
The crowd was excited…they get to see more than a few matches now, after all.

Allen had 55% of his hp remaining when the timer ran out, while his opponent had almost 35% approximately. Allen was trying to play a little safe, but this would not work if he did not go for "an eye for an eye" here.

The 2nd match started and this time, Allen was struck by the debuff of the opponent again. He used that opportunity to use his own debuff, the one that would increase the damage taken by the target for a short time.

After that, Allen immediately used his fast-moving skill in combination, his opponent used his skill to increase his defense, then Allen retreated without attacking him at all.

This defense, along with his 50% attack skill that he could use, made him quite beat in the last match.

But now he had a plan. He had calculated out the cooldown time of the defense skill of his opponent and he saw it was at least equal to or more than the cooldown time of his debuff skill, which had a 1 minute cooldown time. His sprint skill only had a 20 second cooldown time. He was going to make it so that his skill was used up earlier than his opponents, hence that when he went on assault the following times, he could not use it effectively.

They fought for a minute with just some basic attacks. Allen sometimes using his sprint skill too. He was at the lookout that he didn't allow him to use his special skill, the 50% boost in damage skill didn't even have a high cooldown. Only roughly 10 seconds.

Allen waited for almost a minute to pass, or more precisely, 58 seconds. Seeing the timer tick 58 seconds, Allen used his sprint skill that had a duration of 3 seconds and quickly narrowed the distance between them, a necessary condition for the debuff to happen. Maybe the opponent smelled something dangerous. He tried to create some distance.

Allen used a basic attack move on him, which had only 3% extra damage because of the skill as of now in the match. His opponent, however, used the 50% boost one that's why Allen's hp reduced to almost 81% while his opponent's remained at 85% approximately. Allen soon used the debuff skill after seeing that the opponent could not move much because of the drawback of this skill, with speed slowed down by 20% or so for half a second.

Allen's debuff reduced the armor level of his opponent to a very critical level. Now his every strike had additional damage for 2 seconds and also the possibility of more critical damage because of the opponent's low armor level. His first strike was critical and reduced the hp from 85% to 70%, the opponent's strike could only do damage from 81% to 76%. There was also a second strike which was not critical and that made the opponent's hp 65% and his hp….was well, not reduced, because it sent the opponent in a confusion state with 20% hp being down in one second. Allen put two more attacks in that time and could reduce the hp from 65% to 49% and then 43%, the third attack was critical again and the duration of his skill ended when the fourth was to be struck, in that time he could get in 3 attacks, for the final one the opponent had already used his defense boost skill and the last attack was not so much effective then.

Allen made a swift retreat and only got hit by one attack before getting out of range. The opponent had used his debuff on him. Allen's hp thus became 71%. His opponent tried to do what he could to chase him, but he would not let that happen.

He did this to his opponent another time. With him being caught in a vicious cycle because of the cooldown period of his skill and reduced his hp to zero, Allen dealt the final blow while exchanging a blow with him. Time was under 7 minutes and his hp was around 40%.

Allen said to himself, 'One match is done, two more to go…'

Allen could use the same technique with some more difficulty to win the next match, but then in the fourth match, his opponent was not getting caught up in that, also he had changed one of his skills, so that ended up in a draw again with both of their hp less than 30%.

He thought 'This fifth match if not won…'Allen looked at the expectant NPCs who were definitely going to like it if that happened.

To be honest, he had another skill that level 6 had unlocked…but he was not sure if he should use it?

Allen took that option. The system showed the skill change notification to the opponent just like his opponent's skill change decision had been shown to him.

Allen's plan was like this. This man already had an increase of defense and increase damage skill before, now he also had shifted his debuff skill to a skill that could decrease the cooldown time of a skill by 10%....not cool.

In a drawn-out battle, he was going to lose most of the time. Well, actually this skill that he was not sure about before may help. It was an analysis skill. It described that it could analyze...

From there Allen figured out that probably it could decrease the critical chances of opponents and increase his chances.

When they fought to determine the winner in this round, Allen was pleased to see that actually...many of the opponents' attacks were missing and most of his attacks were getting critical hits.

It happened such that he only had to avoid the defense-up skill for one time and he beat him down in less than 2 minutes, with around half of hp remaining...

This made Allen think why was this skill so effective. He had an idea or two about this. But nothing concrete. He was going to confirm those ideas soon. After all, the second opponent was already on the way.
