A Newfound Friends Burden

There was a large path that descended the side of the mountain; it was easily wide enough for the cart to traverse without concern. The path wove its way down in a snake like pattern. From the top looking down you could see the path as it went first north then south then north and so on.

About two-thirds of the way down Kyjus spied what appeared to be a building of some sorts. "What is that" he asked the old mage as he pointed to the structure?

"That good sir is Wellshire Grotto. It is our destination and our camp for this evening. We have about an hour until dusk," Syrus said as he looked at the sun that just began its descent in the western sky. "I am going to suggest we hurry so we are not making any part of this journey at night," Syrus continued.

All could not help but agree with that suggestion.


The stars shone brightly in the sky as the group of adventures settled in for the night.

Kyjus walked over to Syrus who was just finishing up with a few moments of solitude. He stood there waiting patiently until Syrus realized that he was waiting for him. The Arch Magi looked up toward the young mage and nodded his head at the open patch of ground across from where he sat.

Believing this to be indicative of Syrus desire to talk, Kyjus sat down across from the accomplished mage.

"How are you holding up young master," Syrus said as the boy made his seat across from him.

"Well, and thanks for asking," he responded. Kyjus hesitated a second contemplating his next course of action. Deciding it was best to be direct he continued.

"To be honest sir I have a question or two and I was hoping you could oblige me some answers," a good start he thought to himself.

Syrus nodded "If I can young master anything to be of service," he said with a slight nod of the head in Kyjus' direction.

Kyjus let the attention to his situation go as he desired answers to his questions and he did not want to deter Syrus from granting those answers.

"First how is it that Marf was able to navigate to the cavern and back so fast. He was only gone about twenty to thirty minutes. It took us several hours to make that trip and that was one way only," Kyjus said as he pulled a book from his bag.

Syrus saw the book and knew what was to come in the young mages second line of questioning. He smiled at how this earth being was so simple and kind in his mannerism and attitudes towards friends. He expected nothing less noting his line of ancestry, but it was still refreshing to see.

He stopped smiling as he realized the young boy was still waiting for his answer. Well, you see Master Kyjus the Gomagi are expert tunnel diggers nearly comparable to the skill of dwarves. They have made tunnels that navigate directly to the cavern to utilize one of the caverns best kept food sources in the fish. They had not doubt came in contact with the family of basilisk on several occasions in their foray for food, thus their deep appreciation for the creatures demise. It was these secret tunnels that were undoubtedly utilized to allow Marfs' quick navigation to and from the creatures lair."

Kyjus nodded his understanding and then went into his second question of the old mage, "Why do you think the council decided to let Weemus and Deemus join this adventure. They were dead set against a full-blown excursion or anything that could possibly implicate them as potentially breaking any of the posted treaties. Don't get me wrong I am not like the other two in questioning the value of our Gnome companions, especially since I have been reading this," he said as he held the book that Weemus had given to him a few nights ago.

"Although I dare say our recent encounter did little to change my opinion on Gnomes (being it was respectful of their abilities already) it may have gone a long way to alter the opinions of Kelsee and Skarnum. I was just curious is all", Kyjus said as dismissive as he could.

"May I", Syrus asked as he held his hand open to Kyjus indicating that he would like to look at his book.

"Of course,", Kyjus responded in a somewhat hushed tone as he handed the book over to the old mage.

"Interesting reading, it is highly appropriate for our current situation," Syrus said as he perused the cover and the pages contained within.

"I actually have some questions about that book if you have few moments to discuss them as well," Kyjus asked of the older mage.

"I can bet you do", was his response.

"Questions like am I the Syrus mentioned in the book and if I am then who is the author. Questions like those perhaps," Syrus asked of the young mage.

All Kyjus managed was a nod even though he was not surprised in the least that Syrus had figured out his questions prior to asking.

"Well today is your lucky day young master because I can answer all of your questions in one fell swoop. The council has agreed to include the Gnomes in the passage to Scorched Earth for one simple reason," Syrus said as he nodded towards the book.

Kyjus missed the gesture entirely. When several awkward moments went by Kyjus asked, "Well can you tell me the reason," he asked very anxious for the answer.

Syrus sighed clearly disappointed in his student's inability to articulate the clues. "Their journey here helps to placate that this mission is one of vengeance and not for personal gain and nothing whatsoever to do with council and any anticipated desire they may have for such actions to occur," Syrus said while he studied the youth who stilled seemed a bit confused.

"It's quite simple really, the Gnomes have a need for vengeance against the Eerikye and they have enlisted the help of their friends to carry out this revenge," again Syrus received a somewhat less puzzled look, but it was a look of confusion, nonetheless.

"Why do they desire vengeance you ask," Syrus said to a somewhat confused Kyjus.

Kyjus merely nodded.

"I believe the answers to that question lie deep within the pages of this book," the old mage said to Kyjus as he handed him back the book he had just borrowed.

"You mean this story is about them," Kyjus said a little worked up at the thought of his newly found friends having to endure some of those tortures.

"That's right my young friend finish the book and you will see what we are up against and of the horrors our young friends were bestowed by the Eerikye," Syrus said as he stood up and made his way over to the campfire to help with the cooking of dinner.

Eagerly Kyjus took the book back to his tent, activating a simple light spell he began to read the final chapters of the book, that he had received from Weemus only days earlier.