A Journey Started

The morning came all too quickly for the young mage. Kyjus readied groggily with some help from Weemus who just smiled.

Secretly the little gnome was glad the mage was tired as that meant he had enjoyed the book he had selected for him. The gnome did everything he could to help the young mage prepare for his journey.

He wanted to make sure that when Syrus said it was time to head out that Kyjus would be ready and waiting. The chateau was well stocked with all the provisions they would need for the first stage of their journey.

Weemus and Deemus both were busily running around packing food, medical supplies, and other items they felt would be needed for the journey.

Each of the chosen was responsible for getting themselves ready, although Kyjus conveniently found that all of his stuff was packed and setting by the back entrance so that it could be loaded onto one of the pack mules.

Kyjus smiled as he read the note from his newly found gnome friend. Kyjus thought to himself, it seemed funny and odd for that matter how much joy Weemus received from helping others or at least in helping him.

The young mage placed the note in his pocket and made his way downstairs. As he entered the kitchen, he had noticed that nearly everyone had started on their breakfast. He also noticed a plate of food sitting on the mantle near the island counter. Weemus noticed his entry and rushed over.

"I took the liberty of preparing breakfast for you sir. I dare say you are a little behind everyone else so you should eat quickly," he said in a hushed tone so that no one else the room would here.

"Thanks, Weemus," Kyjus whispered his response.

Kyjus observed the other two chosen to see exactly how they were feeling. He was a bundle of nerves at this point, but he was trying hard to remain cool under the pressure he was currently feeling from their impending journey.

He looked first toward the Prince of Hybonia, a massive individual to whom Kyjus believed never showed fear or perhaps never even felt it. He certainly did not seem out of sorts now as he shoveled the massive plate of food into his mouth.

He then looked to the Princess, it was odd, but she appeared to be looking at him. She smiled as she casually looked away. It wasn't fear he saw in her eyes. Perhaps the look could have best been described as worry, but to what the look could be attributed Kyjus could not discern.

As Kyjus finished his food, more than a little perplexed by the recent situation with the princess, the three trainers exited the main library.

It appeared that the final plans were drawn and decided upon as the maps and strategical plans were loaded into one of the magically sealed cases. Hawk, Syrus and Magus Sheplin exited the library in surprisingly good spirits.

Syrus noticed a look that his young mage was throwing a look his way, it was a look the old mage just couldn't put a finger on. Whether it was fear or nervous energy he just couldn't fathom.

Secretly Kyjus was very curious of what the old mage knew of the authors of the book he was reading. He had a lot of questions for him, but he wanted to handle them tactfully and of course he wanted the both of them to be without guests so the conversation could occur without interruptions. He would have to make sure he looked for the opportune time.

He finished eating and went to grab his stuff from the corner in the hall when he noticed that Weemus was already taking it to the back of the house near the patio. Smiling Kyjus followed his little friend. In looking around he noticed that everyone had armor or robes and wands at the ready, so he felt somewhat out of place.

Weemus caught the moment of panic and nudged the young mages arm. Kyjus looked down to him and saw the gnome nod his head toward the chair off to his immediate left. Kyjus smiled as draped on the back of the chair was his Robe, Spellbook, and Staff. Kyjus nodded his thanks to Weemus. Grabbing his robe, he quickly put it on. He then picked his spell book up and placed it in one of his outer pockets. Lastly, he gathered his staff and followed Weemus out the back.

The party was waiting on the back patio too begin their long journey. They were packed and no longer hungry, except maybe for Skarnum who seemed to be in that state constantly. There were some concerned looks all of which centered around the fact that the gnomes were all packed and appeared to be heading with them.

Kyjus knew that this was in direct conflict with the councils orders but after reading much of the book last night he had learned that gnomes could be very capable allies. This was still against the council's orders, so Kyjus was no doubt left with a feeling and likely a look of mild concern.

The other two chosen were not so silent in their concerns, however. "What are they doing? Are they coming with us," the princess asked of Syrus? She wasn't directly rude with her tone, but you could tell she questioned the decision.

Syrus very tactfully, to his credit, answered Princess Kelsee's question.

"Yes, the council has allowed Deemus and Weemus the opportunity to help us on our journey," he said with a smile.

Unfortunately, the questions did not stop here however. For if Kelsee's interruption was somewhat rude then Skarnum's tone and demeanor defined rude.

"What can two gnomes do and how can they help us," he said quite smugly.

The gnome brothers continued as if the hadn't heard or noticed the insult that was just laid upon their feet. Unfortunately for Skarnum, Syrus was not about to let the whelp get away with such an open display of insubordination.

Luckily for our young Hybonian Prince, Hawk was there to save the day. Perhaps it was not in the way he would have expected but to forego the old mage's wrath one should not and cannot be picky.

"You once thought an elf was no challenge, have you learned nothing from your misguided perceptions. A true warrior has a clear mind you would be wise to remember this, and to hold your tongue my young friend," Hawk said in a tone that displayed more of disappointment than of anger.

The point was received as the young prince bowed his head disgusted at himself. Once again, he had failed to think before he spoke, a trait that he could no doubt thank his father for. He silently cursed himself and his lack of discipline.

Syrus saw the pain etched upon the proud warriors face and let the lesson stand. Nodding his thanks to the Hawk he finished packing all of the gear. Their journey to scorched earth had begun but it had begun in utter silence.

Kyjus looked around on much of the initial stages of their journey. They traveled at a good pace during this stage as they were in wide open spaces. They were still within the seclusion and protection of the mountains cradle and still in what Syrus considered to be his home.

The most trouble they could expect in this part of their journey was the occasional wild animal. Kyjus had to admit even with his considerable lack of skill as a mage most wild animals would not be much of a problem for him to handle.

Based on this premise it only stood to reason that most wild animals would be no problem at all for their entire party. Syrus was convinced that none, not even the strongest and sturdiest of bears would venture to near them so Kyjus felt relatively at ease with their walk on this leg of the journey.

Kyjus continued to absorb and admire nature and all its gifts. He looked toward the coarse stone of the mountains that were all around them looming high into the sky nearly blocking out the sun.

He looked at the dense thicket of shrubs and trees as they began their ascent into a less populated area of this region. Before you would see the occasional farm or house but now with the mountains and the trees partially blocking the sun there were no other inhabitants to be seen. The mountains and trees almost made it feel like it was sunset. Altogether, it was somewhat spooky he thought to himself.

It was for these reasons that he decided to concentrate on other matters entirely. He now looked to his companions. Syrus standing tall and proud how his long strides easily covered the terrain ahead of them. His long billowing red and black robe flowed, wafting only inches from the ground. His long white beard and stark white hair defined his age as his physical abilities and mind defied it.

Kyjus noticed that the old mages often worn sandals were now replaced by a pair of short cropped light tan boots. He assumed this was not only for comfort but to help keep the mage warm as Kyjus had noticed that the temperature dropped drastically here in the early morning and late-night hours. It was much the way Spring and Fall were back in his home state of Wyoming he thought to himself.

Quickly he continued on with his observations not wanting to dwell in any self-realizations with his parents or his friends. He looked again back to the mage, observing his staff. It was a black and gold cane that was in the shape of a serpent. He had seen the staff, or rather its user, perform many amazing spells and he looked forward to seeing even more amazing things in the immediate future.

He then looked to the Magus. Not much was known of this creature; at least not much was known by Kyjus other then what he could casually observe. Magus Sheplin was a very tall humanoid, a Gnoll to be more precise. He stood nearly 7 feet tall very gangly and grey almost looking rock like. He had a deep raspy voice that commanded respect and inspired fear.

He was very tolerant, but Kyjus also sensed that he was not the type of person one wanted to anger. Kyjus hoped beyond all that was just that he would not have to be on the other end of a hard-earned lesson when it came upsetting the Magus.

Kyjus had also heard that Magus Sheplin had the very rare and special ability of magic detection or observance. Folks with this ability were believed to be able to sense the magic that was stored in an object or person. It was said that his unique talents were beyond any others that were said to have had the ability.

Kyjus had guessed as much when it became such an important finding that the Magus had vouched for Kyjus magical ability or more specifically his stored magic ability.

The tall gangly Gnoll walked with a long stride that epitomized his confidence in not only his abilities but also in the purpose of his need to use them.

He was dressed a little differently than Syrus in that he had a green and yellow cloak that draped over his back covering most of his lanky frame. It was made of a very soft cloth, but Kyjus had little doubts that it was magically enhanced probably in the same ways that his and Syrus robes had been.

He had on a dark brown vest that was made of a very soft type of leather with matching leggings. He too had on a pair of tan boots except Kyjus noticed that the Magus' boots were not cropped at the ankles, but rather they extended most of the way up towards his knees.

Lastly, he looked toward his staff; it appeared to be made of ivory although some of it appeared to be painted a dark red color that somewhat resembled blood.

He also noticed strapped across his back was the enchanted scroll case that housed all of the plans and the maps of the area. Apparently, the Magus was not taking any chances in letting these items get lost or stolen.

Kyjus half chuckled at the thought.

He then turned his attention toward Hawk. He knew very little of the Elven warrior except those few things he had heard in his brief time on Desmonia. Of the things he had heard was that this tiny Elf was a legend and a remarkable warrior. Much beyond that Kyjus new little.

What Kyjus could sense was that this small figure exuded a feeling of confidence, not in a cocky or brash way but more in a comforting way as if this energy could be absorbed by those around him. As if those surrounding him could literally feed from this energy, Kyjus thought to himself for a second and smiled as he believed, if this did exist, then this would most definitely come in handy over the next ten days.

He then moved his gaze to the equipment that the seasoned Elven veteran wore. It was highly polished chain mail that almost glowed blue so strong was the magic contained within the garment. He had on a chain hooded shoulder piece that linked into his chest piece in the shoulders via a centered leather strap. Below the head piece was a cloth hood which undoubtedly served to help cushion the top of his head from the metallic head piece.

On his legs he wore the same highly polished chain mail that rested upon his chest. All of his garments appeared to be made of mithril or adamantine or some other precious light but durable metal.

On his feet were leather boots, Kyjus thought this an odd pairing compared to the rest of his outfit, but they were most likely there more for comfort than protection.

In looking at his weapons it was obvious at first glance that he did not use a shield. It appeared that he was more interested in the wielding of two weapons as he had a long knife belted on his left side and a medium sized sword on his right.

Draped across his back was a beautiful bow made of Ash wood, or at least he assumed it was Ash as Kyjus remembered the Magus saying something about all good bows being constructed from pounded/hardened Ash. He simply did not believe that the warrior confidently striding just ahead would use anything but the best equipment.

Kyjus then turned toward Hawk's warrior student. A behemoth standing nearly 7 feet tall, it was hard for Kyjus to comprehend that in earth years this creature was merely 17 years old. Massive were his arms and chest yet gracefully did his stride move his massive frame. It was very easy to understand how this chosen came to be here and how Skarnum could be utilized as an effective killing machine.

All of his armor was red and black and was made of some sort of solid metal. Kyjus could easily see with even his limited magical capabilities the telltale blue glow of the magical enhancements placed upon his vestments.

His weapon that lay casually strapped to his back was a huge broadsword that was some five feet long and easily weighed fifty pounds or more. Yet Kyjus had witnessed this young warrior put this weapon thru a series of vast maneuvers as if it weighed no more than a baseball bat.

He noted that Skarnum carried no shield and wore no shoes. His feet more closely resembled that of a very large bovine versus that of a man. The bottoms of them were probably hard as rock and thus there was no need for shoes of any kind.

The young mage figured that if the casters of the party needed protecting, they were in very capable hands with Skarnum and Master Hawk to look after them.

He then shifted his gaze over to the young and very beautiful Elven princess. Her attitude seemed to have changed as of late. No longer was she a self-absorbed uncaring individual but changed she had into a curious mild almost friendly individual. These were not huge gains to speak of Kyjus thought to himself, but any improvements that would stifle the animosity within the group were welcome ones.

The princess then peaked his way and as she noticed he was glancing in her direction, she smiled briefly and then turned her gaze forward once again.

Kyjus returned her smile as he continued on with his assessment. She had a very beautiful lavender robe that shimmered different colors depending upon her surroundings. It also seemed to the young mage that her footsteps and her coming and going was silent compared to the others of the party.

Was it a spell he thought to himself? He immediately shook this thought from his mind. Why would she waste the mental energy to sustain a spell for that long a period of time? Doing so would drain much of her mental energy and with their location at the moment there was just no reason for the spell.

It was mostly likely her robe or perhaps it was her beautiful rose-colored boots. A beautiful pinkish color with a small hint of purple lay within them. The boots traversed about halfway up her knees and they apparently widened at the top as she had her cloth navy blue pants tucked into them.

They laced up the entire front side and were tightly tied on the front of the boots. Her robe was not buttoned so one could see her beautiful white silk shirt as it revealed just a hint of her ample bosoms.

Kyjus almost blushed at the thought. He quickly turned his attention toward her wand. It was a beautiful slim creation whose two-foot shaft was most likely some sort of sturdy yet light metal. This item was definitely magically enhanced as this object put off more magical aura then any of the other items and probably most of the other items combined.

On one end was a sterling silver handle that had gold filigree woven into it. The shaft of the wand was adorned with many gems, mainly rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. The most adorning and eye-catching part of this item was its tip. On it rested an extremely large (more than 600 carats if rumors were true) heart shape polished blue diamond.

Kyjus never really understood the fascination women had for jewelry and precious gems but the way this piece sparkled in the light made it easier to see how someone could become fascinated with them.

Lastly Kyjus turned his attention towards the two little figures walking to his right. It was odd how they seemed so out of place in this little adventure but then so too was he if he stopped to think about it. He merely chuckled at the irony.

The brothers were polar opposites in their gear. While Deemus wore mostly cloth, except for his boots that appeared to be made of leather. Weemus wore mostly softened leather except for his boots that appeared to be made of cloth except for the soles which were most likely made of hardened leather.

Their weapons also were stark contrasts of each other in that Deemus carried a shield and a mace, which was a blunt instrument with a three-inch circular hardened sphere. On the sphere were several inch long spikes spread evenly about the surface. The total length of this weapon was about 18 inches.

Weemus' weapon on the other hand would be normal size according to human standards and even small for the likes of Skarnum. For someone the size of Weemus however, this served as a sword that needed to be wielded by two hands as from end to end the sword was as tall as he.

He wore no shield, but Kyjus did notice leather bracers that extended from the gnomes wrist to his elbows.

In addition to the sword that was belted to his back Weemus had a small dagger belted to his left side and a small, yet sturdy bow strapped around his shoulder. His quiver of arrows was strapped neatly to the right side of his waist.

Kyjus smiled as he walked following the rest of his party. It was intriguing the events that brought them altogether. What was even more intriguing was the various races and classes that had assembled in this gathering. When Kyjus stopped to think about it they were quite a formidable bunch. Kyjus could only hope that it would be enough to defeat the birdmen.

Syrus' voice pulled him from his thoughts. "OK let's have a quick rest before we enter the caves. Have something to eat and drink and relax for a bit. We will not break for too long. We will need to be ready to be on our way in fifteen to twenty minutes", he said as he opened his pack.

Kyjus looked at his watch; they had been traveling for nearly three hours. In looking ahead Kyjus could see the trail wove and climbed greatly over the next couple of miles. At the top he could see a large opening. He presumed this to be the cave entrance.

He was both excited and nervous all over again. Those three hours (8 miles) had flown by as he was deep in thought. Now however, the events that were about to occur seemed all too real to him as they were about to enter a more dangerous part of the journey.

Magus Sheplin walked over to Weemus, bending down he said something to the Gnome, but Kyjus could not quite comprehend. Weemus nodded his head accordingly and eagerly sat about his task.

The tall gangly Gnoll then made his way over to Kyjus. He stopped and looked right at Kyjus with what seemed to be a very piercing gaze. The young lad was a bit taken back but he held his ground and returned his instructors gaze.

"We will soon be heading into territory that is not so safe young master you would be wise to read over and memorize your spells and I mean all of your spells not just those of fire. It may be that we encounter things that fire will not harm. Take your queue from myself or Arch Magi Syrus in battle. Cast what we cast, am I clear", he posed the question somewhat sternly to the young mage. He paused there for a second presumably awaiting a response.

Kyjus nodded his understanding and the Magus smiled and walked away.

The young mage pulled out his spell book and one other book from the confines of his robe pockets. He laid one of the books off to the right side but his spell book he opened and began to peruse its pages.

In the middle of his meditation, he heard the clank of a metal object as it was placed upon the ground in front of him. He then heard Weemus whisper "eat quickly young master we haven't much time".

Kyjus smiled at the spoiling nature of the little gnome. He finished the meditation of his spells. He chose to only memorize five spells this day so that he would know them well.

He knew the area to be dangerous, but he also knew from talking to Syrus, that the only danger in the caves above was the monsters that roamed within them. He had hoped he would not need the complex area spells within his arsenal, so he concentrated on mainly single target fire and ice spells.

In the end something nagged at his being so in addition to the four single target spells he decided to memorize one area ice spell. One cannot be to prepared, he thought to himself.

As Kyjus was in the final stages of his meditation Syrus walked by him, what he saw as he glanced down at both his open book and that of the closed book sitting beside the young mage, made him smile.

Kyjus had just finished his meditation but not his food when Syrus called for a resuming of their expedition. Without protest the young mage gathered both books and placed them within the pockets of his robe. He then gathered up his plate and emptied the remainder of the cheese, meat sticks and bread into the other pocket of his robe. He then handed the plate to Weemus who quickly darted back to one of the large backpacks sitting upon one of their parties mules.

The remaining hike to the cave seemed to take longer than Kyjus presumed it would when he was staring at the cave from the base of the mountain. Probably because the entire journey took them straight up a rather steep incline.

It was a little more than an hour later that Kyjus and the rest of the party found themselves standing at the mouth of a very large cave opening.

Syrus turned to the group; at this point Kyjus expected a glorious pep talk or some words of encouragement. What the young mage heard did little to help in his current resolve.

"Be on your guard and be wary of anything", Syrus said and then turned to make his way into the cave.