It's not goodbye

The princess lay on her makeshift pillow as she studied the notes given to her by her mother. They contained many thousands of years account of her people. Their trials, tribulations, successes, and other important recordings, in truth it was a smaller version of the oracle writings bound and secured within Hamathal (the Elven Wizarding School).

This flooded back memories of the last time the princess laid her eyes upon her parents.

She was packing her clothes, weeping as silently as she could. It was just over a week after Syrus had left their city. She remembered her surprise upon hearing that the chosen's time (the time of the Elven Prophets calling) was upon them. She was even more surprised to find that she was in fact one of them.

She remembered her desire to be strong for her father. She also knew, however at her age and at her current stage in the development of her powers that this upcoming expedition was going to test and tax her more that she had ever been before.

She was not her mother after all. She still could not understand why they would not choose her mother for this task, as she possessed the skill and knowledge of the Art of Wizardry that she could only one day hope to achieve.

In her heart she believed that the council knew what they were doing. That belief and the fact that her father had convinced her she was ready left her little doubt in their judgment or that of her fathers for that matter. So, she quietly packed her things.

She had wiped the last of her tears away and packed the last of her clothes. When there was a knock upon her door. "enter please" she said, and her mother and father walked into the room. She remembered her mother sitting down on the bed next to her, she grabbed her hand ever so softly.

Her eyes were blotchy and red, she was not the only one that had recently been crying it seemed. Her father paced the room pretending to look at her things. She always amazed how her father could handle every situation as the king but could not manage a tiny affair of the heart when it came down to his family.

She smiled as she thought of that.

This brought another thought as she pulled her parents gift from the confines within her robe. It was in the recesses of her mind as if the conversation was only yesterday. "The time has come for you darling," her mother had said to her. "It has come much sooner then I hoped but I have no doubts that it is more my selfish nature of wanting to keep you for myself then my fear of you lacking the necessary power to prove successful. You are ready I have felt it for months. Sure, there is more I could teach you but you know the ways of the Wizard better than any I have seen at your age. Your books will teach you all that you have left to learn. I know you will be safe." She remembered her mother being on the verge of tears again at that moment.

Before her mother got too far gone her father walked over to her and handed her a slender three-foot long box that he had been hiding behind his persons. Her mother must have remembered the purpose of their visit or so she had thought at the time. "Your father and I have gotten you a small gift; it's just a small token of our love. Think of it not as a farewell gift but as a use it wisely and we shall see you soon gift" she said as her father presented her with the gift.

Kelsee's hands trembled as she took the box. As she looked up her father made his way over to her near the bed. She grabbed the ribbon and pulled, gently it fell to the floor.

Looking up to her mother and father she paused. Her mother nodded, as if to say go ahead. Slowly her hand grabbed the top edge of the box and gently she lifted it from its perch.

Kelsee peered into the bottom of the box. Gasping she pulled a slender object. "It's a wand" she exclaimed with glee.

She remembered looking at her mother with what must have been a look of inquisition.

Her mother must have understood but it what happened over the next three minutes of her life should not forget as long as she lives.

She remembered her father saying, "We realize you have not reached your Fiftieth cycle but our laws specifically state that when a legally binding situation puts the life of an underage in danger or sends them into a precarious journey of the same situation, then he or she (meaning the under aged) has the right to be properly armed and prepared".

"Besides as your mother said you are ready", her father said as pools filled the corner of his eyes. She remembered him looking deep into her eyes. He said "Your mother and I love you very much Kelsee, we felt if there is anything we can do to keep you safe then it was our job to do it. This wand has kept our family safe for more than one thousand years. Your mother and I hope that it will now keep you safe". With that her father hugged her more deeply than ever she remembered. He then turned and left her and her mother alone in her room.

It was the most emotional she had ever seen her father, a solemn man caring for certain, but seldom did he physically show it.

Her mother then finished the conversation "He truly loves you, more then he normally shows, but I think he is hard on you because he recognizes the power and potential that is deep within you, child.

She heard a noise that drew her from her remembrance reverie. She looked up and the old mage was perched just outside her tent.

"May I enter princess," Syrus' voice said from outside the tent.

"Please do," she responded.

Syrus paused to observe what she was reading and noticed it was the ancient Elven text. He smiled as he knew very well what was entered in those books.

"Might I trouble you with a few questions, I apologize for the lateness of my visit, and I truly do have a valid purpose for being here and I will get to that momentarily but a few questions first. That is if you are OK with them," the old mage asked.

"But of course," Kelsee responded.

"I was wondering your impressions of our young mage. I know what my general thoughts are but in truth I am wondering if my own hand in his training has obscured them somewhat. So, if that be the case I would like more of a non-biased opinion if you will," Syrus asked of the princess.

"Well in all honesty at first I was far from impressed. His intentions and desire seemed real enough, but his ability was extremely lacking. But I was reminded by our mutual spirit friend (Mckenna Everhart) that this particular young mage had never been exposed to magic.

In fact, his planet no longer even believed of its existence, at least not in its true form anyway. She said many other things that got me to thinking so I decided to give him a chance. I have watched him flourish over the last month and to be honest the last battle with the Basilisk (I mean Wyvern) would most likely not been near as successful without his help. So, I guess to make a long answer short, recently I have been somewhat impressed with our new friend," the princess said with a smile.

"And you do not question his dedication to our cause," Syrus asked trying to mask but failing miserably the concern in regards to the answer.

"Not in the least. My only concern has been his ability and if the last week has shown me anything it is that his dedication and desire to win at all costs is present in Kyjus core being, much the way it was in his ancestors long ago," she said with a hint of a playful tone in her voice.

"This too is what I had thought of him, but I valued another opinion. Thanks," Syrus said as he turned to leave the tent.

"Syrus, you had said there was a purpose for your visit other than your questions of our young friend. What was the reason," Kelsee asked of the old mage?

"Right you are," Syrus responded as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a solid ivory figurine. I think it is time for another lesson," he said as he tossed the figure to the princess.

With trepidation she took the figurine and placed it down in front of her.

Seconds passed but they seemed like minutes or even hours to the princess. She watched near the figurine as suddenly a mist started to form near it. This only served to heighten the anticipation for Kelsee as she knew soon, she would be face to face with the legend of Mckenna Everhart.

"Good Evening, Kelsee," the mist said as it went through the last few staged of evolvement.

"Hello, Mckenna," she managed to stammer back.

"I have been watching you with great concern since our last meeting and I must say I have liked what was presented to me," the spirit stated, it had not yet evolved into a fully seen apparition.

Kelsee gulped not really knowing what to say. Finally, she managed a slight nod and a "thank you".

"Does it bother you that I am watching from the other side," she asked of the princess.

Kelsee shook her head, "no, not really," she replied. It was mostly the truth she thought to herself. After all it really did not bother her; all it did was make her a little nervous. She was certain however, that in the excitement of battle she would be quick to forget about the comings of the spirit world, even a spirit as important as the one sitting before her now.

"Well, I suppose I should get to the point of my being here," the spirit said to Princess Kelsee. "Tunare has smiled upon you child, as you have pleased her with your efforts in this endeavor. She is pleased with your dedication and ability to worship her but most important and listen to me when I say this, she is pleased with your sensibilities when it comes to the other races, most specifically the humans you are accompanying. Long has it been Tunare's desire that her race be less secluded, when it comes to the races similar to elves," Mckenna paused to let this soak in.

Kelsee nodded her thanks.

"Unfortunately, the time will soon come for you to leave your newly found friends. Just for a short time I can assure you of that…

"But they need my help against the Eerikye," Kelsee said interrupting the spirit.

"Yes, my dear they do and you will spend the next eight to ten days here. Once this Eerikye business is laid to rest you will head back to Minlas as I have a task for you. It is a task ordained by Tunare herself," the spirit said in a tone that relayed the importance of the task.

"Not that I would ever dream of saying no, but the council has declared that we are to go straight away to the ice region of the Mylok once this is done. Apparently, the war is to start there and we are to be the first stages of it," the princess said as respectfully as she could to the spirit.

Angering a spirit and her god would definitely put today into its own I am having a bad day category and that Kelsee definitely did not wish to do.

Luckily for her the spirit knew exactly what her response would be and was not angered in the least by her comments. In fact, the spirit was somewhat encouraged, as it truly spoke of Kelsee' grim determination to complete her tasks.

"I can assure you that the council will be more than gracious enough to allow your absence in this case. Syrus has assured me that he will handle them personally if it becomes necessary," the spirit said in an assuring tone.

Her voice soothed the princess putting her at ease. She visibly relaxed as the spirit assured her of the upcoming events.

"I can say one thing princess and the council will be quick to be made aware of this development. They were wrong to think the war will first start in Mylok," the spirit paused for affect.

When the princess said nothing, she continued, "As everyone will soon be made aware the war started today and it starts here and now," the spirit said with a grin.

"Here today, I am not sure that I am following you Mckenna. Can you explain what you mean," the princess begged of the spirit.

"Alas child I cannot. I have said too much already. My instructions to you are simple in ten days to two weeks' time you will head to Minlas. You will keep that ivory statue close to you at all times. Once you have arrived in Minlas I will know and will visit you with further instructions. Good luck to you child. You and your friends battle a mighty foe in the upcoming days, keep your wits about you and all will be well. I am afraid I have overstayed my time. Goodbye for now," the spirit said as she disappeared into nothingness.

"Goodbye spirit of Mckenna Everheart, angel to the Briar Elves and liberator of Minlas," the princess muttered to an empty tent.

* * * * *

The young princess smiled, she had made her god happy, which was every elves dream. This too brought thoughts flooding back to her about last conversations with her mother.

"…All of the council has sensed it and that is why I was granted the right of tutorialism over you. Haven't you ever wondered why you didn't have to go to Hamathal (the Elven Wizarding School)", hey mother asked almost teasingly

She had always assumed it was because she was part of the Royal family and that of course was her response but her mother's answer shocked her.

"Oh, my no dear, all Elves of Minlas have gone to Hamathal since as far back as our times were written. Now granted it was not always in the same place but in some form or another even the Royal Families attend. One must only show an adept and profound ability to gravitate to the Art of Wizardry."

"So why am I so special" she had asked.

"Well, it relates to prophecy mostly. It is written that in the time after Deliberation and before the time of the Half Elven Prince" at those words Kelsee gasped. She was a bit different back then, more stubborn in her belief in Elven superiority.

"A half Elven Prince who, what, I mean how would that happen. The Elven people do not associate with other lesser races let alone marry them. How could this be possible?" she asked her mother.

"Kelsee I can assure it is that kind of attitude that you need to leave behind. We Elves are no better than any other race. It is true we are an intelligent and proud people but do not confuse pride with stature as the two are often on the opposite side of the spectrum, much the way day and night exist".

She remembered that her mother seemed hurt at the ignorance of her child. So much so that Kelsee had wondered if her mom would continue. Moments later she did, "at some point after our war of Deliberation some one thousand years ago and up until the time of the Half Elven Prince it is written that an Elven girl will be born of royal birth. She will be born with powers beyond that of normal wizards. She will be the spawn of a true telepath" her mother paused to let her words register. Then she continued.

"It is in her lifetime that the universe will fall to its own accord. It is on the shoulders of this child and that of two others that the fate of not only Minlas but of every other civilized world will rest. It was the council's belief that the time of the prophecy had come so they referred your lessons to me. Of course, this is Elven Prophecy, so they downplay the others involvements but then again that is the way of the Elves", she said with a chuckle.

Clearing her throat she continued, "With my abilities I can enhance your teachings on the night of the High Moon of Antithates. I am sure you probably felt this" her mother had said as she picked the ribbon up off the floor.

She nodded.

There was a moment of silence at that point, she recalled it very succinctly as she was going to ask a question but before she could her mother began speaking.

"I have told you everything I can regarding the prophecy and how important it is to Minlas that you take this mission and more importantly the true reason your father dared not refuse the council. But I sense there is a question you have of me. One that is within my ability to answer so ask this question child."

She was a bit nervous at the time as she feared the answer whatever it may be. She remembered almost visible shuttering as she ask her question "Well it's something that father said that really has me puzzled and it relates to my present", she had said nodded to her new wand.

"Yes, what is it dear. You don't like our gift", her mother said teasingly as she knew her daughter loved the gift.

"Oh no, no it's not that", she had responded so fast that that even remembering the conversation she still was not sure if the annunciated the words correctly.

She quickly added "Well it's just that father said this wand had protected our family for nearly one thousand years and uh well you see the only wand I have ever heard or read about being that old was the Wand of Endevrity. That I believe was the wand that helped our world end its subservience to the Dylonian Empire,' she remembered half stating and half asked her mother as she was only semi certain of her history knowledge.

"Ahh yes the Wand of Endevrity. It was an Everhart that carried that wand into battle over the Dylonian's. I bet you didn't know that did you", her mother asked.

She had nodded that she was not aware of it.

Her mother continued with a bit of a history lesson letting her know of the council and the fact that it had only consisted of eight families not including the royal family. She also had let her know that the royal family was not the Everhart's but was a name that had its line end in the war. (Since the line had ended the family's name should not be repeated as such was the Elven custom.)

She further explained that the Everhart's were a member of the council however, and in fact at this time in the war they were the only family in the council that had a female that was in or near the age of ascension. Lady Mckenna Everhart and it was some ten generations ago she resided over the Elves.

She remembered her mother's voice so soft as she began her history lesson:

"Mckenna, who was not much older then you are now, when she was called to battle by the council. Being that there were no others of age there was little else that could be done. The war was going badly for our people and the fatalities were mounting. If something to sway the tides of battle did not occur our people would have had to surrender which would mean, we would have to go back to being slaves to the Dylonian's.

The council appointed Mckenna as the new Auxiliary Wizard. This was a great station of honor but a lot of responsibility as Mckenna was now in charge of every Wizard in the Elven Army.

What I have just told you is written in our history but what I am about to tell you is a family secret. On the day of appointment Mckenna confined herself to her room. For one day and night she sat and prayed to Tunare (Elven God). She prayed for strength, she asked for guidance and most of all she prayed for the wisdom to make this world safe for her people.

It was said this prayer touched the mighty Tunare like none ever has. He sent to the newly appointed King Kaludram Everhart a messenger. He guaranteed to give his people a weapon to help combat this evil they were facing but only on two conditions.

Well, we never found out the conditions, but we guess from the events that unfolded that the first condition was the weapons creation would require a royal Elven sacrifice and second was that the weapon could be used by no one but an Everhart."

At this point she had interrupted her mother as her curiosity got the better of her. "Mother how could we guess at the conditions that were given to another person over one thousand years ago?" she asked.

"Well now if you would let me finish, I can get to that," her mother responded. Kelsee nodded for her mother to continue.

Her mother continued.

Mckenna prayed for an entire day and night then as if by magic once her prayer ended a great storm started to rise all over Minlas. The storm lasted for a day or more curiously down to the exact minute of McKenna's prayer.

The storm subsided and an angel was sent to Mckenna. A wand was given to her, and she was told that her and her descendants alone were to use this wand to protect the Elven people from their enemies. To symbolize this message an "E" was engraved into heart shaped diamond that sits at the end of the wand "

The other requirement of course was the Elven soul and the new King Kaludram Everhart (your great, great, great, grandfather) was never heard from after the message of the angel.

It is said that if the owner of the wand were to only to look at the heart shape diamond in the light, they would be able to see the words around the bottom of the heart, Soul of Kaludram.

Her mother helped her daughter turn the wand over.

In all of the excitement she had not noticed the large heart shape at the end of her wand as she had opened it upside down. With it now turned right side up her eyes fixated upon the large heart shaped blue diamond.

Her eyes began to penetrate the swirling madness that was the blue diamond. Engraved in the middle of the diamond that now was softly glowing blue she saw the letter E.

She remembered her heart began to beat madly as she searched for words that could not possibly be there but then her eyes found them in tiny letters at the base of the diamond, Soul of Kaludram.

Her mother and father had given her the Wand of Endevrity the most cherished Elven possession.

Even now over a month removed from the event her palms were sweating and her heart was beating erratically.

* * * *

That evening the group ate with little conversation as all must have been anticipating the following day's events. Kyjus' thought about the revenge for the gnome brother's, Kelsee thought about what she was supposed to do once she was done with her upcoming battle and about what the spirit had meant about the war already been started and Skarnum thought mostly just about killing things. They all finished eating and went to their tents, little was said that night.

The princess lay in contemplation over the next hour or so until her body could no longer maintain its state of awaked preparedness. At long last the princess was off to sleep dreaming of what was too come, smiling at the thought that the greatest Elven spirit and her god were pleased with what she was doing.

Kyjus read more of the third book he had been hiding in his knapsack. In a few hours' sleep would overtake him.

Skarnum sharpened his father's sword, shined his armor, and then turned in for the evening. Smiling that soon he would see battle.