Chapter Two: He Barks Louder When He Gets Mad [continuation]

They went to the school gym and lined up. The English teacher was assigned to be the announcer for the event. She was holding her microphone but there was no sound at all. Suddenly in the middle of the bustling crowd, a heavy masculine deep voice roared even without megaphone. Everyone got scared and knew it was from the Tyrant no.2, Math Teacher Mr. Lim. He roared, "KKKKEEEEEIIIIIITTTTTTHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"

Everyone looked at him and even though this is quite embarrassing, he was so used to it now that he left his friends to go to his father. His dad told him to check and fix if there's something wrong with the speakers or microphone. So, he went to the stage and helped the staff there. He walked really fast and at that short moment, some girls squeeked quietly.

Meanwhile standing in line among the crowd based on their class, Nick and Drake and the other boys teased him with weird cat calls.

"That prick. He's acting so cool when he's just the school official errand boy. Thank goodness he's crazy with those boring web novels, if not, I swear, I could never ever stand his cockiness." Nick dissed his best friend behind his back again as a joke, of course.

"Yeah, he's quite cool though." But I'm cooler. Drake smiled meaning his every thought while admitted that Keith is cool even though he's a bit jealous at how much attention Keith gets even without trying.

Nick smiled at him and dramatically made a scene, "Drake, why do I get the feeling that you're liking him more than me? What kind of friend are you? I was your first!"

The same manner Drake followed the improv and dramatically said, "I'm sorry, it's not you. It's me. He was there for me when you were busy chasing Jude while Jude was chasing Rocky. It was an accident! We didn't mean it to happen… Nick, I'm sorry. I'm just a man…" One must ask why he's pulling this freakshow? Well, people likes a guy who has some sense of humor! What can he do? It's a trend.

Jude who heard his name slipped and went to their class to join the attention grabbing scene. He overacted and called Nick hugging him from behind. "Nick! Oh Nick! I'm sorry but you have to give up on me!!! I don't like you too! I do not want to settle for something LESS! I'm sorry but you're in the bottom and you are up for elimination!"

"Who? Who are you to say that I am LESS? Where? Where Jude? You've seen it all!!! You know I got something more than yours!!!" Nick tried to reclaim his pride having Jude imply his size before. But the wording was quite tricky that some girls with background in classic literature blushed at the scene.

People laughed understanding where the scene might go and many were watching their improv as if they were not in the school gym but in some street show. Which was their intention in the first place. Mr. Lim who caught the commotion reprimanded them. They immediately stood and lined properly.

Then, Keith took the microphone and tested it. "Hello. Ohh. Okay." He said without any enthusiasm but girls still liked it. Finally, everyone can hear the announcer and the opening ceremony can officially start. He was held back at the stage too so he was on stand by and help in case they have another technical difficulties.

It was a long boring opening ceremony, he wanted to sleep but he can't. His hands were itching to hold his phone but he must not, especially because there are many teachers around. So, he just listened and attentively help when he's needed. There were new teachers. New clubs. New projects. They announced the main events the school will hold. They also introduced new rules and regulations which are bound to be violated anyway by the kids yawning in the crowd. Anyways, there were a lot to tackle but somehow, the English teacher made it so boring even some teachers sitting on the stage can't help but yawn too.

As soon as they were dismissed, the students walking out of gym were all either stretching or yawning. The crowd began to form clusters where people finally walk by group, by pair or by themselves. Nick and Drake went to their classroom along with other boys in their class. At this time, it can be said that the nucleus of the group is Drake and this made him shine. A set-up that he likes the most.

While they are joking, acting as rowdy as they can be, taking advantage that their homeroom teacher was not in their class yet, Keith was helping the staff arrange and clean up the school gym as if it was the most natural thing. Even the student council aren't doing as much as him. Well, he was so used to it that he can't even complain. Afterwards, he was called to the teachers 'office and their Homeroom Teacher Mr. Li asked him to assign the seating arrangement himself as if part of being his colleague's son's job is to be instant class representative. He also gave the pamphlets for the school clubs to be distributed to the whole class. Heck, even election for class representatives was given to him to handle.

Keith smiled and went to the classroom about to unleash his frustrations. He had to fix the hierarchy, he can't be an errand boy forever, he needs more time to read and sleep at school.

Back at class he was greeted with the rowdy loud guys which he really don't like. He feels that the overflowing energy was wasted on them. There were even playing basketball inside the classroom. Heck in the middle, two boys were playing chess while those around them are betting, gambling with their lunch money. Then, there were his friends, Nick and Drake along with Jude and Rocky who were supposed to be in their own classroom chatting with some pretty girls. The other girls are chatting by themselves and some were reading manga. It was so chaotic as if they were kids who just woke up from afternoon naps, in their case, the opening ceremony nap.

Keith put down the papers on the lectern. The people looked at him but still continuing their business while his friends called him to flirt or just talk to girls with them… Among all the possible ways to waste energy, flirting openly like this was the thing he doesn't like the most. This is also the reason why he doesn't really formed real friendship with Drake and he looked down on Jude and Rocky when they're trying so hard to get themselves a girlfriend.

When they were first years, Drake dated almost every pretty girl that confessed to him. He dated more than he studied his lessons. He was the type his sister was hating last night: popular, handsome, tall, rich… Thank goodness he's not blessed with high IQ… He's just average on that area and he's barely getting through Mathematics. He's flirty, the girls around him can be so annoying. They'd assume that just because Keith tags along with same group, their other friends can flirt with him too. Just smelling another kind of perfume on Drake disgusts him.

Back to this chaotic scene. He stuck to his plan. "Everyone sit down." He demanded like a boss. Well, because of the inherent talent in his family, even though he wasn't intending to make it loud and intimidating, it still sounded like that. The boys began to tease and cheer him up thinking Keith was in the mood to play with them. "Whoooooooo!!!!!"… "Keith! Come on!"…"Keith, why so serious, lol!"

"You little shits… I said everyone in this class, sit down. Those who don't belong in 2-C, get your asses out of here." This was how normally he talks but because he wants dominance, so he toughed his act up.

Jude and Rocky felt so wronged and left with the other guy who was playing chess. Then everyone quieted and settled down finally.

He looked at them indifferently and began to finish his task. "Those who are short and nearsighted, sit in the front rows. My seat is where I left my things." He demanded and chose the last row even when he has the worst eyesight problem.

His classmates looked at each other, some feeling embarrassed with their height and some felt the air was so annoying. Their top 1, Darryl Yan, finally can't stand his cockiness, and spoke up, "Keith Lim, why are you speaking in this kind of language? Why are you deliberately acting like the leader? Why are you giving orders like this?"

He spent an annoying year with this person last year. Keith was usually unbothered but Darryl can be so irritating making his errands more and harder. So, now he wants to be someone he can't bother at all. "If your glasses works, you should have seen these fucking papers here. Unfortunately, Mr. Li is our homeroom adviser. He's so busy with his volleyball club right now, so he wants me to do his job. Now if anyone of you dares to question me, you can kiss my ass."

This dominating aura Keith was exuding annoyed Drake's ego. He wants to be close to Keith but that's the limit of his compromise, he can't lower himself to be subordinate… To hell, he wanted to rise above this dude. So he smiled and broke this dominance by acting cute, "Then Boss…" He raised his hand, "Can I kiss your ass?"

The other boys laughed at this. Only Keith wasn't amused because this fucker was about to make him break out of character. "Funny? How about those who laugh so much sit in the front row? Ha! Come on. You shit eaters."

The guy in the back who just played basketball acted as if the mood was still funny and made another joke, "Drake if you kiss Keith's ass, then you're the shit-eater!!!"

They laughed again.

And someone from behind said, "Ugh. That's so gay, man. What the fuck."

"Yeah right. Hahaha! Why kiss ass when you can—"


Seeing that no one moved, Keith roared once more time, "SHOULD I REPEAT MYSELF ALL OVER AGAIN? FUCK! ONE!... TWO!... THREE!"

Now they're seated properly. The people in the first to third row are either short or wearing glasses. The others on the back are the ones that are tall. Darryl was the only one out of place, sitting in the middle of the front row.

"Darryl, sit on the fourth row."

"B-but I'm nearsighted."

"Your glasses has a higher grade than Drake's math grade. You can still see there."

"Ooooohh…" Nick looked at Drake feeling sympathetic at his friend that angered the mad dog. He said with low voice, "Dude, you're dead."

Yeah. I fucked up! Drake realized how scary Keith is.

"Darryl, you'll be the class representative. Choose a female class representative yourself to help you." Now with normal tone, Keith assigned Darryl. And Darryl who was just annoyed with his seat, he finally became happy because he really somehow likes to be the one in charge and leading the pack. When Keith was actually just making him become another errand boy of the school. An errand boy with a professional title. He gets no merit, just pure responsibilities.

Keith distributed the pamphlets and gave the further instructions. He also finally wrote down the seating arrangement. Sadly, he's next to Drake in the back row near the windows. In front of his desk is Nick. When he sat down to his seat, Drake leaned his head closer to him smelling like a sweet fruity artificial strawberry like scent of perfume which was from the girl he was chatting with just a while ago. He sweetly said, "Hey…Boss, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to annoy you."

Keith on the other hand just fished out his phone and watched an anime adaptation of a light novel he liked before. He watched until a teacher finally came in.

And today, adding to the embarrassing record of his life. Keith now showed to everyone that he is as loud as his mother and as tough as his father's voice. His voice practically reached the teacher's office.

He really doesn't like to be a loud mouthed person. He has extreme patience, he's not that tired, he's not that sleep deprived, and he's not that sensitive… but he can't help but lose his cool when he felt that he's push into the corner with nowhere to go.