Chapter Two: He Barks Louder When He Gets Mad

A Stray's Puppy Love

Chapter Two: He Barks Louder When He Gets Mad

Eating the left over from the dinner last night which was also leftover from M Senior High School teachers and staffs dinner party as breakfast plus bread paired with milk, coffee, and tea… was very economical indeed. On the table, they talked about Kiara's job hunting plans and news, encouragement for Keith to pay attention more to studies, news about Kylie and her twin sons, and Kyrie's another project. Then, another task only for Keith.

"Oh by the way, Mr. Ding called. They had dinner with his kids last night too. They have a lot left overs, they want you to go there and fetch it later. Say thank you to them and flatter him a lot. Okay?!" His mother's words are the law of the house. He can't disobey it. So he just nodded.

Then his mother talked again, "Oh… yeah, speaking of his kids. Do you know that his kids are very accomplished? He said his youngest was also your schoolmate in middle school, Kiara. So, I think it'd be better for you to fetch their leftovers there-"

"Ma!!!" Kiara interrupted her mother's unbearable task assignment. And another yelling began.

"What?!! What's so hard about it?!! It'll even help you interact and have connection! Who knows they might get you acquainted to some companies and help you find job!! What's so embarrassing about fetching Mr. Ding's leftovers?!!" It was morning and this daily mother and daughter interaction was even more effective than their neighbors' alarm clocks. Thanks to this conversation, all the families surrounding their house now knew the sponsor of their dinner later and the embarrassing networking strategy unique to Lim family.

"I am not as thick-skinned as Keith, Ma!!! And even if their youngest child was my schoolmate, do you really think I can get along well with them? I! I was so busy studying back then, I don't even remember any of my classmates in high school, how much more a schoolmate in middle school?!!!" This time, due to the influence of the idol teen drama she just binge watched, she's even willing to trade her teenage sob story just so she can decline her mother's command.

"Keith may be thick-skinned but at least he does what I tell him to do!!! He's such an obedient kid! He doesn't even hesitate every time I tell him to collect the food leftovers in every party we attend all for you!!!" This time, all those who tried to go back to sleep were awaken again laughing their ass out because they knew it was so true. On the other hand Keith did not feel praised at all. It was misdirected stabs that was supposed to hit Kiara but his mother managed to throw it all to him.

Kiara who was so emotional and then suddenly she can't help but laugh and feel sorry for Keith who has been doing it for years. She laughed so hard, that even their father could not contain it anymore and laugh as loud as he could, making it obvious how they deliberately pushed the shame to their son. Even his mother who wanted to stand for him laughed realizing how shameful his son has become when it was her who made him become like that.

Their neighbors can't just help but be moved with the liveliness in their house but they would never feel envy nor wish they're the same as them.

When Kiara was done laughing and her tummy has recovered from it, she began to plead her case again. "Keith! I can't do it no matter what… Pease you have to do it or else we'll starve. I can't cook, you can't cook, ma and pa can't cook… Come on…"

Keith knows that the longer this conversation drags, the more humiliation for their family. And as the only one blessed with sensitivity, he can't bear any more shame and took the task. "Okay, I'll fetch it on my way home later. But, you have to take care of that puppy in my room. Feed him milk."

"There's another puppy?!! Keith, I spend more money on dog food than our grocery, and now you have another puppy?!!!" His mom got angry again. She was allergic to dogs to begin with but later, her immune system adjusted for her son because Keith just kept attracting dogs no matter what.

"I'm going to find someone to adopt Kookie."

His mom suddenly had a headache. "Keith, you even named him already!!!"

"There are still a lot of leftovers right?" His father asked to change the topic of conversation because he helped Keith last night.

"It's still enough to get us through until tomorrow's breakfast." Kiara answered.

Only Keith felt bitter with the news.

He fed the nine naughty dogs who were running around outside their house. He also gave Kiara instructions on how to feed the little puppy and what to do in case it poops. And then, when they were all set, his parents sat in the back and chatted about today's tasks at school while Keith drives their car to the school.

As soon as he got out of the driver's seat, the people who saw it can't help but look up to their "Unbothered Glasses Prince". Some took photos, especially the first years. His height also increased which made him cooler than he used to be.

He opened the door for his notorious mother and helped in carrying their files and bag like a gentleman. His mama's boy attitude was even one of his best qualities that attracts many of them. Making them think that even though he don't usually interact with others aside from his friends, the fact that he clings to his mother obediently, means he's patient, kind, gentle, hard worker, faithful, and most importantly, he would treat you special while shunning others. They fantasized and forgot that the one he pays attention to was not them but his mother alone.

He went to the teachers' office and helped his parents set up. Greeted the other teachers, chatted with them and he finally went to his class. He doesn't have to look at the announcement boards, he was already told by the teachers in the office, so he went to their classroom immediately. He chose the back row again to avoid getting caught that he's reading on his phone. He put his things down, sat, pull his phone and opened the forum of the novel he fanned for now.

While the app was loading, a loud voice called out to him… "KEEEIIIIITTTTTHHHHHH!!!!" It was Nick, his best friend. "You should have waited for me. I wanted a lift!" he was sulking. He walked towards him and threw his backpack beside his seat. And soon Drake also put his backpack to the seat in front of Keith. "Hey Boss!" Drake clenched his fist and raised it above Keith's phone.

Keith felt dumbfounded. He thought he has something to give like candy. So, he opened his palm under the fist as if he's waiting for something. Drake smiled and held that hand and helped him clench it. After that he deliberately fist-bumped him in the most gentle way.

"Hey, what's with you today, Drake?" Keith asked.

"Nothing, just greeting my boss 'cause we're finally classmates!", Drake smiled and sat on his seat, with his hands resting on the back of the chair looking at Keith scrolling on his phone. Nick stood beside Keith and watch the screen too.

Keith turned his phone off and the screen turned black mirroring the face of the two beside him. "You don't have phones on you? You really have to fucking stick your heads and watch what I do on my phone?"

Nick forced a laugh, "Nah, I just copied Drake."

Drake cutely made an excuse, "I was just curious."

"I heard you're going to Mr. Ding today. I'm going with you. They probably have desserts, right?" Nick casually said as he sat on the chair beside Drake.

"Who did you hear it from?" Keith asked.

"Your house, you guys were kinda having dramatic and happy family meeting. My mom doesn't even have to wake me up."


Drake butt into their conversation now which he usually don't try to get involved with before. "Mr. Ding? Who's that? What are you going there for? Can I also come with you?"

Keith's hand froze and looked at Nick trying to send a signal to him to make this guy back out.

"Mr. Ding is the one of the richest in our neighborhood. We're going there to get some snacks. Because he's giving us some." Nick explained in the most considerate way possible to protect Keith's reputation at school.

"Oh. Then can I come with you two?" Drake has no plans of giving up at all.

It irate Keith and made an excuse himself. "You see Drake, it's nothing fancy actually. My mother just wanted me to go there and get some snacks. They called her and now she's sending me to go. It's just a chore. You don't have to come with us."

"It's okay, we can just wait for you when you're done with the chore and then the three of us can hang out! OH! Can I go to your house? We can play games too and you know… make our assignments, I guess?" Drake was so full of energy finding opportunities to get along with Keith.

"Nah. My sister will eat you. Even Nick don't come to my house were just living across the street. Ask Nick, it's definitely not a good idea to come to my house. She's really scarier than the dogs outside." When he mentioned the dogs he finally had another solid foolproof excuse. He added, "You know the dogs… they are stray dogs by nature, they'll bite and chase if they see an unfamiliar face. I swear!"

Drake raised his eyebrow and even looked at Nick, "But he said last night, he went to your room just yesterday morning though. And he said that your sister is nice even if she's loud and your dogs are very nice."

Keith clenched his phone and looked at Nick. "Wow. You have three strikes today you dog shit."

Keith's curse words vocabulary is wide and practically used every day, He mainly use English bad words because of the television series and cartoons he watched growing up. His favorites are Fuck and Shit. His least used curse words is Dog shit. Which means "I will step on you, sooner or later" on his dictionary. Keith's retaliation has been limited to access to his assignments. A strike means he will not be willing to share his workbooks for a week. The more strike, the longer the retaliation and the harsher they become.

Now Nick has to beg. He hugged Keith and sway him back and forth… "Keith….KEEEIIIITTTHHH, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't possibly live through if I have three strikes. Can you at least cancel out the two for our friendship!!! I even accepted how much you love stray dogs more than me…" He was fake crying. He's fake sob is so loud to his ears. And for a long time, Nick knew that the best way to deal with his best friend's mood twist and anger, he just have to be more annoying and shameless at begging.

Seeing how close the two are in front of him, Drake somehow felt their gap. His friends with the two but somehow he wants to compete against Nick. He wants to be closer to Keith.

Keith struggled to push him away and just agreed so Nick would stop sticking himself to him. He hates physical contact so much he wants to strike him out of his friend's list directly.

"Why do you want to hang out with us after school so bad like this, it's obvious how I'm deliberately making excuses. You're not dense, you get the message right?" Now Keith's irritation was suddenly placed to Drake.

He sounded so rude as if they're not peers. Everyone in the classroom got cold at his words. Everyone knew his tongue is sharp from experience but what he said to Drake was to sharp and painful.

It's very cruel but Drake smiled and brushed it off. He acted cutely by blowing up his cheeks and the pout like a kid. "I want to hang out with you."

The sight was so cute Nick can't help but take a picture. Then he said, "Repeat what you just said Drake!" He pressed the button to film. And then Drake did it again with even more coquettish feel. He said, "Boss… I want to hang out with you. (~^ 3^~)"

They laughed and shared the video online immediately.

Nick hit Keith's back, "Boss, let's hang out with him later… I swear it will be fun!"

Keith glared at Nick after taking the undeserved hit. "I'm not going to let you copy my home-works for a month you sonofa---!"

The bell rang and opening ceremony was about to start so Keith stood up first, pat Drake's shoulder to urge him to get up too, while Nick was still trying to process how he managed to get another strike.