First One

Someone from the base came to inform him in the early morning that he could now enter the game.

Judging by the tone of this commander, he thought he would let no one go near the game until he had it all figured out.

But now he received a message telling Allen to train under his teacher in the game.

Alan still didn't know why he liked him so much. Did he like kung-fu or something else like that?

When he logged into the game, the leg master immediately invited him, whose nickname he now knew.

His nickname was the energy shaker, popular because of the powerful energy converting skills he used.

Allen looked at his opponent and he couldn't see himself taking this enormous giant out, even though he already restricted his level to the same level as Allen... Still, he was using some skills that Allen could not!

The fight began with the silent stare-down between them.

Allen was only some skills that he had received, with most of the skills that he had being the basic skills that he received on lvl 1.

One skill of his was such that it could build up damage with time. If there was a continuous fight and Allen did not get knocked out of the fight for half a minute, then his power level would increase up to 30%. The problem was that this master would not even let him stay in front of him for 10 minutes, let alone 30 minutes. So not that effective.

Another skill he had was the ability to increase his speed levels drastically for a short period... But when he would try to use it against the leg master, he would somehow get a hint of it and he would try to create some distance.

If that didn't work, he would just use some extra high damage skill with a good cooldown time that would end up leaving Allen on the losing end of the deal.

The third and final skill that he put his hope with was a kind of debuff.

Allen thought to himself'I can't find the opportunity to even use this in this fight'

He still beat Allen down for a few hours, all the time not answering any of his questions nor giving him any long rest. Allen was getting more and more accustomed to his skills as time passed.

Allen was beaten for over fifty times now. The latest battles of there would end up finishing in less than 5 minutes. Just like this, Allen lost over 100 rounds in no time. Allen really wanted to be disheartened and lose a little of his heart, but actually, he enjoyed he could improve. His skills increased after battling it out like this. Allen still could not effectively deal with this man, but he had countered 3 of his special skills effectively, as revenge for how he could counter Allen's three skills from the very beginning.

Allen could now get some hits in, also he could use his moves with some level of synergy. When he finally made the opponent's hp to a critical level with some luck and some extreme focus, the teacher finally let him go. Finally, his teacher also gave him some instruction manual. He still did not talk to him at all.

Allen kind of liked him, because he taught him some things. But what could he do if his teacher was shooing him away?

What the energy shaker gave him were the names of some books rather than actual instructions.

"All the fighting that he had done with him and what he recommended are some books. What is so special about this library in this game?" He thought.

Allen took all the books that were recommended. They were all white and small. The format was the same, with some videos and pictures featuring the main content of the books. He finally understood the situation. Basically, the fight for the leadership was to be done in any of the arenas, it was to be announced a little before time so that other people could gather... "The is basically an entertaining industry of this area, especially with how often these matches occur in this area."

Allen randomly selected one of them. He was going to take out his frustration on them without delay.

The announcement ended up being more dramatic than he thought. They immediately took him to the arena by some transportation device. He could see that the other person was also being transported here. The peculiar thing was that people other than them who were not being transported and should have taken time were already trying to fill the arena. There was a wide variety of things like popcorn and cold drinks. It really was an entertainment industry for them...

Maybe the previous heads did not go so willingly on second thought… There was some buffer time in which he tried to talk, but could get nothing more than a simple hello, hi.

The moment the fight began, the person came to attack him. Allen, after having been attacked so much like this by his teacher, reacted by instinct. Response to unexpected would be shock. His teacher probably prepared him in case something like this happened.

The same abilities and skill that he had before, hope they had reduced the both of them to level 1 to ensure fairness instead of just making it a one-sided battle. The book he completed said that it was a battle of strategy and skills… well, it came down to the fact that they wanted to have their entertainment industries thriving after all…

Allen did not know all about the skills of the other person. Allen also remembered why that was the case… he had focused on the simulations a lot as compared to the team communication... hence all of them actually knew very little about even the basic abilities of each other completely. The game mechanics had created other problems in that case that each person who created his account would get slightly different variations of skills.

He just wanted to delay the fight for 30 minutes so that he could get his 30% bonus, but…the timer for the fight was 10 minutes….

it was the best out of three.

Allen tried to what he could do and soon could gather some details about the skills of the opponent.

One skill of his could slow down the enemy, a skill just like the debuff Allen had. It required some basic conditions to be fulfilled, which, unfortunately, Allen was completing almost every single time.

Another skill that he used was in which he could kind of increase his damage for a single strike, maybe up to 50%.

Last skill he was still figuring out, but he related it to some kind of defense skill. His defense would suddenly increase a lot suddenly. With that out of the way, only half of the time remained of the first round. Allen then found strategies to counter all of his skills, he found effective counters to two of them while the opponent found only one of Allen's which should have been enough for Allen to win by the battle of attrition, and he did have the most hp remaining at the end of the match. But Allen was not happy much. When the system announced him the winner, the count that was supposed to be out of best out of three became best of 5…that was just the mechanism until he could completely zero the hp of the opponent, it was going to take him a long time....