Spellcasting 101

The Magus paused and cleared his throat. "Ah well yes then I say enough with the studies then let's take a quick tour as there are a few things I want you to see and then we can perhaps begin showing you some spells and incantations."

Kyjus tried to hide his excitement but as with most 14-year-olds he failed miserably. The Magus could only smile as he noticed his mood brightened immensely.

"Well, follow me then", the Magus said as he lead Kyjus out of the room and down the short distance that opened into the major area of the library. It was near empty as he expected since he had been reading in the Magus' small library for what seemed like weeks. He had been spending many a long day and night there recently, missing most opportunities to see Syrus and only seeing the Dwarves on his walks to and from his tutoring.

He of course expected as much guessing the urgency of the situation. The fact that he was taken from his home and placed into very unfamiliar territory (as a different planet often is) and add to that that everyone was relying on him and others not much older was a dead giveaway of the desperation of the situation.

Thinking of this and typically nothing else on his days of studying he was able to get through the long hours of books and stale rooms with no sunshine. But now he was going to get to cast spells and perform magic this was the start of spending fewer hours studying and more time spell casting or at least that is what he hoped would be the case.

Walking through the library they now entered the pillar room; all of the sets of doors were opened and Kyjus could clearly see the outer doors through the double doors of the main foyer room. They moved toward them and then through the doubles set of doors, coming to stop upon a balcony.

Below the balcony was an extremely large open room with tree's, plants, a running stream, several fountains and a small pond with a path running out to its center to an island with several cement type benches and the statue of an old man with a large pointy hat.

"Merlin" the Magus said before he could ask.

Kyjus gave him a confused sort of look.

"You were wondering about the statue of the man, were you not?" Not waiting for an answer, he continued. "The statue is of Merlin. There is another one near the back of the courtyard in a sort of cove of trees. That one would be of Copernicus."

"You have questions no doubt", the Magus said to Kyjus.

"Loads" he responded.

"I thought as much. What say you to letting me explain and what I don't answer in the explanation you can ask as a question then," the Magus requested of Kyjus.

Kyjus nodded in agreement.

"Well, this room is exactly as you see it with the animals, plants, water and such. It is on the planet of Desmonia, and it is not. I guess the easiest explanation is that it is linked by a dimensional thread formed by a group of Elven Wizards more than a thousand years ago. Everything in this place is designed to help further the advancement of magic. The way it looks, the sounds, and even the water itself, which is drinkable, I might add."

"The room exists in its own space but without the thread to Desmonia there is no way in or out without the abilities of an extraordinary Mage or Wizard. Eventually this room will be where you and Kelsee spend portions of your days studying.

Perhaps Kelsee before you, as she has much more of a head start then you, seeing how her mother trained her for many cycles and you are just starting your training. I am supremely confident that you will be there nonetheless though young Kyjus".

"Now do you have any questions," the Magus asked his young student.

"Just one sir, how do you get down there," Kyjus replied.

"Ah yes well that is why I said some day you will be there Master Kyjus. For it is written that no Wizard or Mage may enter Constebella's Sanctum unless they may do so of their own accord", do you understand he asked Kyjus.

"Well, I know what my own accord is but does that mean I climb down with a rope then", the young student asked.

"Decidedly not young master, you may use only your staff, and you will levitate down to the Sanctums floor, or you will blink or teleport down. To enter the sanctum in any other manner is not acceptable. I hope that is clear sir", the Magus said to him.

Kyjus nodded that it was and mumbled that the Magus was right it would be awhile before he ever saw the floor of that place.

"Well young master shall we continue on then", the Magus said as he gestured back through the balcony doorway.

Kyjus stopped as he exited the balcony, giving the Magus time to close the balcony's double doors. He then proceeded into the next hallway into a small chamber. "This is called the Progressionary Chamber. This chamber is where you will start, once you have mastered the simple Spells of Alarune, you can then advance down the hall to the next chamber and thus it will continue until you are ready for your final test. Any Questions," the Magus asked.

"Yes, I have a few questions", Kyjus responded. The first is what is my final test? The second is what hallway. I only see this room there is no hallway."

"Both reasonable questions and I will say let us take this one step at a time, there is no sense worrying about a final test until that time has arrived and second the hallway will appear once you have fulfilled the requirements of the initial tasks and that would be mastering the Spells of Alarune. I hope this helps to clarify," the Magus responded.

"I know it's been a long day but what say you to sitting down and briefly going through the spells you need to understand to move on. Perhaps we can even try a few of them before we retire for the evening. I mean that is if you are up to it young sir."

Kyjus nodded that he was indeed ready to begin his spell casting.

"Ok the first spell you will need as a mage is the conjuration of food and water. This may seem trivial and unimportant in the scheme of things, but you never know when food and water will be sparse and thus having this spell in your repertoire will come in handy."

Kyjus nodded that he understood.

"There are no components for this spell as long as you have your staff, if you are without your staff, you can use crumbs of food to make some food and you can always create water if there is some in the air but with the staff its cold spring water and without it well who knows what you will get. Shall we begin", he asked Kyjus.

"When casting a spell, Kyjus it is very important that you hold your staff directly in front of you and point it at the target or in the general area or apparition in a conjuration spell. Clear so far?"

Again, Kyjus nodded that he understood so the Magus continued.

"You must think of what you want to create when casting the spell. In the first spell we are going to attempt to conjure a loaf of rye bread. You must envision this before it will come to pass. You will also need to know the incantation so I will give it to you now. The words are producius whey. Pretty simple don't you think", the Magus asked of the young Mage.

"Well, it does sound simple enough. Should I give it try then", Kyjus asked.

The Magus nodded.

Kyjus held the staff in front of him and pointed it at the tops of the closest table. "Producius Whey" he said. There was a brief flash of light and a suction type sound and on the table was well it wasn't exactly bread.

"Splendid young Master, Excellent work", the Magus said lightly clapping his hands together.

"Uh professor whatever that is or was, is now filled with maggots and mold. That is not even edible, I would starve if I had to eat that", Kyjus responded.

"Well, I didn't expect you to get it right the first try but it was very close young master very close. Well keep going then you will get the hang of it."

Kyjus tried several more times with similar results before finally making some very flat stale bread. It was edible but far from delicious. The magus viewed this as a success so who was he to argue.

And so it hour after he sat in isolation trying to cast his spells with only marginal success. What was the major reason for this, why had he been able to conjure such a perfect light and now he was struggling with the most basic of spells? And then it hit him, he had really wanted the light; it was out of necessity that he cast that spell. He was not casting a spell at all really. It was more like a wish that his staff was granting him, and it did so, because he imagined so thoroughly what he wanted.

He believed this to be the missing piece of the puzzle, the link to his success if you will or rather the lack thereof. Closing his eyes, he imaged a giant loaf of bread still hot from the oven. "Producius Whey" he cast his spell. On the ground in front of him sat piping hot bread.

Smiling, he now envisioned a large mug of cold spring water. "Producius Liquidicus" he said hoping that he had pronounced the words the way the Magus had instructed him earlier that morning.

Now before him sat a chilling cup of water and some delicious smelling bread. Kyjus could barely contain his excitement as he reached for both. Just then the door opened, and the Magus walked through.

"Excellent work young master, most excellent. Shall we sit for a minute and partake of your labors" he said smiling and sitting next to Kyjus.

They sat and ate of the bread, Kyjus made a glass of water for the Magus. Neither of them said anything but it was obvious they were both happy, as they enjoyed the moment.

"Of course, you know this is only a small step in your training".

Kyjus somewhat frowned at this.

"Don't get me wrong young master it's an important one you can be sure of that, but I am just saying we still have a long way to go. I can see your getting a little tired though so what do you say we call it a day. You can rest or have the dwarves show you some of the city. "

"Get to bed early though young master as tomorrow will be a busy day as you will venture on in your discovery of magic, agreed", he asked of Kyjus.

The young mage nodded and smiling he left the room and moved to walk with the dwarves that were standing stoically just outside the chamber.