Chapter Twelve: He's Not That Shameless

The refreshed, horny couple had no choice but to hang out with them. Rio clung to Drake as he carried him, following Aaron and Keith. Drake was honestly nervous thinking about the last time he had a conversation with sister Kylie. He knew that Kylie was very understanding and open-minded, but he couldn't help but feel awkward about seeing her again. They walked through the cold and bustling hallway with weak knees, not because of their activity in the cubicle but due to nervous feelings.

"Mommy!!!" Rio loudly called his mother. They were in the children's playground. Theo was swimming in a colorful cage of balls while Kylie was watching the kid from the outside, and her belly looked bigger compared to other 4-months pregnant women. She also gained a lot of fat compared to the last time Drake saw her.

"Sweetheart, look who I found! Keith and Drake were hanging out in the restroom, so I took them here." Aaron felt so proud. He really wanted to please his wife since she had been moody these days— however, the look on Kylie's face was something else, and it wasn't a happily surprised look that he was aiming for. "What's wrong, sweetheart? Is your tummy okay? Are you hurt?" Aaron hurried to tend to his wife.

"I'm okay, sweetie. It's just, I can't believe how martyr some idiots can be." She smiled, but Aaron got scared by those sharp words.

"Mommy, what's an idiot?" Rio curiously asked.

"Your uncle." She answered.

"Uncle!!! Brother Drake!!! Help me!!! I want to get out of here!" Theo screamed. The kid was drowning in the pool of plastic balls. Although it was not threatening, Theo was still distressed. So, Keith entered the ridiculous obstacle course and took Theo out while Drake was enduring the glares from Kylie.

"Sweetheart, why don't you play with the twins while I talk with these idiots?" She sounded so sweet when she talked to Aaron. Aaron looked at Drake and felt he shouldn't have taken the two with him. He felt pity, but he was more terrified of his wife. So, right after Keith returned from the obstacle course with Theo, Aaron took the twins back inside. The twins cried when they saw their mother go with Keith and Drake, but it wasn't enough to get their attention since they had to talk about important matters first.

Kylie took them to a café that her friend manages. She talked to her and got them a private room. She ate three cheesecakes and a large chocolate parfait inside the room, while Keith and Drake only had plain coffee. "What are you looking at? I'm eating for three monsters, don't judge me." She defended herself.

"Tt-Three?" Drake was dumbfounded.

Keith laughed, "I know, right? She's like a dog. One pregnancy, three offspring."

"Do I look like I'm in the mood for jokes, Keith?" Kylie just belched after eating the parfait.

"Aaron took Theo to the restroom before Rio… When they got back, Theo told me there was a ghost in the toilet. When I asked Aaron, he thought some shameless bastards dared to have sex in there. He heard moans, not ghosts."

Keith spilled the coffee back into the cup. "Whoa. Re-really?!!! Fuck, how shameless!!!"

"Yeah, and I hope the two of you would never do what those bastards did!" She demanded.

"We'd never do it, Kylie. I swear. We're not that shameless." Keith proved how much of a liar he is while feeling shame deep within.

Drake bowed his head feeling so much guilt. "We're going to take it slow, sister Kylie."

"So, the two of you are dating now? Since when?" She smirked, going to the chat she wanted to tackle since she believed that there was no way the two young, innocent boys were like those bastards.

"Three weeks ago." Keith blushed when he admitted when. He was so shy that he drank what he had just spat.

"See, I told you he has a thing for you," Kylie reassured her brother and then turned to Drake for a gentle warning. "Don't make our baby boy cry again."

"I promise, sister Kylie. I'll make Keith happy." Drake felt relieved with how Kylie responded to their relationship.

"Anyway, you two are high school boys. You're at that age where you'd have so much energy to do impulsive things. Remember that even if no one among you gets pregnant, you still have to be careful when you have sex." She was chill looking at the menu again for another order.


"What? I'm just being real! Especially you, Keith! I wouldn't want to get a call from the hospital because you have hemorrhoids." She laughed and joked about how terrible and shameless it would be if he were treated at the hospital where her husband works.

"Oh my God! Kylie, you're too much!!!"

Drake blushed. "Sister Kylie, I swear I'll be gentle."

Kylie blew up. "Why are you saying that to me?!!! Shit."

She ordered another cheesecake and milk tea while tackling sex education without regard to how embarrassed the two felt.

"… I'm just saying. You have to remember these since you two look like you're taking your relationship seriously. These are all new to you, and you have to be familiar with the safety and preparation measures because it will be your routine in the long run." She advised.

"What routine, the sex?" Keith definitely liked the idea.

"Keith, you're drooling," Kylie sneered at her younger brother's grin. "If you listened to me properly, you'd know I wasn't only talking about condoms and lubricants. You two will be adults soon, and it's important that since you chose to be in this relationship, you need to take care of yourself to take care of each other better."

"Well, I get that, and you don't have to shamelessly-" Keith wanted to make Kylie shut up because the topic was too personal.

"Thank you, sister Kylie." Drake cut him off since he needed that conversation.

"Why are you thanking me?" Kylie felt the thanks were unnecessary since she was nosy.

"I really wanted to love Keith the right way. So, this talk is beneficial to me. And it's nice that you're okay with our relationship." The two siblings felt their hearts were struck seeing how proper Drake behaved… He's the kindest kid in the preschool.

"Well, it's only proper for me to approve what you two have as long as you show me that you can be responsible. When the two of you have problems or anything you want to share, don't hesitate to talk to me. Okay?"

The three left the café with a lighter atmosphere. Upon returning, many crying kids in the playground welcomed Kylie and the couple. Theo and Rio were the loudest. Later, they played with the kids in the arcade to comfort the twins. They played a lot, laughed, and enjoyed the time together. They took so many pictures, too, and they left the arcade with four dinosaur plushies Drake won for the twins.

After dinner, they separated. Keith brought home a takeaway for his family too. They drove and arrived by 8 PM. They stopped two blocks away from Keith's house, and honestly, Keith didn't want to get out anymore. He was so exhausted that there was nothing he wanted more than to sleep beside Drake and rest together.

"Babe. You have to go. Text me before you sleep, okay?" Drake unbuckled Keith's seatbelt.

"Babe, about… you know… doing the deed that couples do… don't you think it's okay to do it, as long as we have protection and stuff?" Keith hugged him, and he did not hesitate to talk about it in the dark.

"Maybe. But it will be hard for you." Drake hugged him back, pulling the brakes to take things slow.

Keith sighed. "Well, I guess that's true. But I can endure it. I'm tougher than what you think."

"And, we have to mind the place and the time. We can't do what we did earlier again. You heard sister Kylie— she wants us to be responsible. We have to take care of our studies. I mean, I have to catch up with you at school. Also, on weekends, I'd probably have to work. And most importantly, since we have to hide about ourselves, we have to mind what your parents might think."

It's not like Keith hasn't thought of these. It's just that he wanted to do it like in the novels he read. "Babe, thank you," Keith mumbled.


"Thanks for taking me seriously." He explained.

Drake kissed his forehead. "You have to go home, babe."

Keith smacked Drake's lips. "Love you, babe."

Drake kissed him too. "Love you too, babe."

They reluctantly parted…

Keith got home and saw his parents and Kiara in the living room, eating pizza while watching a romantic comedy film set in the 1980s.

"I thought you already forgot to come home." His mother dissed him when she saw him.

"Ma, I'm sorry, we played with Rio and Theo in the arcade, forgetting about time." Keith hugged her and also hugged his father.

"You smell so good. Did Kylie buy you a new perfume?" His father asked.

"Are your clothes new?" His mother also asked since he's wearing something different from this morning.

Keith felt awkward thinking about what to use as an excuse. "Hmm. I spilled milk tea on my clothes, so Kylie bought this for me." Kiara didn't buy his lies. After all, the clothes are costly, and Kylie wasn't the type to purchase luxury items just to gift to her younger siblings. Heck, all the birthday gifts she received from Kylie were useless handmade DIY projects. But she kept silent since she had wronged him, and Keith was still in the cold war with her.

"Ma, have you had dinner already? Kylie bought takeaway. I'm just going to reheat them, then eat, okay?"

Keith went to the kitchen and reheated them in the microwave. His father watched Keith go upstairs before he asked his wife. "Did he hang out with that Drake or with Kylie?"

"I don't know, he said with his friends, but it's good that he hung out with Kylie and the twins instead of staying indoors." She took another bite of the pizza slice in her hand. "Kiara, when will you apologize to your younger brother?"

"Ugh! He's so sensitive," Kiara rolled her eyes, also feeling at a loss about dealing with her younger brother.

The next day, during lunch break, Keith took Drake to the movie club after lunch. They went to a small room. The door had a sign saying "Board Games club/ Movie Club." There were two long tables and many scattered chairs. The shelves on the side have a few DVDs and board games like snakes and ladders, monopoly, checkers, and play cards. Two girls were eating inside with their lunch boxes, and they were shocked when Drake and Keith entered after knocking twice.

"Hello. Is this the movie club?" Drake smiled and asked them while Keith looked at the few DVDs. The casings have indie films cover, but when he opened them, it was empty. He got annoyed and checked the other DVDs, only to find three discs. Two are broken.

"Did you come here to inspect?" the girl wearing glasses looked scared when she saw Keith inspecting the DVDs. "I swear, we're a good club. We also have fifteen members. The minimum requirement to form a club is only five. We're triple that, so we're a proper movie appreciation club, even if we don't have a proper display. I swear!"

"Chill, we're only here because we want to join the movie club." Drake amicably calmed the girl, who even stood up to explain and defend themselves while the other girl looked constipated.

Keith scoffed. "Drake, let's leave. There's nothing here, and we're totally not joining."

Before they could leave, the girl stopped them. "Hey! Don't sell us. You see, the school wants us to join at least two clubs. Most of the girls who joined here have part-time jobs, and we can't go to our jobs if we spend our after-class doing club work."

Drake smiled at them and gestured an 'Ok' sign before leaving.

In the hallway, they walked and talked about it.

"Movie appreciation club? Do they appreciate movies by stacking DVD casings with broken discs and going home? Geez!" Keith was disappointed. "I should have known. Nick was a member of the board games club before, and he did nothing but hang out with you guys after school."

"Babe," Drake whispered. Then he talked usually, "I've noticed that aside from your family, teachers, and, you know, maybe your neighbors, you don't really like talking with girls the same age as us. Why is that?"

"You know what I am. Why do you have to ask me that?" He implied his sexuality.

"Despite that, it shouldn't be an issue to be friends with girls, right? You still can like them as friends even when you can't see them more than that, right?" Drake smiled while boldly insinuating Keith's attitude towards girls.

"Our neighborhood has scary girls. Older women are nicer. They always call me when they want to give me something for my dogs. What can I do?" Keith dismissed him as he dragged him to the drama club.

It was more conducive and way cleaner than the movie club when they entered the room. They saw familiar faces inside with other students from different year levels. Darryl was surprised when he saw Keith as well. Mae, the girl, who gossiped about the fanfictions and rumors in middle school about Keith before, waved her hand to Drake with a big smile.

"Drake!!! Why are you here?" She rushed to him, beaming with enthusiasm.

"Mae, you're a member here? We're interested in the Drama club. That's why we came here." Drake replied. Soon a female senior, who happened to be Drake's ex-girlfriend, approached them with the other two female first-year juniors.

"Hi, Drake. It's been a while." She smiled, but her eyes had a little tint of pain.

Drake forced a laugh. "Hi… Samantha?"

"Sarah!" She corrected and rolled her eyes. She was one of the few girls who had experienced kisses from Drake before. So, she hoped that maybe, Drake could at least remember her.

"Oh. Sorry. I was just kidding. Haha…" while Drake was trying to pass through the girls, Keith approached Darryl.

"Yo. Are you a member here?" Keith asked.

"Ah. Yeah. In fact, I'm the vice president, and I'm the Director. I direct, and I also help in editing the clips. When we have to do plays, I am in charge of the props." Darryl happily told him his roles aside from being a member.

"Okay." Keith nodded. "So, you mentioned, you edit clips, and you do plays… what are the outputs Drama club have to complete?"

"We film short films and submit them to competitions, and we also do live theater plays. We also did workshops for the juniors for filmmaking and acting." He briefly answered.

Keith showed a rare smile that was not in front of his friends or Drake.

"Nice… Can Drake and I join here?" The proud school snob suddenly kindly asked.