Perandorok Forest

Syrus sat in meditation for a minute before casting his scrying eye spell. The mage needed to stay in deep thought to make this spell work as intended, so he was surrounded by the adventurers to make sure that no one or nothing disturbed him.

His scrying mist shot upward toward the top of the wall and then westward down its expanse. He then sent the orb down the wall to the spot where the archers were to climb using the ladders that he and the magus provided.

The only problem is that most of the men had already scaled the wall and were now waiting for a signal to begin. At this point all Syrus could do was hope that they were better at following the attack signal then they were at the scaling the wall order.

Luckily for the archers there was none of the enemy on top of the walls but just to make sure he continued his scan down a good portion of the wall. Seeing nothing the old mage ended the scrying link.

When the link ended Syrus walked the short distance over to where Captain Skye was standing. "I would have you notify your men that they can in fact climb the wall safely but unfortunately they were nearly all waiting at the top of the wall when my scrying orb entered the area. Please contact them and confirm the attack plan. I cannot have them attacking too soon and altering our plans," the old mage said in a somewhat disappointed tone.

The captain nodded and he too looked disgusted at the news. Pulling out the communication orb that Syrus had gave him he walked several feet out from the group and raised the alert to his men.

The old mage walked over to Weemus. "Our archers are in place my friend it is time to begin our strike. Open the portal and then catch up to us," he said as he gently placed his right hand on the little gnomes shoulder.

Smiling the little ranger walked over toward his target.

The rest of the group started off down the left side of the shrubbery. It was nearly twelve feet high and five feet deep. It was very dense and saturated with thorns and ivy making it virtually impenetrable without fire.

The group could sense the movement and activity some thirty to fifty feet on the other side. They were sure that the Eerikye would strike at any moment, but they stuck to their plan and waited for Weemus to return to enact his spell upon this section of bushes and shrubs.

They had only been in position a few moments when the little ranger came bounding up to the group. A smile on his face, "the spell went off without a hitch. They will have nearly an hour I am guessing," he whispered with a smile.

Syrus nodded and then pointed toward the bushes in front of him.

The little ranger walked over to the shrubs and closed his eyes. He then extended his hands out toward the shrubbery and mumbled the words to the spell. They were incoherent to all around so low was the rangers voice.

To everyone's amazement the shrubs began to part. Once the spell was complete and the shrubs stopped separating, all three mages ordered their pets thru. On the other side the commotion that ensued was instantaneous. The mages smiled as Weemus extended his hands outward toward the shrubs, mumbling again something that was not coherent, this time the shrubs closed as if nothing had happened.

* * * *

The elementals entered the area with strict orders of causing mass hysteria. They were to kill only if necessary but being that these were mainly unthinking creatures some of the instructions may have been lost on them.

This was anticipated however, so death among the Eerikye was fully anticipated. Although it was not a thought that appealed to any of the adventurers, it was agreed early on to have been a necessary evil.

The two larger elementals made their way through the brush first followed by Kyjus' smaller pet. The two larger creatures walked up to the rock and walked right through it disappearing from view.

They quickly reemerged on top of the rock boulders startling the nearby Eerikye, having never seen this type of foe the birdmen were initially confused. With no such thoughts of confusion the elementals quickly rampaged through the birdmen, swatting any that came to near.

They knocked many a foe from their place upon the rocks. Such was the height of the rock that many broke bones or were knocked unconscious. This of course rendered them useless for the fight and kept them alive which was a true win for what was trying to be accomplished in this battle.

Many of the shaman that were on the rock stood perfectly still casting spells of disease upon the rock creatures. They could not know the futility of their efforts, as elementals they did not draw breath and therefore were not susceptible to spells such as the ones they were casting.

What the shaman also did, by spell casting instead of fighting, was single themselves out amongst the soldiers crouched in hiding upon the wall.

At the first sign of battle the archers assumed their positions on the wall, waiting for signs of where the shaman stood upon the rock. When these signs presented themselves, the arrows were released by the soldiers. Aiming at their target they took into account the distance to their target and the wind quite accurately as nearly all first-round arrows found their marks.

In minutes the area on top of the rock was in utter chaos. The shaman quickly died or were in the midst of dying. The warriors upon the rock engaged with the elementals were having only slight success and the Eerikye archers that crossed their paths were having far less success.

The Borensia archers on the wall met with much more success than did their Eerikye counterparts and within minutes the reserve of the Eerikye army and those birdmen on top of the rock were thoroughly confused.

The somewhat smaller elemental that Kyjus created could not seem to bond with the rock like his brethren. Whether it was because he was a somewhat less experienced elemental or whether it was due to the fact that he had metal coursing throughout his body is not known.

Whatever the reasons this did not stop the creature from performing his task. Rounding the largest boulder, the one farthest to the south he came across five unsuspecting Eerikye. Three advanced methodically at the creature while one opened fire with his bow.

The close range ensured that the birdman's shot hit but with the hardened armor of the rock elemental the hit created only a small chip on the left shoulder of the pet.

The remaining Eerikye began the makings of what was to be a spell. The favorite among the birdman and typically the first spell they cast was meandering disease. It was a vicious spell that caused shortness of breath, nausea, and blurred vision. To the elementals who drew all of their properties from the earth and the rock itself the effect of the spell did not even register.

Confused the shaman began another spell. His warrior brothers were already engaged with the beast, so he had to make sure of the location of the next spell. The last thing he wanted to do was to hit a fellow brother.

The three warriors moved in cautiously as the weighed their options with the monstrosity that stood before them. When they could stand the suspense no longer the birdman to the creatures left brought his sword up high and then with a quick slash of his wrist brought it slicing straight down at the creatures thick rock filled head.

The creature brought his left arm up to block the shot and there was a loud clash of metal on rock and metal. Sparks flew as the rocked chipped from the forearm of the elemental. When the sword met the metal that lie within the creature it was deflected down then out as it skipped off the creatures elbow.

If the conjured being felt any pain from the blow it did not show it. Instead with a growl that sounded slightly like a rock slide the creature brought his right arm up and began a slow descent down upon the sword bearing birdman that had struck it.

The birdman was off balance so his scramble to get out of the way was not hurried near enough to escape the blow. In a last-ditch attempt to save himself the creature brought its wooden shield up in an attempt to deflect the blow.

The warrior could not know the sheer strength possessed by the creature in front of him or he may have understood the futility of his efforts.

The wooden shield shattered into several pieces as the power of the summoned creatures arm smashed into it. As the shield cracked apart the birdman's arm was broken and ripped from his shoulder socket. The Eerikye warrior screamed as it writhed in pain upon the ground.

The elemental could have smashed the creature with its massive foot, ending the creature's pain and life but his master's instructions were clear. They were to distract and harm, deterring the Eerikye and removing them from the battle. They were to kill only when it was absolutely necessary.

The summoned rock creature turned in time to see a warhammer smash into the side of his head and shoulder. The rock cracked and the creature buckled but only slightly. Again, if it felt any pain from the weight of the blow it didn't show it.

The creature still in somewhat of an awkward position from the blow it landed on the last warrior took a crouching step toward its target. Its arm inversely swiped toward the torso of the middle warrior. The Eerikye brought his hammer between it and the elemental in attempt to block the oncoming attack.

Again, the power of the summoned rock creature was far greater than the warrior could have comprehended, as the rock arm of the summoned creature smashed into and through the hammer, dislodging it from the warrior's hands. The arm continued on its present course and smashed into the chest of the unsuspecting Eerikye sending it sailing into its brethren.

The Eerikye glanced off his brother knocking him to the ground, but the warrior continued on his course flying until his back smashed into the rock. Its chest fractured in many places, its wrist broken and its back wrenched with pain the poor Eerikye warrior slumped to the ground unable to move.

Although the third of the three warriors was not in any significant pain, nor did he want to be, so he quickly scampered on hands and knees along the ground just out of the reach of the elemental. It had seen enough and with the demon so far away its hold over him had waned. The chaos the elemental provided was all that the warrior needed to break the demon's bond. It turned to flee, never to be seen away from scorched earth again.

The shaman who perhaps was more devout than any warrior had not yet decided to flee but it had decided to put a bit more distance between it and the summoned rock creature.

It began to cast a spell that it hoped would put an end to the troublesome beast. There was now twenty or so feet between the Eerikye Shaman and the summoned rock creature.

Smiling at the perfect set up for his next spell, the shaman began his casting. The skies above the shaman immediately began to darken. The wind began to swirl and howl. The sky opened up as lighting began to rain down striking the elemental atop the head, back and shoulders.

Repeatedly the bolts slammed into the rock creature ripping chunks of rock from the creature as they struck it. The metal within the elemental was charged from the lighting strikes. It began to arch and leap from the summoned pet, landing often on the nearby ground.

Once again if the creature registered any pain from the intense magical display, it didn't show it. Instead, it continued slowly advancing forward, toward the one that brought about its recent plight.

It approached the shaman who was now so shocked that discontinued its casting. Nothing had ever lived through its lighting torrent spell so such was the surprise of the Eerikye that it could not think to move. It watched as the creatures arm was raised fully. It watched as the creatures arm descended upon it striking it fully upon the head and then it watched no more.

The creature heard the crunch of the Eerikye's skull but noticed too that its chest was still heaving. The birdman was still alive, and this pleased the creature as it knew the news would please his master.

In looking at the Eerikye that lay on the ground it reasoned that it was unconscious, and this fact alone would keep it out of battle. It's true that once awoke the shaman would be able to fully heal itself but that might not be for minutes or even hours.

The summoned rock creature surmised that his master would be long gone by then. He therefore believed at least as far as this Eerikye was concerned, his job was done.

The rock creatures on top of the boulders coupled with help from the archers had similar luck as all of the archers were either thrown from the rock, dead, or injured. The few warriors that were on the rock had some luck against the summoned creatures as one had been significantly beaten.

At the end of the fight atop the boulders all of the birdmen were either injured, dead or forced to jump from their perch, abandoning their brethren hoping for easier targets.

As luck would have it the jump was not kind to the birdmen, as counterintuitive to their name, they could not fly. The twenty or so foot drop was more than most of the birdmen could handle. Many suffered significant injury to their legs and or back. Of those that were injured none were interested in continuing the fight so many fled away from their foes.

True to their instruction, the archers atop the wall did not pick off the easy targets but rather concentrated on those that were in range and still fighting. These targets, however, were becoming fewer and fewer as the fight progressed.

The two elementals, that stood atop the huge boulders, that were now void of Eerikye, repeated their earlier disappearing act as they sunk into the boulders. Moments later both rock creatures exited to join their smaller brethren on the ground.

One of the larger creatures was beaten badly and looked as if at any moment it was going to fall apart. The other was beaten but would survive his next few encounters. And then there was Kyjus elemental that, although the creature was smaller or more compact, it showed much better for the wear it had been put through.

The three rock creatures converged upon a large group of Eerikye. There were a few shamans among this group but there were no archers. All of those were either on top of the boulders at the start of the fight so were dead, injured, or fleeing, or they were preparing to fight with the main force that was now blocking the main path that led to the science facility.

A large group of warriors now blocked the rock creature's path. They were thirty or so feet to the elementals, but they had made no move to advance toward them. These warriors were experienced within the tribes and had fought with shamans often. They could already hear the spells begun to be cast from their brethren behind them.

While none of these shamans were powerful enough to cast the lighting torrent spell, as that is a rare gift among the Eerikye clans. They did have many other potent spells within their arsenal.

A set of three spears launched from one of the shaman's staves, arching its way toward the smallest of the summoned rock creatures. The first two glanced off their target not having the strength to penetrate the thick layer of metal within. However, as the third one hit a few of the rocks cracks and parted as the spear, with a loud clang struck the rugged metal interior of the elemental.

The creature only hesitated a second before it continued on it path toward the group of birdmen.

Another of the creatures sent a streaking lightning bolt toward the most battered of the rock creatures. The force of the blast and the heat from the bolt shattered the rock creature into rubble.

And then there were two.

The remaining two shaman cast the preferred spell of the Eerikye, meandering disease. It was perplexed as to why this spell did not seem to have an effect on the creatures they now faced.

With the creatures so close the shaman had to go into defensive spells casting various armor spells that would help shield the warriors from being hit.

It was a destructive battle that lasted for several long minutes as Eerikye, and rock creatures exchanged blows. Several minutes into the fight the second of the large rock elementals were bashed into a pile of rubble.

The smallest of the elementals was just now beginning to show signs of wear as the birdmen closed in around him from all sides.

With the earlier armor spells from the shaman waning and the shaman becoming fatigued from continuous healing they were starting to have questions as to what the outcome of this battle was going to be. In additions to the shamans fatigue the resolve of the warriors was quickly deteriorating as they noticed their actions having only minimal effect on their enemy.

The battle raged on however, as spells continued to be cast and swords, maces and hammers continued to connect on the unfeeling rock creature. But it was not without its weapons as its two massive arms continued to flay about in the hopes of connecting with one of its targets.

Many times, the arms connected only to be absorbed by the armor spells. Once those diminished however, the arms hit fiercely breaking bones or bruising multiple parts of the Eerikye. Unfortunately for the rock creatures plight, this damage was only to be healed back to normal by the shamans.

Then it happened. One of the shamans had cast too many spells and drained himself of mental energy. He collapsed upon the ground. Those he was assigned to heal soon felt the fatigue of the battle and the wounds overcame them. They fell to the earth tired, hurt, but still alive.

The rock creature ignored those that were not actively engaged upon him focusing only on those that continued to fight. Minutes after the initial collapse of the second rock creature the remaining reserves took flight. The rock elementals had served their purpose they had confused and detained those near the boulder.

With his mission a success the lone rock elemental stood completely still, like a statue in an old museum. With its mission a completion it waited for orders from its master.

* * * *

Captain Theodius Skye smiled as he and his men moved forward placing themselves between the casters and the battalion of Eerikye that was formed ahead of them.

He smiled not because of the impending battle. He smiled not for the anticipated promises of possible death. No, he smiled at the sounds of confusion and dismay that he heard on the other side of the shrubs. Oh, how he wished he could see exactly what was going on just fifty or so feet away.

And then came the cry that brought his attention back to the matter at hand. It was the cry for archers that got the captain's attention. As the order was given nearly fifty archers made their way to the front of the column. Drawing their bowstrings taut the order of fire was given. With the release of each bowstring an arrow let fly so that the space between the two companies was filled with the wooden projectiles.

It was already decided that the soldiers with shields would be in the front of the line and those without would have a missile protection spell cast on them by Deemus.

It was many spells and too say that our little cleric was tired prior to the commencement of the battle would be somewhat of an understatement. Ever the warrior at heart he kept on casting until no man needed protecting.

With the order of fire given and with the air filled with the volley of arrows the soldiers covered as best they could. Many arrows were wide of their marks and yet many more struck shields clanging off them harmlessly, falling to the ground.

A few though hit horses and a few still struck riders. At the end of the first volley of arrows only one soldier had been seriously injured as an arrow pierced his shoulder. To his credit he sat resolute atop his horses back refusing to give in to the increasing pain.

The group of soldiers and adventures had no archers as they all stood atop the wall raining arrows down upon the unsuspecting Eerikye on or near the large boulders. It would normally have been a flaw in most strategies as you are giving up several rounds of volleying arrows before you can get into melee range.

However, when your army has within its occupancy several accomplished casters one can afford to implore a different bit of strategy. That of course is what our adventurers chose to do. With the attempt to only harm and not kill their use of spells diminished, but only slightly.

There were still many spells that would not kill the Eerikye but would rattle them and also stun or hamper their ability to move. These are the spells that our adventurers employed now.

Syrus and Magus Shepplin held their staves aloft and concentrated on the beginnings of their initial spell. With two mages casting a spell the area that would be affected nearly doubled.

Almost the entire first three rows of Eerikye, which included all of the archers, were immersed within this spell. As the skies above the birdmen began to turn grey and the wind howled and swirled the hail began to pound down around them.

At first the tempo was slow, and the size of the hail was small, typically under one inch. The spell began to build however, until its crescendo nearly sixty seconds later. During that time the hail fell faster and faster of the size of the balls increased to some being nearly four inches in diameter.

Many Eerikye were knocked unconscious as the balls of hail struck them in the head. Many more had bruises and welts forming all of their back and legs. Some bones were broken and a few out right fled from the pandemonium.

This spell served its intent as it kept the archers from reloading and getting any semblance of a volleying of arrows. Only a few stray arrows were launched during the "pounding hail" spell and those wildly missed their mark.

Kyjus was envious of the ability of the other two, as he was not yet able to get the pounding hail spell to work. His version usually ended up being more a short down pouring of rain. Which admittedly at this time might be a nuisance but he was going for something a bit more dramatic in presentation and delivery.

Pulling several silver studs from his reagent bag in his front left robe pocket, he began concentrating on the targets he wished to hit with his first spell.

Normally he would try and concentrate on one target overwhelming it but since the intent was not to kill, he thought it better that several targets in a group would be best. Since they were going to make a run for it to the right of the army, he decided that the birdmen in front and on the right side made the best candidates for his spell.

Focusing on a cluster of birdmen Kyjus raised his staff, "frio projectilus" he said with a stern resolve. His hand began to heat as the studs were converted by the staff and the spell. Bolts of frost nearly inch wide and eight inches long sprung forth from the young mages staff and raced across the expanse of the opening.

All total seven bolts jettisoned from the staff of the young mage. In the end they struck six different targets. Two of the targets were hit critically and it is from those birdmen scorched earth would never hear from again as they fell to the ground the life drained from them. The other four targets were hit in not critical areas even though one of them was struck by two projectiles.

The last projectile smashed into the bow of one of the archers. The wood shattered under the force of the blow. Its owner shaken and scared fled the scene that was unfolding before him. Heading northeast through the trees. He was not alone as several others followed course as the hold of the demon lessoned over them in the face of another danger.

Yet still the army before them was formidable as more than one hundred Eerikye stood in their way.

Kelsee was deep in concentration now and the sky churned anew. Holding her wand above her head in both of her arms she chanted the Elven words for the spell she was preparing. The wand glowed blue as its power was added to the might of the words of the spell and the wizard that was casting it.

The sky erupted in a sea of violent flashes as lightning rained down amid a large group of the Eerikye. The bolts hit far more often then they missed as they continually slammed into the Eerikye that were within its sphere of wrath.

In the end a few of the birdmen were severely to mortally wounded and many others were barely coherent. Many caught within the sphere that managed to get out and many that were close enough to smell the burning skin and feathers of their brethren, fled following their earlier brothers.

With most of the archers now gone there was but one course for the warriors that remained. They still outnumbered the enemy by almost three to one but they understood that if they could not get to the casters they too would meet the same fate as their kin.

It was with an emotional rage that the leader ordered a charge of the enemy but it was with questionable feelings that his kin followed. Several of the Eerikye within the army that faced our adventurers had succumbed to the breath of their leader. The demon had breathed pieces of his life into them and therefore those birdmen's desire to appease there leader was far greater as their resistance to his dominating will was far less than the Eerikye that did not endure his breath.

Those affected by the breath would hunt the enemy down. Either the enemy was going to die or they were.

The rest of the birdmen, however, took a more halfhearted move toward the army of adventurers in front of them. The order given was to charge through the men on horseback in an attempt to get to the casters beyond. Many were skeptical on whether this goal would be realized or not.

And then it happened, eight or so of the men on horseback shifted their positions allowing the casters to pull up beside them. It was a rather peculiar but lucky change in the surroundings, as now some of the casters were in the front ranks of the army in front of them. Easy targets for the plucking or so the leader of the Eerikye army thought.

He failed to rationalize this act through as he failed to see the need for the casters to have a direct line of sight on him and his men. His folly was all too real and so too would be his pain.

The three mages and the princess positioned their horses in the open spots created by Captain Skye and his men. Syrus believed that one more good volley of spells would scatter most of the clan to the four corners of scorched earth.

Syrus and Magus Sheplin had positioned themselves on the outer edges of the open positions so the spells they had chosen would have a greater area of impact.

The magus and the arch magi, almost in unison, held their staves aloft calling to the power of their deity. Each holding a large chunk of dry ice the reagent for this particular spell in their non staff hand, the mages concentrated on the area they wanted this spell to consume.

Recanting the magic words "cirit frios" the mages pointed their staves in the direction they wanted their spell to be released. The air around the casters turned frigid as those that were close to the mages could now see their breath as it escaped their mouth. The sky once again grayed although the area affected was much larger than the previous spell.

With a whoosh and a loud crackle, a large expanse of air shot forth from the mages staves. The air was cold like that of an extreme arctic blast which even with the best preparation can be very troublesome. The air expanded from the mages staff to some fifty feet across at its end. It was in the shape of a very large cone.

The creatures before the casters now were accustomed too much warmer climes and they were ill prepared for the blast that hit them.

The air was knocked from the lungs of all of the birdmen within the inner layers of the cone. Those to outside took the brunt of the wind but the air was not quite so cold. Yet still those birdmen's breath came labored.

It was for these few that it had become too much. The promise of glory from their chief seemed a trifle thing. They no longer had an inner fire for battle. It was a desire they had but only a few days earlier, however it was long gone now. For these Eerikye they only had thoughts of home, so it was to the hills to the northeast these birdmen headed. Following their earlier brethren, it was back to scorched earth they would return.

For those few within the inner parts of the cone of cold they could not move, some frozen to the earth, some could not breathe, and others had collapsed grasping at their chest. These Eerikye also had lost their lust for battle but did not have the means to flee. Instead, they stood praying to their god for a quick and immediate death.

It was not the mages desire to kill so that death would not come.

Kyjus again having not perfected any of the area spells decided on a spell that was almost as good. Reaching into his reagent bag he pulled a small piece of silver chain. It was somewhat tarnished but that did not matter.

Grasping the chain in his left hand and his staff in his right he concentrated on a spot farther back in the Eerikye army but still it was mostly to the right as he also knew their plight would be in this direction.

Seeing a small opening in the army this is where he would detonate his spell. This spell was somewhat different from most of his others in that he had to keep chanting the words of the spell softly. As he continued his chanting so to would the spell grow and become more powerful.

So softly he chanted the words to the spell "frios bintang". As he chanted these words the sky overhead turned a deep impenetrable black. As his chanting and his spell reached its end, they young mage shouted the words "dispersa" which was severely amplified by the properties of the magic.

A loud bang shot forth from the skies above as a large ball of ice descended rapidly from the heavens. It plummeted toward the ground at a rapid pace causing the ground to tremor. The object, what could best be described as a large ball of ice nearly three foot in diameter, abruptly halted several feet from the ground where it hovered and slowly rotated in a counterclockwise direction.

The young mage concentrated on the sphere and then as he brought his hands down, he quickly moved them apart from each other as if he was separating the ball with his mind. As he did so he shouted the final spell command word for this spell, "explotare".

The ball of ice stopped its rotation and shook violently. The Eerikye around it slowly started to back away from the object as they were unsure of what was happening. Then there was a loud bang and as quickly as the spell was started it now ended as the ball of ice exploded into thousands of tiny slivers.

These slivers flew in every inch of the 360-degree circumference of the ball as they moved across the ground with the speed and force of an arrow being shot by a powerful archer. Some slivers went as far as one hundred feet before they lodged into an unsuspecting victim.

Many still came dangerously close to the front line of the horses. This was perhaps a more effective spell in striking fear into the hearts of the enemy as many of the birdmen could not fully understand what had just happened to them. Almost the entire east (right) side of the army now fled as best they could. Most were down to a crawl as the frost meteor spell had imbedded shards in their legs piercing the muscles that were necessary for a hasty departure.

Confused, hurt and in a significant amount of pain most of the Eerikye that had remained now fled. There were a handful on the west side, those that had succumbed to the breath of the demon, that remained. You could see the seething fire burning within their eyes as they moved slightly to the east to join the brethren that remained.

With less than forty or so Eerikye left they no longer had any delusion of winning this battle, even though the odds were still in their favor. They had seen what their adversaries could do, formidable they were. There was only to be the peace and pleasure of dying for their chief, left open to the birdmen.

Princess Kelsee had saved her spell for last for she too believed that one good wave of spells would be enough for a hasty exit on their part.

She had just the spell, one that was typically only in the arsenal of wizards. She had cast it many times in practice but never before against living targets. She smiled as the spell would be perfect to aid in their escape.

Holding her hands aloft she began chanting, softly at first and then building the words into an almost feverish explosion. While chanting she moved her wand hand, in a large circular motion. When the spell had reached its end, she motioned her wand hand as if she meant to throw the wand but she held on to the wand not daring to relinquish it from her grasps.

The wand pulsed blue with power and then there was a loud whooshing noise. Almost like the air was being sucked out of the space around them. A bluish-white elliptical orb sprung from the wand and hurled its way to the left of the army that remained.

At first many of the adventures were confused by the spell as there was no enemy near where the orb now hovered. The princess only smiled as she knew the nature of the spell and was now supremely confident in the outcome of this battle.

The hovering orb darkened, tiny lightning bolts began to form within the princess's creation, which now began to expand and take shape.

The wind began to howl and swirl almost violently as the twister now had taken shape. The princess gently brushed her left hand off in the direction of the Eerikye, "dispensata" she whispered.

Gradually building in speed the thundering tornado mowed its way over toward what was left of the Eerikye army. Birdmen were tossed to and from some as much as thirty feet. Others still were sucked in the vortex only to be shot out its top. These were the first of their race, in a very long time, to take flight albeit for the briefest period of time.

Many made it out of the confined quarters of the road taking off around the shrubbery to take shelter behind the massive borders. Only a few made it thru the massive storm to stand in the way of the adventurers and the men from Borensia.

"Well done," Hawk said as he strode his horse up between the princess and the young mage. "I only wished you would have left a few more for us to play with. There is not enough of the pathetic rabble left to make it entertaining," he said with a smile.

"Your time to shine will come my friend as we will soon be fighting off a demon and you, Skarnum and the good captain will be responsible for cleansing the Eerikye," Syrus said in response.

"For the time being, however, I think we should make our way into the wide-open expanse of the forest," he said as he nudged his horse forward.

The captain was about to inquire about his archers when his question was answered for him. Apparently, they and the elemental pets had a fairly easy time with the reserves as he could now see his men riding across the open field at the end of the brush. They were riding for the forest and were well out of the range of the birdmen.

Captain Skye just smiled and shook his head. He was stunned at the effectiveness of the group that now rode behind him and was starting to think that maybe striking down a demon was not out of the realm of this groups capabilities.

Hawk, Skarnum and the captain lead the detail of men and the princess through the opening. Kelsee's spell was only just now dissipating so the Eerikye still had not yet recovered. However, most of the birdmen that remained were determined to get at their enemy, so they now were at an open run to close the gap.

The final objective Perandorok Forest was in sight. Its large trees and ample brush drew the adventurers in much the way a magnet is drawn to metal. The pull was irresistible as the calm and serenity of the forest belayed their current situation.

The captain foresaw a problem and called for a general halt of his men. The last of the line may not make it through if the enemy was not restrained. The men were already chosen for this as the captain handpicked the men he knew could fight upon horseback. Since the goal was to restrain them only enough so that a gap was made between the last of the riders and the enemy the captain did not see the need to dismount.

The line of debarkation, for that was the name that Captain Theodius Skye had given it, consisted of the good captain, nine of his men, Skarnum and Hawk. Together the dozen men and horse alike sought to form a barrier between the riders and the Eerikye.

With sword, mace, hammer or staff the men did as they sat out to do and that was keep the enemy at bay.

Hawk worked a magnificent display with both sword and rapier in a manner that left many awestruck. The birdmen quickly learned that to come within reach of that rider meant only the painful existence of death was to be had.

With sword, shield, and boots Skarnum also was able to keep the Eerikye from breaking through at his position. He was also able to keep his wits about him enough so that he did not leave his horse and engage in what he called more formidable combat.

It was not until the rider to Skarnum's left was pulled off his horse did Skarnum attempt to leave his saddle. Luckily Hawk had witnessed the encounter and was there to remind him of his duty.

"Stay the course young master. We have lives of friends that need protected. That warrior knew this, and he has served his people well. Do not dishonor him by letting the wretched scum through," the Elven master said.

Skarnum nodded his head and sat himself down upon his horse. He understood that he could not get off his horse but that did mean could not help.

With a quick squeeze of his legs the horse bolted toward the standing birdman, knocking the horse into the creature sending it sprawling in the opposite direction. The Eerikye to his right noticed the large rock-hyb and lunged in Skarnum's direction only to be met but the sole of the angry warrior's boot.

You could hear the beak of the creature snap as the sole of the boot made contact. The birdman shrieked in pain as it slumped to the ground.

Skarnum looked to Hawk who had taken up some of the slack that was caused by the young prince's departure. The Elven veteran nodded his approval towards the Prince, as the downed warrior was able to hoist himself back onto his horse.

The last of the adventure's, the little ranger and cleric had just passed the end of the line of debarkation. The good captain waited a full ten seconds and then ordered the retreat of his men. One by one the horses peeled off, starting with the horses closest to the shrubbery ending with the end of the line, the captain himself.

After they had exited the general vicinity of the Eerikye they cut straight across the field toward the road, it appeared they would enter the Perandorok Forest from this vantage point.

Midway across the vast expanse of the field Syrus pointed back toward the large boulders. At first, they believed he was pointing at some new development or perhaps some danger but then the other adventurers realized there was nothing there except the lone form a an elemental standing in solitude.

The old mages realized that this was the neophytes pet, and they shook their heads. It seemed that his was the only one to survive the birdmen's terror. The magus caught the young mages attention and nodded in the direction of the lone figure.

Kyjus smiled as his pet caught his eye. It appeared he had done well with this one. Closing his eyes, he concentrated hard, trying to devise a telepathic connection with his pet. The young mage felt the connection only seconds later, smiling he sent his pet a message.

"You have done well my pet be at peace with yourself." With that the pet vanished sinking down to become one with the earth. All that was left was the lone piece of metal used to help create the creature. It sat upon a crevice of the rock that now existed in the open patch of grass.

The captain smiled at the event that had just transpired. They might just have a chance indeed he thought to himself.