
Mark shot a bullet straight at the head. The creature instantly died. Mark ordered two of his team members to clear the area from these creatures. They gathered the bodies in one place and burn then, while they hauled a few into the trucks to experiment.

The vice leader of his team said to him "I still remember we had to take almost all carcasses with us and one time we had to make two shifts just to take all of them with us. And the creatures had even attacked and then we had to make three shifts…how come we are taking so less now?"

Mark said "Base commander got a communication from some other base commander in the city North of us. He said to gather as fewer carcasses as possible. There appeared to be some issue around the creatures of some type, being able to use them as intermediaries to infiltrate inside the bases. There is a report of an attack on the civilians on their side. We will not be taking these creatures inside the base. So there is less available to work with right now."

Vice leader smiled a little after remembering something. He said, " Have you heard about the gaming team in that area? I heard it was the team which was included in the army to play games after the attacks of these creatures. Something like them having the purpose to know the depths of abilities of those….What happened?"

Mark said, " Actually, I may not know about the effectiveness of theirs, but the same people who played the game were the ones harmed in this incident. Not a single one outside the team was touched, while the entire team was almost half living and half dead right now. That speaks a lot, I think. "

Vide leader said "Then you think there may be an initiative to make a same team here too?"

Mark said "The commander wanted to, and he wanted to follow the same approach that the other base had taken but with military personnel as we affirm more of them available here….but the thing is only a few can really show any practical ability in the game due to them having battled with the creatures in the real life. They are accustomed to fighting with guns and other support from heavy weaponry. Some soldiers are still being rehabilitated that they are not dead after a creature killed them"

Vice leader said "So….will we have to take in the civilians too?"

Mark excused himself for a moment, after ordering the soldiers to move back to the base. He boarded a car with the vice leader. After the car drove, he said, " The civilians were told what happened on the other base and they have rejected the demand firmly. There are a few brave volunteers, but their families are scared. There is danger of a riot if we take them in or pressed the situation any further."

They also passed this same information down to various other bases, with some of them using this approach while others not using it. The first ones to use it were still dealing with the aftereffects and the instability and the insecurity produced among the civilians.

Allen, meanwhile, found himself in the game again. Looking around, he remembered little when he logged in, but he could see that others were logged in as well. Since he was logged out at a different place before, maybe that was why he was not present with them right now. Sending them a message, he got some replies and where they were right now. All of them had gathered together and asked him when he could join them.

Allen looked at the books that the system had brought in front of him and replied not so soon. The system said "When the new leader takes up his position, he needs to read all books recommended to him or else he may lose the favor of the system."

Allen sighed.

He said, "I need to go. This leader thing needs to wait for now? I need to meet up with some people for now"

The system said"… You need to come after a little time then"

Allen agreed. Finally, he went and arranged a meeting with the others. After he met with them, he said, "The situation is that the game wants us to be in a leader like position for clan wars or something. So what do you think we all should do now? I was thinking of changing the game"

One of them said "…So, you thought of changing the game but we are still in the game?"

Allen said, "We….I don't know why that is so. Considering I indeed thought that, we indeed should not be in the game….does anyone remember how did he login into this game again"

They looked at each other and all of them said they did not remember exactly how.

Allen said, "Am I correct to think that….we were hospitalized right before this?"

Some of them nodded slowly. Allen then thought 'I don't think the military tried to put us in the game without telling us barring any emergency did not come…which eliminating the possibility we get we logged in without a console….this is more amazing than I thought the matter that the game is making us leaders….'


2)))The game

3)))Enemy attacks.