As I woke up the system notifications stated popping up all over the place. I ignored them and decided to take a little time to look at the night sky. It was very beautiful, full of stars that twinkle every now and then. I looked at the after effect of my fight with the metallic fox. The environment was totally devastated, the ice flames were still burning and some part of the rock forest was frozen. I think it will bea long time before this part of the forest goes back to normal.

I looked down at my missing arm, because of the eclipse skill, the bleeding has stopped. I did not expect my biological makeup to be so similar to that of a living creature that I can even bleed. This makes me think of what my feature evolutions will be like. I looked up at the body of the metallic fox that has now returned to its normal size. This was truly a wonderfulexperience.

The fight that I had with the metallic fox made me realize my own ignorance and the fact that all the creatures I have been fighting until now was just the weaklings of this forest. Now I realize that I made the right choice not to go and engage the humanoid ant in battle, that would have been a very excruciating end for me. I looked up right above the metallic fox and there laid a small fox that was just a day old.

I remembered all the memories I got from the metallic fox. Her fighting experience, her life history, her dislikes and likes, her love for nature and all the creatures that live in them, how she never hunt excessively inother to maintain the natural balance of things. And the unending love she had for her child, a love that was so strong that she was willing to sacrifice her own life just to let, this child that was born with a weak body survive. The power that she would give this child would have not only made it evolve two times in one instant but would also have given the child all her fighting experience.

Truly, the love of a mother is one of the greatest things in the known galaxy. I felt bad for what I did, but it was something that needed to be done for my survival. I remembered the request the metallic fox asked of me before her soul completelymerged with my own. I would have still protected the child even if she did not ask me to do that, because the strong love she had for her child got transferred to me when our soul merged. So this is how mother felt any time I was in danger.

I don't know if this child would accept the person who killed its mother. As a companion or friend, but I was determined to protect it. I can't break the promise I made, and also the strong love that I know feel for this child would not let me. I know I can suppress this emotions and just kill the child so to not have to go through the trouble of raising something that might sick revenge on me in the feature.

But I want to experience this kind of love, that exist only with someone you are deeply rooted with. So I will take the responsibility of this child in my hands. Just like my own mother says "To protect, train, empower, love, and care for as long as I may leave"