The Final Play

The tall skinny figure strode into the large mountainous room with as much confidence as he could muster. He was after all the leader of his people.

Unfortunately, he was going to meet Muskavalcic and therefore his stature with his people meant little. He needed this dragon now as his peoples military experience never seemed to be enough to win against the Minlavian Council.

Ole Musky had after all, secured a way to get the ancient texts, aligned them with several other races that hated the council, and figured out a plan to help cripple parts of the Desmonia's economy.

What did he want now though? Had he or one of his people done something wrong? Was it about the gnolls they were using to decipher the Ancient text or perhaps it was about the agent that helped them acquire it? His mind was swirling as he walked into the large building.

He smiled thinking about the building he was entering and the tunnel that he was about to walk down. His people had gone to great trouble and expense to make the dimensional ripple in the inside of a mountain. Its inhabitant would not have been comfortable otherwise.

The Emperor was entering the main chamber now and the smell of sulfur was nearly overwhelming. In the northern edge of the dwelling near one of the caves (buildings) walls lay the large red wyrm.

The venerable red dragon was faced away from him so he could not tell if it was asleep without approaching it. As he made his way around the side of the dragon, he noticed the creature's eyes were shut and his breath was shallow.

Now he had quite the dilemma as the wyrm had requested his presence, so he did not want to seem like he was defying it. But on the other hand, the last Dylonian to interrupt this creature's sleep ended up as a main course and that of the two was definitely the far less attractive option.

As silently as he could he began to walk backwards almost tiptoeing back the way from whence he came.

"Many people have mistaken our kind for sleeping when in fact we were merely resting. Much dissatisfaction they did observe when they realized the difference," the red wyrm said thru its evil grin.

"My apology but I did not wish to disturb you," was the Emperor's response.

The dragon half laughed knowing full well what prompted it.

"You did wish to see me did you not?"

Ole Musky nodded that it did. "I am afraid we have somewhat of a setback," it said with scorn in its voice.

The emperor looked concerned. All the thoughts he had when he entered the cave came flooding back to him. "What kind of setback? And Why," he asked.

"My demon and his army were destroyed. It was not the Minlavian council directly though I dare say they were involved somehow," the dragon said attempting to keep his anger in check. He was dealing with the Emperor here and although he would have little trouble devouring him, he was certain the retribution of an entire culture would soon follow, and this was something he did not desire.

The Emperor noticed the change and took a hesitant step backwards. "I am sure it was nothing we did that could have caused that, I mean there were only a handful of us that knew of this, and we never mentioned it."

"No, I do not doubt that this was self-inflicted by the balor I conjured. He was too hell-bent on evil and destruction. It got the better of him and he destroyed one too many towns and villages. I am fairly certain that the confrontation was the result of his failure to control his instinctual urges," the great wyrm replied.

The sigh of the emperor was noticeable. "The plan then," the emperor asked.

"This really does not delay our timetable any as deciphering the ancient text and the training of your people with its spells is still the key factor in this war. I really did want the council to feel the sting of the economic strike in our plan. It is a pity that they will not, but as I said before it really does not change our overall plan. What I want from you however is to arrange a meeting with the councils supposed turncoat spy. I want the satisfaction of having a discussion with him," the great wyrm said, his teeth now barred in a great smile.

"And what if he refuses," the Emperor asked.

"Refusal is not an option."

"It shall be done as you have requested."

The Emperor was dismissed at this point, so he made a hasty exit relishing in the knowledge that neither he nor any of his kind had angered the great beast.

He smiled briefly however, at one thought and that was he did not feel any envy for their turncoat spy.