
Sam called some other medical personnel while he himself accompanied them to see what to do about this. The others were basically in this state too,

'I had thought at least he would be safe from this, either this was too big of an attack or maybe i need to revalue his power' Sam dealt with all the matters on the communication channel, some matters he went to deal with personally, and then returned. Allen was siting in the hospital bed and looking towards the door, maybe to see who was coming at the part of the night.

Seeing that it was Sam who had come this time, Allen tried to search his expression for some hints of what was happening. Was the situation bad or was it all just exhaustion that made him disillusioned.

Sam said, "You all are good at making a great deal of trouble. How come after playing a game, first 3 of you went into a coma and now all it has paralyzed 9 people for almost a day. What is happening in this game?"

Allen said, "I don't know myself. I am also thinking of changing to another game myself."

Sufyan said, "Do you know that some of your team have been able to go into this too…

Allen's body became tight and his fists closed with force, while his eyes lost focus for a second. He said "How is that possible. Playing game without a gaming appliance. "

"That is what I want to ask you. Do you think….the creatures may be behind this? I saw you running about saving your life, as with all the others. You were the last one that I got to. All of you had a similar experience. Although some of you were crying and were asking to be left alone, some others fell unconscious. The diagnosis says their hearts could not handle the fear. While a few became aggressive just like you, actually one even hit one soldier, if not because the soldier knew about you all and could see the fear and aggression, he would shoot bullets inside him.

Let me ask. What did you see?"

Allen said, "I saw-I saw that someone was going to put a drill through my head. And…"

"Go on. And?"

Allen said, "And he asked me where was his leader. I think" Allen gulped and his eyes were opening and closing repeatedly, he said" I think he was talking about someone that we met in the game."

Sam said, "So you say that they mentioned their leaders are in the game. One leader? That's good to know"

Trying to look for some words looking at a pale-looking Allen, Sam said, "I don't know, but there is no assurance there is only one leader. There could be multiple for all we know. I will leave for now."

Allen changed his sitting position to one of laying wit his head inclined back. His mind was playing the pictures when the game went out of turn.

Allen thought for a bit and he raised his eyes. He said, "Actually, there was something that I wanted to ask you before you go. Inside the game, there were some other problems that I wanted to consult you with. There was also something that confused me a lot. It was that they made the setting that the clans were in decline, even though there was no corruption among the ranks. Even the people present would say that. Is it just a setting of the game? If so, then the game is going towards the developments with making the users the clan leaders and having them fight with other in game clans for superiority. I know nothing about leadership like this. "

Sufyan said " It indeed is true in the sense. A corrupt government can work, but an incompetent one can't.

We now have some useful information but will be counted as a potential trick for now until we can get some more confirmation from some other means. It is an acceptable possibility that maybe their leaders are stuck in a game, avoid the game for now at all costs. Don't go near it, arrange some other game with the researches.

Although he could indeed be lying, just to make us …go out of the game….alright, there is no point in doing that. I will have to look into the matter of how they attacked, rather i guess the matter more important here is how are we going to defend.

Then, may I excuse myself?"

Allen nodded his head. He looked at his hand that had gripped the vase so tightly and threw it. There were some cuts and some bandages on them on his hand, as well as rotating the other hand, revealed the pain it had.

He wanted to just lay down, but there was no mental exhaustion, only physical. There was darkness after a few hours that he laid down on the bed.

Sam had to go answer to the families of the members again. This time the families were more angrier than the previous time. Previous time they were unconscious in the games, thus they thought it was a game malfunction and were hopeful it would be alright.

This time all the members who had gone into the game were the ones only that went unto coma, the aunts and uncles of the families had asked each others and then asked the members of other families, it was only their boys who were in this situation.

This was a shock in that there was no gaming pod or anything that they allowed anywhere near their kids this time, and still they found all of their kids unconscious in their rooms.

Seeing the families demanding an explanation and assurance again, Sam said, "We already know that they did not have any access to the games, and we found them unconscious in their own rooms. One person already regained conscious, others will also gain soon too. According to his testimony, they clearly appear to have been attacked by some creatures, not a physical attack but more of a physiological and illusionary one."

One uncle named Huygen said, "But commander, you know and we know that there was no one else other than our boys who went into the game that was affected like this. This is simply not a coincidence. If creatures attacked them all, doesn't that mean that they are being targeted by them? What are they even supposed to do now? They should have one officer as their personal security, right everyone?"

Others also agreed,

Sam thought 'Clever man. He always addressed himself as collective and never took the thing as this was his voice only. This caused others to think that he was saying what they wanted.'

Sam said, "Actually, we still don't know why they attacked. Although it indeed may be weird that something attacked specifically them, but we see no reason other han that they might want to isolate the civilians and us military personnel from each other step by step. Right now, this is happening. Then they may take some other step. They already possess a high skill of intelligence and surveillance skill, after all.

About the military personnel, I think-no; I am absolutely sure everyone already knows that we don't have any soldier to spare for anything else other than the outside missions and basic security. Right everyone?"

They were all silent, but Sam was done with this matter on his part.

He got some benefit out of the game that he had made as a side project, but this had ,made him increase in scratching his head and other nervous habits. He wanted little more of this. It would be fine now if just the people without families played now, or no one at all. It was having too much negative effect.

Soon he got the news though that in sleep, Allen had gone into a coma.

Sam was thinking maybe choosing a game or not choosing it was not a choice for him now.