The Starting Game

Another important factor to consider was which game to play. A very important dilemma.

Games have their own system and many of them use skill points.

That could not be replicated in real life, so many strategies made with that data may never be implemented. Even weapons and tanks and special purpose gadgets could not serve this purpose, and the most urgent thing was what the military could use right now. Right now, right here. The enemy was always right at their doorsteps. It was stubborn. They also had to become stubborn in response. It was not right to make plans for the long term, anytime soon.

After all types of filtering, keeping in mind the requirements, the games that they had in mind were.

1) Shooting game

2)Rpg game

3) Some kind of testing game

4) Fighting and wrestling

5) PvE battling game

Their primary aim was testing so the soldiers could ward some of those creatures of whom there were many, but another important thing that further was in their filter, was that it may also or it must have the capability to eliminate hijacking or at the very least resist it. They already knew that some of them were at different rates able to manipulate their communication at all times. dish wash, how some type of it would also be interrupted so minimal interaction of theirs or maybe only the beneficial interaction that was done, would help them in testing the abilities of these creatures in a better way.

This last point was also very crucial as when they understand how they're interrupting works. And how do they communicate? They should be able to design something that can be an improvement in communication and maybe this communication could be restored to its original private form.

The best kind of game that they could find was the type of game that started solo. Only after the character has gained in game experience, performed some specific tasks that were game specific which were related to finding out the loopholes in the technique of others, which was one point in their checklist. So it was checked. It would be useful in that you would find effective strategies against the opponents (defensive and offensive ones).

Another thing that was in their checklist was that somehow the abilities of the creatures could be studied separately (isolating their one strong or weak attribute and freezing their skills, only allowing one at a time). This was a check, too. The students could be made more limited in their abilities in front of their teacher as much as the teacher wanted. We could set the setting so that we could move as the teachers and the students being those creatures.

While Allen and Tim were looking at what game to play, eliminating one by one. Yushin was to be playing the game along with some other soldiers. Also, some others had also been officially drafted into the team. Allen remembered when they had been brought to them. The expressions on their faces were not any less priceless than Allen and others when they had been listening to the order of draft(they must have been even more puzzled considering that they must have been asked whether they could play games before being drafted).

The team was mainly at their discretion. They wanted to consult with the newbies, but it was possible that it was only going to take a significant amount of time and there may be nothing as a result, other than that, that they may get to know each other better as a starting point. It had taken them around 8 to 12 hours while discussing this with each other. Now that others had come, if they briefed them regarding the situation, then they would need time to just start the actual playing. Not to mention that the new ones would need some time to digest all the information first (possibly an entire night) So considering that they must have played many games before (else they wouldn't have said yes when being asked. Right?) Allen just let them play games too, for now, to let their nerves calm down a bit before breaking the news onto them. Since they had the ultimate decision power for right now, they had them create accounts in this game and just gave basic instructions. They told them to just play how they could play for now. No goals or anything.

In the game, Allen had made his character. He started the game with only some basic setting change. He was feeling more and more that this game was really what they were looking for. Considering that in the start it started solo so the player would not be roughly handled by those creatures even if they could interrupt. Afterwards, they were going to face the creature anyway, so that was not a major problem.

Side instruction manual that had come gave him some tips, the basic details of which Allen could summarize as.

Initial score will be determined by the speed of the reaction of the character towards the game. Player cannot adjust it arbitrarily.

It will also be determined by how much the player could gather from a lot of details and from a small amount of details.

The first stage will not include battle involving the user.

The game will use a stage which will involve fighting involving the user. They will adjust the difficulty and technical skill required there according to the user experience and level.

Then system will reward the user or punish, with a personal library to have them gather information that they need need according to their current knowledge. They will keep user interest and ability well in mind. After the final score, system would accept no change!

Allen stared at that little piece of new information that came as a new source of stress.

Very soon, the VR interface changed and then he was watching some kind of action scene, battling of two people, not really much like a movie trailer, so surprised him greatly. This really was a gem of a game. Allen couldn't control his smile on that. The two fighting were overpowered in their abilities and their movemnets would create a substantial amount of battle traces behind. Only way this would usually work was if they were actually not fighting, just producing the effects with the help of the camera, after the footage was taken. But after some observation, he believed that was not the reality. The fight appeared to be real time. The screen display was not a TV but actually a screen that separated the inside room from outside and probably there was fighting outside. Noise cancelling and a few other things had completely isolated the outside environment.

Allen only came to his senses when the interface of his, that was by his side added 7 seconds. Remembering the score thing, he was not very greatly stressed. It did not worry him how high or low his score was; at least, he was not really trying out the game to get high scores. Although, it indeed would help in testing out this game from different angles, so he might as well try for a bit, to increase the score and get high ranking… not for the score, probably.

He used the board given by the interface and tried to write about what defects and weaknesses he could find in all of the two domineering people's strikes. He lifted his pen and touched the virtual board and the moment his pen touched the board; it stopped. The opponents… were too advanced!

He could only see that they were here one moment, and they were there in the next. He could not see how they were fighting with each other.

Only some minor details that did not seem significant. He was able to see their outer appearences when they stopped for a few seconds and exchanged some phrases between them as dialogue.

The one on the left was someone who had calm all over, in his walk and in his talk.

The one on the right was someone who had the opposite, impatience was oozing our from him. Anybody could see that he did not want to stop for chitchat. But they still stopped, both at the same time.

They were talking about some roads and comparing some kind of food, chicken maybe, that they ate there, Allen could not figure out the name of the animal.

Allen could hear them somewhat but was not able to make sense of what they were saying. As he could not make sense of the two's wording, it was effectively meaningless talk for him. So he just skipped it. He decided to look at their postures and other things and he could see that one of them was breathing a little rapidly, he might be exhausted, but it may also be just Allen's imagination. He could not say for sure right now.

On some closer observation, with some amount of luck, Allen was able to see that the other one was breathing rapidly too. It was just that the both of them were trying to conceal it. Allen being an outsider and fully focused on just their movemnets and still posture was able to take that information in, analyse it, and make sense of it...also, they seemed too weak to be able to correctly cover it.

Allen wrote down that they stopped to talk in the middle of fight to gather some enrgy to make their special moves repectively. As Allen wrote that down, the fight continued. It was back to the scene where the fight was very fast paced and did not care to entertian the observers, or did not care to entertain him specially...

Even then there were appearing more and more some small moments in the fight, where he could observe some things. Allen wrote down that because of their mutual self destruction, both of them were growing weary. Also that the both of them were almost equal in strength levels, due to neither one being able to outsmart the other in a short time.

Allen also reasoned out that one of them was more of a punching master and other one more of a leg master. The leg master, the one on the left used his punches more and the punch master was using his legs more. The legs were what made the leg master powerful, but he did not use them much, only a few times during the whole fight had he used them. And punches seemed to be what made the punch master strong, but he used them very little, he used his kicks instead.