I smile at him.

I think that made him more mad because he stomps up to me and grabs the collar of my shirt. "Are you drunk?"

I look at him, tilting my head a bit. "No you are." I slur.

Apollo rubs his temples and starts pacing. "Do you know how stupid that is? Where did you even get it?" he looks at me.

I shrug, and walk towards him. He backs away, looking at me nervously. We play at this game for a while before I give up and flop onto the floor. He frowns at me and nudges my leg.

I grumble.

His frown deepens and he glares at me.

"Get up." he barks.

I peer up at him, my eyes tracing the outline of his jaw and running down his chest. I bite my lip. How I would love to see him without a shirt.

I think he catches me staring because he turns away and walks into me bathroom, muttering something about getting me a glass of water.

There was carpet around my bed but hard floor around that. I rest my mead against it and close my eyes to the cool feeling.

Apollo comes back and pulls me to my feet. I lean against him with a groan, starting to feel a little sick. "There's water in the bathroom. I want you to try and vomit as much of that shit out as you can." Apollo says, leading me to the bathroom.

As soon as I see the toilet the urge to vomit rushes over me and I stumble towards it, just barely making it in time.

Apollo watches from the doorway, his arms crossed.

After vomiting for a while he walks in, flushes the toilet, and helps me drink a little bit of water. My head droops against my chest and my eyes threaten to close.

"How much did you drink.?" Apollo asks sternly.

I look up at him.

"Too much..." I murmurs tiredly. "Nyx...."

Apollo sighs. "I already phoned her mentor. He's with her."

I nod. My head spun at the movement and I wince, feeling groggy. Apollo helps me to the bed and takes off my shoes. "Stay here until I come back. We're gonna have a long talk when you've sobered up." he says, shooting me a look of disapproval.

I grumble and turn over in my bed, already nodding off to sleep.