
That night was truly a night filled with romantic feelings for Abriella. He did not expect that Brian would cook a steak that tasted very good, the man also played the guitar which he brought with him, even though he had to take the guitar in his car in the basement of the apartment.

The chanting of beautiful songs sounded in Abriella's ears, Brian's melodious voice, who turned out to be good at singing, became something that made Abriella very impressed. Now, the two of them decided to watch a movie that was on a paid show.

Abriella did not refuse when Brian offered her popcorn, which of course she made first. And here they are. On a sofa with a large television on and the lights off. Makes the atmosphere of the cinema felt. The two of them sat side by side with a bottle of soda on the table and popcorn in a large bowl that was now between them.

Abriella is focused on the storyline of the rotating action film. Unlike Brian, who occasionally glanced at the beautiful woman beside him, only to look at her sweet face which finally made his smile widen.

"I knew you were looking at me the whole time!" Abriella said when the film that was playing now showed a casual everyday scene and had not yet reached its climax.

Brian, who heard Abriella's words, turned to Abriella, and asked, "Really? I think you are overconfident!" Brian said as he put the popcorn into his mouth.

Abriella turned to look directly at the man who was still looking at her with a wide smile, which then made Abriella exhale and reply to the words earlier. "No, Mr. Brian… I'm one hundred percent sure, that you're right on me and keep staring at me instead of watching this movie. Am I more attractive than this film?" Abriella asked accompanied by a mischievous smile at Brian who was now smiling wider.

"Yes... This woman in front of me is even more interesting than all the stories on this earth!" Brian answered that was full of seduction from every word. Abriella laughed so hard that she almost choked on the popcorn in her mouth, but luckily she quickly took her soda and drank it.

Abriella shook her head and looked back at the television screen in front of her. To continue watching the action film he had been watching. While Brian, who sat beside him, just chuckled softly and then looked back at the television screen.

After five minutes of their silence watching the film, Brian glanced back at Abriella who was now smiling at the intimate scene of the action couple in the film. "Ella!" Call Brian to the woman beside him.

Abriella turned her head and looked at the man who was now looking at her with both eyes focused only on her. The distance between the two is getting closer, who knows who started it. Abriella could also feel Brian's breath getting closer to her. Reflexively, Abriella closed her eyes and prepared herself to get a kiss from the man who caught her heart at that moment.

"Okay... So I will present the bagged product that we will be launching next month!" A very unfamiliar voice sounded in Abriella's ears, making her immediately open her eyes and see a bright room with dozens of people in it who now seemed to be holding a presentation meeting of a product.

Abriella frowned when she saw that she wasn't in her apartment with Brian, and wondered if she was just dreaming of a date with Brian. But when she saw that the man sitting in the front seat was David, then Abriella realized that she had now entered her dreamland.

'Then how was my date with Brian?' Abriella asked herself as she thought of Brian who she had left alone in her apartment. 'Did I forget something? Did after kissing Brian come home from my apartment? And I went to bed?' That's the series of events that Abriella questioned, she was confused why she was suddenly in her dreamland, even when she still remembered that she hadn't gone to sleep.

When Abriella was busy with her thoughts, David who now turned his chair was silent when he saw the beautiful ghost standing at the end of the long table in a very beautiful dress, which made Abriella look very beautiful and sexy.

David didn't stop looking at Abriella, who now realized that she was being watched. Abriella also raised her bowed head to look at the speechless David in front of her.

David's silence invites a big signature on the minds of all his employees who are now turning towards the end of the table to see what their boss is watching. But those who really couldn't see Abriella didn't find anything on that side of the room.

One of David's employees turned back to David and cleared his throat slowly to wake him up, "Ehm!" Luckily it brought David to his senses, he blinked repeatedly and shook his head rapidly. Then looked back at all the employees who were now looking at him worriedly.

"Mr. David, are you all right?" Asked another employee of David.

The man who was stunned by Abriella's beauty shook his head and smiled, he then replied, "I'm fine! Continue your meetings!" He said who went back to running the meeting and took the file in front of him to read what he had missed.

While Abriella, who realized the incident and saw it directly, could only laugh loudly. Making David glance at him with the corner of his eye, and look at Abriella who is now pointing at David while laughing and shaking his head.

The man exhaled and tried to focus again, ignoring Abriella who was now approaching him. "Am I that beautiful that you lose your focus and stare at me?" Abriella asked playfully as she walked over to David and whispered to him. But once again, the man tried to ignore Abriella and stay focused on the meeting he was running.