Back to the real world

The question that Abriella gave made David stare at the ceiling of his apartment in silence, remembering where the location he was considering opening the branch was. He looked back at Abriella and replied,

"Initially I had a plan, open it in the Clinton area, what do you think?" David asked the silent Abriella.

'Yes... That's right, he will open this branch in the region! And the buildings are very similar!' Abriella also thought, matching where the location of the place that David would use for his new branch.

"How? Is there something wrong?" David asked again to Abriella who was now thinking. The woman turned back to David and shook her head, she answered with a smile on her face.

"Nothing, nothing wrong... It's just, wouldn't it be better to open it in Washington?" Abriella asked, she didn't mean to give David any advice because opening a branch in Clinton would be a good thing too. It was just that she wanted David not to be suspicious of him who had been silent thinking about this.

Abriella looked at David who smiled at the suggestion, then without Abriella taking it into account, David nodded his head and replied, "Okay, I'll look for a place in Washington that I can make a branch of my shop!" That remark of course made Abriella surprised.

The woman immediately shook her head at David and said, "No! I didn't mean it like that… I thought if opening a branch in Clinton was a good thing, you don't need to listen to what I have to say, I'm just… Giving a perfunctory suggestion!" Abriella said to David who now raised an eyebrow and chuckled after hearing those words.

"Ahahaha... Don't worry, I won't change the location right away, I'll just reconsider." Answered David who is now stepping in to take the other files that are in his cupboard.

Abriella, who saw the man's back, only smiled, then she decided to ask the man who was currently selecting several files that he would show Abriella. Perhaps it was the file on managing the premises that David would later use as the shop of his new branch. "David..." Abriella called to him.

The man silently frowned and turned to look at Abriella who had just called her name. David had never heard Abriella call his name like that because all this time Abriella would call him with your ant and other words. So when his name came out of the woman's mouth... David felt something different as if it was something special.

"Yes?" Asked David who was directly facing Abriella with a face full of questions and confusion. Abriella, who was sitting on the sofa, now stood up and fly to David who was silent in his place with a file in his right hand.

Abriella looked at the file for a moment, then raised her head again to look at David who was still staring at her in silence and waiting for her who would definitely say something because Abriella had called her earlier.

"Hm… I wanted to ask you something, and it might be bothering you a lot." Abriella said first before she actually asked David the question that was in her head. The man just nodded his head and was ready with all the questions that Abriella would ask at that time.


"I don't know what really happened! I found her already unconscious in his room!" A faint voice sounded in Abriella's ears, now her vision had turned blurry and became clear again, but what she saw now was not David. She was no longer in that dream, now Abriella was in a room she recognized. She also heard the conversation between the two men on her right, which finally made Abriella turn her head slowly to the right.

"Should we call an ambulance?" asked the voice of one man,

"Call!" Answered another male voice who seemed to be walking towards Abriella who was now looking at her in surprise. The man who approached him at this time was the boss of his company, while the man who walked away and called the ambulance was Brian.

Albert, the boss who walked over to Abriella was surprised when he saw Abriella who had realized her condition just now, he shouted at Brian who walked out earlier. "Brian! He's awake!" And with just that one sentence, Abriella could hear the sound of very fast footsteps from outside, entering Mr. Albert's room.

Brian ran over to him to check on Abriella's condition, which at this time could only be silent, and looked at the two of them in turn.

"You want to wake up? Come on! Lean back and drink even one gulp!" Brian said to Abriella while helping the woman to get up from her lying position, while the boss who was standing next to her just stared at her worriedly.

Brian also took a glass of warm drinking water and gave it to Abriella. Ordered the woman to take a sip of it even a little, then he put the glass back on the table.

"Are you going to the hospital? I'll take you there!" The offer is a very sweet offer from Brian to Abriella. But Abriella didn't want to go to the hospital, because she felt she was fine. She shook his head, rejecting Brian's offer.

Albert, who saw the secretary's condition, lowered his hands which he had folded forward, then he approached Abriella and asked, "Are you feeling dizzy? Do you still have the medicine the doctor gave you?" Albert asked Abriella. The boss, who already knew about the health problems that befell his secretary, didn't really mind it, and would only tell Abriella to rest like yesterday.

Again, Abriella shook her head when she answered the question that was now given by her boss. Albert who saw the answer turned to Brian who was standing beside him who was also now looking at him.

"In that case, wouldn't it be better if you went home now and rested? Just let the whole task pile up! I will call yesterday's employee who replaced you in the meantime." Albert spoke to Abriella, making the woman just silent and nodding obediently at the orders given by her boss.

Albert looked back at the man beside him who had a position as finance in his company, "Brian... I think you'd better take Abriella home! I don't want him to take a taxi home, and make sure he gets to his apartment!" That was the order that Albert gave to the man beside him, who also could only nod at the command. Although on the other hand, of course, Brian would not let Abriella go home alone in this condition.

Brian also stood up from his place to go down to the basement and took his car, while Abriella remained silent in the room with Albert who is now calling several other employees to help him bring Abriella to the lobby.