
Allen wrote that they were under penalty to not use their most powerful skill sets. He wrote additional comments after observing the final stage of the fight that however they are allowed to use some special moves but they are to stay in the limitation.

Only thing that Allen could describe there about the special skill of leg master was by using the word Rapid. He had rapid speed, even when using his punches. Allen hence wrote down that this leg master seemed like that he often used a….  hit and run tactic. He could swiftly attack and retreat from the battlefield most of the time. 

Seeing him use a combo for the third or fourth time, any observer would have said

" Combo does not fit this character" He used a combo and he could not catch up to speed with his bare hands. Maybe he could have if he tried with his legs but, he probably never learned to do so with hands.

The punching master was only exhausting his legs; he was using no special skills at all.

Allen wrote down that he only had punching skills in his arsenal. And he did not have many skills in the first place due to him being specialized punches only. The leg master using some special moves showed that he had more flexible moves, and probably more of them

As he was writing, the two of them looked at him while he did not have his attention on them. They smiled. And the speed of theirs started to go up. They had started with simple moves with a small sprinkling of new moves. But now that he had written some things, the speed of both increased and the destruction level increased, so... it was not possible for Allen to observe what was happening. Only when one of them would smash into the ground would he know they were actually fighting. Or were they? He looked around, in hopes that maybe he could gather some details from the destruction. 

For a few minutes, nothing. The timer was also passing and much time had passed. More than ten minutes. After some time, Allen saw something. Spots would form whenever either of them would fall, and the spots formed were making some kind of pattern, which he was excited to see. Very quickly however, he saw that it was too weird and he could not decipher it. It did seem like a pattern though. 

Anyways, Allen had to look at something else. In one of the spots formed, there were some kinds of burnt plants.  He tried to see some of the other spots and in about 30% or around that, some kind of fire or heatwave was still present. And in most of the others there was some amount of electric static. Some were empty too.

Allen got excited and started to write things down.

The leg master was using some type of special moves. The electric shocks and blasts are from him. He had the most moves before also.

 Fire thing was difficult to say anything about. The punch master had no observable special moves before. Even if he could use some now. There were only mostly electric shocks that covered the pits. But it also was not the case that the punch master also had and was using the electrodynamic type of abilities. Many pits could not be explained if that was indeed the case. And he did not have many, or any before in the first place. That was safe to eliminate for now. 

Allen hence wrote that because of some special processes that tried to convert one energy into other forms of energy, the leg master was able to use some of the abilities that he had in his skill set, designed especially for his legs, with his hands, because of the energy he converted and utilized.

 By elimination, the rest of the destruction fell onto the shoulder of the punch hero. 

Allen wrote down that the fire could be explained because of the power that the punch master had. The friction itself that was created from his power and speed itself alone and a little bit of his technique was creating this much amount of heat. That was also the reason that some pits were quite empty, the fire had probably been extinguished at those spots. It was not due to some skill after all.

After writing all of that, Allen put his pen down as there was nothing else that he could figure out. Other than the fact that the moment he put his pen down, the system automatically considered that as the end of the session and the timer that was displaying shutdown. His results displayed his time taken. 

The system said that now you will be taken to the next stage, please prepare yourself. For a few seconds, nothing happened. Allen started to touch and feel out the screen.

Then maybe as a result, immediately there was some blacking out and Allen was in some kind of place, again with some kind of screen in front of it.

The rules are as follows:

"You will have only one chance to interfere with any of the the shown scenarios, and for 10 seconds only.

You have to decide when is the best time to interfere. When would interfering create the biggest and most positive kind of impact."

Side info"It is up to you to ignore those kinds of situations where you do not have the capability to change things from their obvious result." Then some pause happened.

Allen looked around and the timer had begun at the moment the system stopped talking. Allen could feel that maybe some kind of wind was rushing.

It looked like a car was being driven. The camera automatically panned out to show that it was a family, a family of four in the car.

The passengers ahead were the parents, and the back seats had two kids. One of the kids had gradually slid his hand into the lunch box of the other when he was looking outside the window. He was very close, nearly about to accomplish it.

Suddenly there was a big smash from outside and the car swiveled down the road. Due to the angle, Allen could not see what had hit the car. What he would notice however was that there was some kind of blood that was dripping from the side of the car. That was little clue, but probably simply meant that the thing that had smashed into the car, had done so by mistake. It's blood was oozing out. Anything that would have been dangerous , as long it was not blind or something, would not have tried to injure itself. There was a small possibility that had to be eliminated.

"So, something smashed the car, changed the working shape and stopped it. Considering that the dent is kind of big and that can only be created by the size of an animal, probably around the size of a dog"

 Allen thought so, but the moment he saw the creature he was able to see that it was really not a dog but it was the same size. Also it was only bleeding a little, even with fresh wounds. Not to mention that after just a little while of licking its wounds, the bleeding slowed down significantly and the family car that had slipped down the road, used some kind of function, a protective instrument or something that had protected them, so everything was fine. Not the end of the day, but no visible problem for now. The family took the dog with them. 

The scene shifted to them being at a veterian. When they went to the vet, the vet told them to get the animal inside the room, after only small checking. Then was the scene of the doctor smiling and with every passing moment his smile getting wider, all the while looking straight at the dog. He came to it and and petted it a little bit, but the dog looked a little scared. Then the scene shifted to the family outdoor The family was quite in their comfort zone and did not worry about the dog anymore. There was a small noise that the family could not hear but Allen could due to his proximity to the location. The dog whimpered once or twice and then quieted down. And Allen chose to do... nothing.

Next scene was with the doctor giving an injection to the dog and putting the dog out of slumber. A smile of satisfication came on the face of the doctor and the dog soon started to lick the hands of the doctor. The dog looked much healthier and in very little pain. Small amount of stitching had to be done and was painlesslessly done when the dog was put to sleep. It underwent the procedure with minimum discomfort.

The doctor said" Let's get you out"

And the dog was entrusted to the family with final words of the vet "Later friend"

Scene shifted and the same family. was standing near a road. There the dog was not present in the family and out of the four members that had been present in the beginning, there were only three members of the family here: the parents and one of the kids. The kid had grown up a little bit and now was holding the identity of a University student. The parents had come with the student and the student was hugging them and saying goodbye. The signal turned green and the student started to move ahead. There was also a beggar that had tried to go toward the student and the moment he reached the feet of the student, Allen immediately pressed the button to interfere and he was immediately between them. The moment he got there and came face to face with the tattered looking person, he was brutally stabbed in the stomach area. The power behind that being so much that he disappeared just after the moment he came there.

The system displayed an excellant result message. It seemed the timing was quite good. The logic behind this was simple actually.