Why A Drill

Meanwhile, a creature was in distress. This place was affecting his mind a lot. He finally connected with some of his subordinates. He said, "What is happening outside? Are you listening? I said CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT IS HAPPENING?"

There was no response. This man understood that this was not completely intentional. There were definitely some problems they were facing on the other side….

'So the think…they can avoid dealing with me like this'

He was one leader of the creatures that had come to this place. Initially, they were happy that the communication was as easily overridden as they thought it would be. A group among them had gotten wind of what was happening on the enemy base, so they had tried to interfere.

'So this is what must have happened to the winged thing. He was more versed in communication than all of us, so he probably got trapped in this place way ago.'

He stood silent for a few hours, then a few days passed, and he finally got out. But he still did not move from his spot. It took a lot on his part to not get trapped in that same place again. He did not give orders to any of the other creatures for some time. Soon he could stabilize himself so much that the other generals of his could feel his presence again. There was a clear distinction between them in the authority and as well as in power. There was a kind of power limit put on all of their minds.

The leader looked to his generals, who stood and bowed in his presence. He talked in a slow manner, word upon word escaping his mouth with power and putting strange stress on his listeners to maintain his outward toughness.

He said, "You all knew that the people here are well versed in the field of the mind. We attacked them-all the while knowing-that, believing our strength-should be enough to annihilate-and then enslave any remaining-ones for our use…. But you-can already see that even though the limitations-have been removed-so much, we are still not enough-to compete with them-in this area. I admit- they can't be taken out so-quickly, and you can't interfere-with the situation yourself. BUT-we don't need our ability-do we? Keep your minions-on the go. That will be enough. Anyone with eyes can see. LEAVE."

All of them left, deeply subservient, with their eyes lowered, and their necks bent. They did not turn their back on him, fearing that he may get offended. After they left, his tensed mind cooled down, and he was back in the same place, spending probably the next few days stuck again. He cracked his neck, his eyes were narrowed and his face was scrunched up. He thought 'It is because of them that this happened to all of us. Some things which can't even protect themselves with dignity and ran like wild animals. They think they have shame. We will strip that from them. They should not exist. This is the time to take full use of this opportunity when others have a free pass to this area to further show how incompetent this creation is, as compared to us."

Allen exited from his pod and went to take a rest. There was no family to worry about for him. They lived very far from him. It was unlikely that there could be any contact in the foreseeable future. The local communication still worked, if you call broken communication workable. But the international ones were basically mostly paralyzed. Even if some worked, at least they were not available in the safe zone of the military area.

He did not see any of his team members in the corridor to his room. There was not anyone else here as military personnel gave them some special isolated rooms so that someone could promptly connect them with. Maybe the others returned to their family members for a time.

Allen went into his room, and he slowed down and looked carefully to see he was in the right room. Actually, he looked to see whether or not he was still in the game. Knowing that he definitely got out of the game before and walked towards the rooms….the place was okay, but why did not it appear like that?

He said, "Well, I don't think my room had so many colors before? And it also did not have a….what are you again, mister?"

The one he was referring to as the mister was probably one creature. While Allen tried to be calm, he was trying his hardest to somehow be able to open the door behind him, but it was to no benefit. Actually, it was not his room at all; it was inside some place that he did not know. Although the environment felt familiar to him.

The creature, contrary to the expectations of Allen, communicated to him. He said, "I am the one who helped you come to this place. You already were itching to come here in the first place. Actually...I didn't even realize you were a human. Now that I see you, what did you do to make yourself that close to the level of giving such potent brain waves?"

Allen said, "Of course, I have the best brain"

The creature said "…What I meant was how did your brain develop this abnormality? Your brain is no longer completely like a human one. Strange, isn't t?"

Allen said "Yes….it is strange"

Allen did not take him seriously. He may be using some kind of illusionary tricks on Allen and wanting to get some information by making him feel threatened or something. Maybe there was a scheme to brainwash people so that they could be a spy for these creatures inside the base of the enemies of the creatures.

The creature smiled. He said, " I don't think you understood the trouble you are in. Actually, I wanted to ask you, have you seen our leader? He should have two horns on his head"

Allen remembered someone like that. The last one that he met at the creature base inside the game, the one who beat them crazily, had two horns.

The creature said, "Looks like you know something about that. Now, how should I get that information out from you? I don't think you want to give, or rather I don't think I want to just receive it like that now." The creature slowly started to close the distance. When he got close enough,, he stopped and slowly a drill came into his hand. He raised it towards him and tried to stab straight towards his head. Allen instinctively tried to move back to protect himself, and he woke up. So an illusion it was? It covered him with sweat. He was still standing outside the room of his.

Allen said, "I definitely heard him show some of a sigh at the end, although his words made little sense. There is no way there would be a feeling of someone showing disappointment like that so clearly.

Did he end up getting scot-free, without harm this time? What about next time?? He was about to just sit along with a wall here somewhere and sleep now…then he tried to contact the commander, but to no benefit.

He looked left and right. There was no one anywhere, but his blood was flowing at a fast speed. He shouted loudly and called everyone, but there was no one to respond. For some reason, it was quite dark in here. He washed away the sweat on his face and hands with his hand. He looked here and there and, after any semblance of some track, ran crazy and was prepared to use force on anyone in his path as he ran. After some running, he found a familiar-looking place in the dim light and it looked to lead towards the family area where he supposed others should be present. He heard someone running in the dark hallways and his mind froze; he looked to his left and right rapidly, finally after seeing somebody almost near him, he grabbed some tableware near him and struck towards him. The person in front evaded it almost and then swiftly came towards him, striking and knocking him unconscious. The attacker looked at Allen, thinking about what to do now with him on the floor. There was still no sign of anyone other than them in this place.