
Apollo's POV:

I had walked to the edge of the forest and then walked some more, before reaching the road where my ride would be. I only had to wait a couple of minutes before the black car with tinted windows pulled up. I got in and shut the door and the driver looked at me through the mirror.

"Where to, sir?" He said politely.

I gave him an address near the man's house and the driver pulled away from the side of the road. I glanced at the information, and then picked it up, pulling out the maps.

I would need to know the ins and outs of this whole operation before anything. I circled escape routes and entrances, places where there could possibly be guards, and the places I was most likely to find him.

After I finished that I rolled down the window, enjoying the breeze and freshness of the open road we were driving on. Thick brush and trees surrounded us on both sides, but watching the green blur past the car was relaxing.

As I was sitting there, my mind drifted to Wren and that stupid grin he would get when he was goofing around with Nyx. Before I knew it, I had that stupid fucking grin. As soon as I realized I covered my mouth with my hand. Why was I thinking about him?

Stop it. I scold myself. The worst thing to be on a mission is distracted, especially by a silly crush. I frown, looking outside of the window again. The trees reminded me of him. Green like his eyes and a dark, beautiful brown like his hair.

I shake my head and close my eyes. I needed to get a bit of sleep before anything else. I was good at sleeping on the spot. I could probably sleep standing up if I really wanted to.

A couple of hours later my driver woke me. "Sir. We have arrived at your destination." He bows. I nod to him and grab my things, stepping out of the car.

"Meet me back here in 36 hours." I say.

He nods and steps back into the car, driving away. I look around. I was at a gas station that was only a couple of blocks away from my targets house.

I double check the address that Boss had given me before heading in that direction. I would study the property for a bit before making a move.

The house wasn't extremely huge, but it wasn't really small either. I walked past it a couple of times before finally slipping through some hedges.

After watching the house for a couple of hours I determined that there was no guards. Just my target, his wife, and two kids.

I snuck into the house later that night when everyone inside was asleep. I head towards what I thought to be the master bedroom, walking quietly and carefully. Once I reach the door, I realized it was shut tight. I purse my lips, not knowing how light a sleeper my target and his wife were.

I put my hand on the handle and hold my breath, twisting it until I hear a soft click. I pause, waiting to see if there was any noises coming from the room, and heating known, I slowly push the door open. To my relief it doesn't squeak.

I poke my head into the room, looking at the bed. I stood completely still, barely breathing, for ten minutes before I made a move into the room. I walk quietly to the edge of the bed, the side where my target was laying, and unsheath my katana.

I lift it up, ready to deliver a quick, clean blow, but a kick to my stomach knocks me done.

"GO!" The man roars. I see the shadow of his wife leap from the bed and flee from the room.

Shit. Shit. SHIT!

I jump to my feet and turn to run after her but the man knocks me down again. He kicks the katana from my hand and jumps on me, punching me in the face. It doesn't really hurt but I can feel my lips split. I taste blood and that makes me angry. I reach down a pull a knife from my boots.

"Sorry." I say, before stabbing him in the neck. I yank the blade forwards so I slice his jugular. I hear him gurgle and he slumps onto me. If I hurry I could still catch the wife before-

Sirens. Then police lights outside the curtains. I curse and grab my katana, after pushing the man's body off of me.

I needed to leave, now. this could not have gone more wrong.

I swing the window open and jump, landing heavily and collapsing to my knees. The floor I was on was second story, so the jump wasn't easy. Thankfully I could still walk. I run towards the hedges and once I was out, I kept running. I ran a good couple of miles before I decided I had run far enough. I was going to check into a hotel for a bit but since I had been seen it wasn't a smart thing to do.

I walk for a bit longer, before finding a bush that would hide me for a bit. It wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep but I had slept in worse spots.

The last thing I thought about before I drifted off was not if I would get got, but of Wren. I hoped he wasn't causing too much trouble.