New Home

Allen found it strange that the system was still not opening its mouth in front of him. Its interface stubbornly refused to entertain any of his requests that tried to deal with this matter….Allen looked at this behavior silently and then started walking along with the other person present with him, strolling around this area. Allen said, "What was your name, brother?"

The man was calming down now from all that adrenaline that was created in him because of the fights going on in the arena. He still was serious about going with his commitment. He said "My name you ask? It is…."

Allen waited for him to go forward, but he didn't. The man kept looking at him; the man expected something from him.

The man said "Actually, it is our custom that the person who is asking someone else to introduce should introduce himself first. Maybe you would like to follow our customs now?"

Allen agreed and then said that his name was Allen and he had come from….a far away land. The man raised his eyebrows. Previously, he thought Allen was just sidestepping the question, but now he felt….that Allen was still evading the question. He was quite unsure of what to say. The system had already recognized him as a leader instead of labeling him as an attacking enemy as it would usually do. Allen seemed to not want to share his info for some other secret purpose. The man shook his head to remove some thoughts that came into his mind. This matter aroused his suspicion levels.

He wanted to look for other hints from which he could find the background. There were high chances that it could be harmful otherwise.

Allen knew little about the ongoing of the head of the man in front of him, but he knew that this man seemed like a good, intelligent man to befriend. He hence tried other ways to get closer to him, but there remained some gap that he thought was not bridgeable for now. Allen was of the idea to try again later. He wanted to try repeatedly!

Allen said to the man that you should introduce yourself now. The man said, "I am Walker, not the walker as they show in the books. Just my name is walker."

Allen didn't know what he was talking about, but he nodded anyway. Allen was of the thought that the system was going to show him where his seat was, as the leader of such a large area, of course. He put forward his inquiry.

The system said "You will need to rent the dwelling"

It quite baffled Allen that he was to still handle all of his lodgings. He wanted to get free land and title in the first place that was why he won the last match. He could have withdrawn easily. But he knew he did not make groundless assumptions about the things that he had in mind, after all, there was actually some place that was called the leader's abode in this area and one of the NPCs that was traveling had even asked him where it was….well why were they asking. Now, analyzing it with the present information, Allen knew that there was no leader of the sect right now. The NPC would also not be a previous leader returning, else the system would have either canceled the tournament or something else.

Allen said, "Has someone else come into the place meant for the leader to stay? Since when?"

The system said" Yes. But it is not one person who stays there, it is multiple. That place is booked to pay some expenses of this domain."

Allen realized they used that abode as a traveler's hotel and such. He became serious. He said" Are the expenses so high that we have to set the houses of ours on rent, don't we have other means of income? What kind of place are we in this way that we don't even have places to stay for ourselves, this would make others less likely to come here. What kind of work are we doing if we have to make ends meet by renting our land as the first resort and not the last resort? Actually, what is wrong here?"

The system did not respond until Allen thought this thing would not respond to him.

The system asked him a question in reverse. It said "Dear leader, what do you know about the present condition of the world?"

Allen knew that the reason that he was safe suddenly from the predatory hands of these people was that this system did not mark him as some enemy. Otherwise, with levels much higher than him, even their guards could easily stop him from moving even ten steps in this area, let alone move freely like how he was doing now, with relief.

Allen choose his words. He said, "I know a lot. Ask me."

The system was quiet for a little while and then said, "Should I recommend some more books to the leader so that he may understand the situation better? It would be in your interest to read more. Matters are very dire HERE. I believe you don't have enough experience to deal with them as of now"

After that, the system recommended some more books to him. From there, he understood when in a certain section of the library where the system had opened for him to get the books; he got a message.

"User has discovered a hidden place.

Congratulations. You are now in the 'Leader's secret abode'. Use this area as your work area as long as you are the leader of this domain. You can even come here to sleep. It is all yours and free.

NOTE: Kindly refrain from using more than the quota of the artificial light and sleep early in the night, otherwise as a punishment, you will get extra fines because the leader is an example to all the others that are under him. NOTE END."

Allen thought 'I…I don't need to think much about this issue for now. Also, it is not a big matter, not a big issue at all. I am not even going to sleep in the game or anything at all. The title and some space to store some things in the game is good…but…'

The system interrupted his thoughts "Kindly read the book "the things that are permissible to bring in the library" before you read anything else. This is the number one book that is most read by the past leaders and now you would be the one to carry their legacy….Con-gra-tu-lations."

Allen felt a little down, but also curious. The system was trying to drive into him the point that the past leaders were using such a space and intentionally trying to make things….no, not make things, but show the things that were bad already as much worse than they actually were. Allen said to himself, 'What is it trying to do?'

Allen wanted to read the books because he was quite curious right now about this strange situation that he found himself in. He was alone, so he could only get accurate information in this way. Well, a system was also with him, to give him some tips and tricks from time to time. And read some interesting facts and figures.

Allen picked the first book, but the system said "Kindly only read the specified books"

Allen said, "But it is among them"

The system said "Yes. But you haven't read the book that I said to start with"

And hence Allen started with knowing he could not bring which things into the library before actually understanding the serious crazy situation that things were in.

After a basic overview, Allen asked the system,

"I am seeing different accounts of this…debt we are liable to pay. How much it is exactly? Also, don't tell me about coins or money. I don't understand the currency of this area well"

The system said "It is a lot"

Allen thought 'Alright'