Chapter Eleven: He Made Dream a With Him

[Content Warning: NSFW]

They threw their trash and went into the food court carrying a bag of tissues. Drake invited him to a fancy Italian restaurant, but Keith said he didn't like Italian foods and dragged him into the food court. Keith just learned a handkerchief can cost 150 US dollars. He knew Italian pasta could be expensive. And even though this is their first date, he wouldn't feel at ease having Drake treat him to meals always.

They ate barbecue for lunch. Though inwardly, the two complained that it didn't taste as good as the barbeques outside their school, and they had to pay more.

They didn't mind the taste because of each other's company. However, they moved to another restaurant and ate seafood to their heart's content. It was clear from the start that they had big appetites. Regardless of how they pigged out, it was still a valid date.

"Babe," Drake called him.

"We're outside Drake." Keith chomped the spicy crab meat before reminding him.

"Okay. Keith, you like reading, right? Does it affect your prospects in life? I mean, did it affect your plans for the future?" Drake seriously asked.

Keith's eyes met his. Drake looked somewhat different in a good way. Keith licked his finger and then smiled at him. "Yes, of course, reading led me to dream of being a writer," he answered. He wanted to add that his parents think it's just a silly dream that won't guarantee a stable salary, but he did not want to burden Drake with his parent's stubbornness. There's nothing they can do about that anyway. He focused on Drake instead, "Why did you ask?"

"Nothing." Drake looked at his plate and added, "It's just. I'm beginning to fall for the movies you show me. And please, don't laugh at me…."

"Silly, why would I laugh at my man? Continue."

"It's just" Drake paused and smiled at him. A smile so kind and innocent Keith thought Drake wouldn't have. "I kind of want to make films you'll proudly recommend to others. You know, movies that have weight. The kind that will touch a viewer to stop and watch all the names roll upwards after the film's ending."

Keith's face softened. He took tissue plies and wiped away Drake's nonexistent dirt on his face to touch him publicly. "You want your name to be on the credits roll in the future? I want to write stories too. Maybe I can be a screenwriter… After a great movie ends, my name can follow your name. Then, we can be in the same frame. We can make movies together. We can promote and recommend it to the world together. We can make lots of money. Wouldn't that be good?"

Keith and Drake both chuckled. Their eyes looked at each other and wandered into endless possibilities they wanted to do together in the future.

After the hearty meal, they went to the nearest men's restroom, locked a stall, and held each other in a tight embrace. They shared many kisses every chance they got before, and every moment felt special. The two did not care where they were at this time as they were overcome with their emotions and desires. They bit each other's lips wildly. Their hands caressed each other, feeling their skins through their clothes, from the top to their buttocks, as they kept pulling themselves nearer and closer to the infinite limit between them. Drake couldn't think straight aside from wanting to make love with Keith, but his mind's clutch prevented him from doing that. However, Keith, who never wanted to be holy, was at his limit; grinding each other suffocates his crotch and patience.

Keith kneeled and rushed to unbuckle Drake's belt. "Babe… What are you doing?" Drake whispered. He sobered up and wanted to stop Keith, but this boyfriend wouldn't listen. Keith pulled down Drake's pants and his black boxer brief. And alas!

At last, Drake's lust loomed over Keith's eyes. He touched it and felt the stiffness of his man's manhood. Keith looked up to tease Drake and smiled. He mouthed, "Love you, Drake Ran!"

Drake pulled his adorable boyfriend up before doing what he had set his mind to do. "Babe, we can't!" Drake whispered to Keith.

"What do you mean we can't" Keith whispered back and bit Drake's ear naughtily and caressed the little unrestrained Drake.

Drake pushed Keith and cornered him with another torrid kiss, provoked by Keith's advances. He led Keith's hands to rub both of their members together. Keith had no time to complain as tiny quivering moans escaped from his mouth. He gasped to breathe. He let out sounds expressing his pleasure.

"Haa…" Drake breathes deeply. Keith's mouth was very wet and warm. His manhood felt hotter for Keith. There was no time to think as they impulsively surrendered to their desire.

"Mhmm…" Keith's eyes began to water.

"Babe, stop it. I'm close. Babe…" Keith weakly pleaded.

Keith's climax did not take so long. Because he doesn't jerk off by himself, the abundance of his cum was overwhelming. Drake pulled the tissue from their supply and wiped their hands. Then he drew another ply to wipe off the tear and sweat on Keith's face. It sullied his sweater and his jeans. They used another roll of tissue to erase the trace of his obscenity, but Drake didn't want him to walk out of the stall looking so tempting.

It only took fifteen minutes when Drake returned with a black sweatshirt, three pairs of boxer briefs, and cologne, all from the same famous luxury brand. Keith wore it happily. He loved how Drake openly spoils him.

Drake smiled at him and gave him a toothbrush with pea-sized toothpaste when he came out of the stall. They brushed their teeth, and through the mirror, Keith watched Drake style his hair. They'd fall into laughter whenever their eyes met their reflections.

Keith folded his sweater and put it in the shopping bag.

"Your lips are a bit swollen?" Drake whispered.

"Whose fault was it?" Keith also packed the toothbrush into the other gift bag, and then they both showered into a light manly scent when Keith sprayed the cologne over him and Drake. He put it all away, and as they were ready to go, they heard a familiar excited scream.

"Uncle!!! Brother Drake!!!" Rio suddenly clung to Drake. "Mhmm. You smell so good!!!"

"You too. What are you doing here, baby?" Drake carried him and talked to him like a doting brother.

"We ate ice cream, chocolate, mmmm…rice…banana, and then my tummy aches. I want to poop in the potty, then mommy said I can eat again after pooping," Rio tried to explain while complaining to his brother.

"Mommy did not tell you that. She said that you can't eat any sweets anymore." Aaron patted Drake's shoulder, smiled at both of them, and then took his kid to the stall.

"Keith, Drake, do you have plans later? Since you two are here already, hang out with us instead. Theo kept saying he misses his brother Drake."

"And uncle too! Let's play, uncle!!!" Rio butted in.

"Yes. Let's all have fun with your sister Kylie! Okay?!"

The two looked at each other.

'Please, brother… Just have fun by yourselves! I'm dead.'