Such a Romantic David

The meeting finally went smoothly, although David, who was the chairperson of the meeting, seemed a little disturbed by something that the other employees couldn't see.

"Good job for today! I hope the launch of our new product design will be a success! The meeting is closed, and you may return to your places!" David said to all his employees who smiled happily and breathed a sigh of relief.

The man walked out of the room first, before the other employees. Abriella, who had been teasing him back and forth and continued to chat with him, followed behind him. Following in the footsteps of David who walked out of the room and stood in front of the elevator door.

"Hey… Aren't you going to talk to me?" Asked Abriella who was starting to feel annoyed because David had not answered his call even though at this time there were only the two of them along the fifth-floor hallway.

David quickly turned to Abriella and protested, "Can't you think? How can I talk to you when there are so many employees in front of me? And, what is it? Why did you deliberately prank me throughout the meeting? You're silly!" David said with less emotion to Abriella. Unfortunately, at the same time as David's words, the elevator door in front of them opened. Shows some people who are surprised to see their current boss talking to himself.

David turned towards the elevator and saw the surprised looks of some of his employees who could only stare at this. David also stood up straight after previously slightly bent his body to chatter at Abriella who was shorter than him.

David cleared his throat and stepped into the elevator, pressed the button where his room was, and stood with his back to all the employees standing in the elevator. David also turned to the side where Abriella was standing next to him and smiled broadly, apologizing to David because he is now some office people might call David a madman.

"Excuse me, Sir!" Said one of the employees when the elevator they took had reached the seventh floor. But I don't know what happened, at this time all the employees came out together from the elevator. Leaving David alone with the ghost figure beside him.

David was silent until the elevator door closed again, he immediately turned to Abriella very sharply. Until the ghost could only smile broadly watching his white teeth.

Abriella's hand reached out to touch David's shoulder and said, "Oh... Come on! Don't be mad at me, I don't know if the elevator doors will open while you're babbling on me. It's your fault for pressing the elevator button first." Said Abriella who persuaded David not to be angry, while blaming the man for what had just happened.

David was also speechless, and could only exhale loudly. "If they all think I'm crazy, then I'll tell everyone about you! So that they know if an ugly ghost is bothering me." Said David who walked out of the elevator when the elevator had reached the ninth floor, the floor where David's room was.

Abriella who heard these words also frowned and immediately followed David's steps who had entered the office. The woman broke through the office wall and flew over to David who was now taking off his coat and loosening the tie he was wearing tiredly.

"Okay... I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that!" Abriella also apologized to David, who was now standing in front of the large window in the room, and turned to Abriella, who now cupped her hands in front of him, apologizing to David.

The man noticed how to dress and make up the face that Abriella was wearing at the moment. He chuckled lightly after watching her and asked, "Why are you wearing this kind of clothes today? What happened?" David asked Abriella.

The woman looked down at her own body and noticed the dress she was currently wearing, which made her realize again that she was with Brian, or... No? Abriella again felt confused about this.

"What is it?" David asked again when he saw Abriella's silence. He also turned to face Abriella perfectly, his hands reached out to hold the shoulders of the beautiful ghost in front of him.

Abriella, who felt a touch on her shoulders, looked up and looked at David who was now looking at her in confusion, the man repeated his question to Abriella, "Why are you wearing clothes like this?" David asked Abriella.

The woman quickly thought of a logical reason she could tell David, and so he wouldn't question the reason why she looked like this and that.

"Huh…" Abriella exhaled loudly and turned her gaze to the right. Abriella slowly removed both of David's hands that were holding her shoulders and looked back at the man in front of her.

"Why? Can't I change clothes? Do I have to wear the same clothes every day?" Abriella asked in a voice that sounded as if she was angry that David was questioning her current appearance.

The man whose full name is David Wagner who is a rich young businessman quickly shook his head and smiled, on the other hand, he felt guilty for asking this beautiful ghost that question.

David said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I'm just surprised by your current appearance that looks so... Sexy and charming!" David said to Abriella.

The woman was silent when she heard the compliment, she looked back at David who was still smiling in front of him, which finally made Abriella smile shyly. She felt happy when she received a compliment from David, just like when they met for the first time in a restaurant. The day David died.

When she remembered that, Abriella's expression suddenly changed. Making David confused about what Abriella was thinking, he also suspected that Abriella was sad because she had just received praise again after being a ghost for so long.

"Why do you look so sad?" David asked Abriella who now woke up from her thoughts and looked at David who was looking at her lovingly.

"Relax, if no one else can see you. So I'm here to always stare at you and your beauty." Said David who tried to comfort Abriella which of course succeeded. Abriella felt warmth spread throughout her heart when she heard David's words.