Living In A New Era

Two years has passed since mama made me promise not to attempt any sort of ... particularity, outside of our home.

Itachi stopped coming over as my playmate as he had to go to school, a place called the Academy.

Ever since two years back, mama made me have daily practices with her and Shizu-nee. Mama started teaching me about the village.

Apparently, they all, including mama, are ninja's. Or shinobi's. From my foggy dreams ... they are ... eastern assassins'? No idea what that means, but assassin's kill people, don't they?

I pause.

Hm. Something tells me that I somehow should be aversive to that prospect, or at least feel wrong. But I don't.

Mama taught me that the village we reside in is the Village of the Hidden Leaf, in the country of fire. Mama said that all shinobi's within their country are in service to their respective Daimyo, their lord. The one who leads us and who is most in correspondence with the Daimyo is the Kage. In our case, its the Hokage.

I learnt that the old man in the weird pointy had at my first birthday is the Hokage, and mama's old teacher. Wow.

Mama looked amused at my surprise, and told me that he's also the teacher of Jiraiya-ji and Orochimaru-ji, who were a team with her, and that the Sandaime Hokage was a disciple of the village's two previous Hokage, who are actually my great-grandfather and great-granduncle. She also carried me over to the pictures on the wall and pointed them out. I also noticed mama avoiding the pictures with papa, and not attempting at an introduction. I'm not going to touch that pit, and I'll just leave it to when mama feels comfortable about telling.

In any case, there are branches of shinobi's that specialize in various stuff. Mama, for example, is a medical-nin, specializing in healing. Shizu-nee and Rin-nee are too, though both are still trainees, with Shizu-nee being a tad higher level, being mama's direct disciple. Of course, as mama noted, having specializations is no reason for not doing better at other things.

Apart from playing with mama in the past, it is fun learning things from her nowadays. I like seeing mama serious. I learnt from her what she call's basic. Which is supposed to be taught to first year students in the Academy. But mama said that it's usually for civilians, who needs the basic knowledge, and shinobi children, especially those in clans, are usually exposed to these knowledge early. Like Kakashi and Obito, and Itachi, and now me.

Being in a clan like the Senju is nice, but also quite scary. Mama started opening up recently to me about what goes along with being a clan person, especially one like the Senju's. The fuss mama and the adults made two years back makes sense. It was dangerous. I was - am, in danger. Mama, is one of the three legendary sannin's at the same power level - note : POWER, not medical, as a kage level ninja like the Hokage and Sakumo-ji. With her level of experience, training and power, she is unable to 'unlock' or reach the realm of what great-grandfather Hashi-ojii-sama was at.

And the whittle powerless me has the aptitude.

Yeah - I can see why mama was (and still is) panicky.

Especially since me and mama are the last two Senju's left alive.

Yeah. Ouch.

You know you kinda have it bad when your mother is a shinobi known for great hit powers and ... temper.

Since I am reaching the age of four, and she has been giving me lessons, I decided that it was high time to correctly refer to her, especially in public, as Haha-ue.

Lets just say I discovered that Kakashi did not have his arm in a sling due to a mission back then.

Thankfully she is satisfied and can be placated with a Kaa-chan.

Though Kaa-chan still seems wishy washy when cuddling and prefer a 'mama'. Oh well.

"Kanako, dinner's ready!"

"Hai~", I replied as I closed the medical journal Kaa-chan gave me to study. I looked up at the rafters, "Kuma-chan, Neko-chan, come down and have dinner together!"

I gave my best puppy eyed look as two sighs were heard and shadows jumped down.

"Kaa-chan! Kuma-chan's and Neko-chan's portions as well please." Kaa-chan in the kitchen made a sound of assent.

Kuma who has the bear mask, and Neko who has the cat, are Anbu's, or Special Assassination and Tactical Squad, working directly under the Hokage. Kaa-chan said they were here for my protection, and they have been since two years ago. Occasionally switching rotations with another two who are Cheetah and Hound.

The two fidgety Anbu's trailed behind me to the dining room, where Kaa-chan is waiting for us with Shizu-nee.

They cooked tonkatsu and miso soup today. Yum.

Kaa-chan's cooking is great. Really! But due to her background in medical and ... scientific nature, experiments tend to occur. She'll gladly give me takeout when that happens. Not to the others though - sacrificial lambs, she call them.

In one of Kaa-chan's teachings, I learnt that Anbu's are meant to be hidden and not seen loitering in the open, eating and solving other needs included, unless off duty. They take orders from the Hokage seriously, and only listen to the Hokage. Serious stuff she said. But maybe because of our status as Senju, and the Senju clan's compound is well fortified, they are sort of listening to us and are not 100% on duty? I'm sure they are still alert and all.

After dinner, I was resting on the couch lying on Kaa-chan's lap, when successive knocks on the door sounded. Shizu-nee got up to answer it.

"Tsunade-sama!" Shizu-nee's voice sounded, "It's Minato-san and his team!"

Oooooh! I wriggled out of Kaa-chan's grasp in time to see them walking in.

"Kashi!" I glomped on the silver head's leg. Heh. Thanks to Kaa-chan's training, now he can't avoid me on time! Though I spoke too soon when he turned into a log with a poof.

I took five second's to register that, and my eyes started watering. "Uuuuu ..."

"KAKASHI! You bastard! Come out for my daughter before I ...!" Kaa-chan started rambling on with streams of expletives I've gotten used to.

"Now now, Kanako-chan", a pair of hands picked and carried me up. "Ignore that depressive student of mine, ne?"

"B-but ... I haven't seen him for two weeks, Minato-nii", I whimpered.

"Aa?" Minato-nii cocked his head to the side in confusion. "But we all came back from our mission a week ago ... oh shit." He shuts up as he saw my face turning sadder.

Obito flounders about in panic, "Oi Bakashi you teme! Didn't I tell you to go see Hime-chan when we came back?!"

Rin nodded to Obito's words as she waited while tapping her foot, crossing her arms with a disapproving glare.

Minato-nii sighed, and passed me to Rin-nee. "Give me a sec."

He disappeared, and then reappeared with Kakashi in a scruff-hold. "Here's your present, Kanako-chan."

Rin-nee carried me over and I attached myself to a restrained Kakashi. I quickly locked myself to his flak jacket with my legs wrapped around his torso and rubbed my tear stained face to his chest.


We all then resituated ourselves to the living room, and with a sigh that has given up on life, Kakashi sat down with me in his arms (clinging desperately).

Kaa-chan and Minato-nii got to talking on some village stuff, while Shizu-nee and Rin-nee huddled together, gossiping.

"Kashi ... ", I murmured. "I miss you."

A sigh resounded from his chest, and I received a pat on the head. "Sorry."

"Hey hey, Hime-chan", Obi-nii interfered from the sidelines. "Why don't you ever call Bakashi with a nii?"

"Not the same." I answered.

I think I saw imaginary arrows piercing the heart of Obi-nii.

Shizu-nee and Rin-nee looked over to us giggling, while Kaa-chan and Minato-nii looked amused, but Kaa-chan with a bit of annoyance in the mix.

I looked up to see Kakashi looking a bit ... self-satisfied? Hm.

"By the way", Minato-nii looked back to Kaa-chan. "Sandaime-sama has talked with the advisors, and they have concluded," He looked over to us. "I am to be Yondaime Hokage."

Congratulations sounded from us, and plus a few claps being heard from the rafters, surprising Obi-nii and Rin-nee.

I looked up and thought that since Minato-nii is to be their new boss soon, they gotta make an impression somehow, right?

Yep, right.

A week later, I was carried by Kaa-chan to have a front row seat of Minato-nii's inauguration. Kushina-nee was next to us, looking excited and ready to scream. I had to pat her pretty hair to make her calm down, although her eyes still shone with pride and glee.

Minato-nii's trio waited with us as well, alongside their family - Rin-nee's parents, and Obi-nii's grandma. Kakashi's father as the jonin commander, apparently is currently in charge of the inauguration security and stuff within the Hokage building.

Sandaime-jii had his speech with the public, and then introduced an emerging Minato-nii.

Minato-nii, gave his congratulatory speech, and the crowds, including us, burst in applause.

After the fiasco, close friends of Minato-nii's were invited to his and Kushina-nee's home for an afterparty. Throughout the party, I sat on Kakashi's lap surrounded by his friends and acquaintances close in age.

They introduced themselves to me as Sarutobi Asuma, Yuhi Kurenai, Shiranui Genma, Might Guy and Ebisu. They all seem fun, especially Might Guy who Kakashi is slowly cringing and inching away from.

Kaa-chan and Jiraiya-ji are at the 'no kids' zone chugging sake, with Orochimaru politely sipping some in contrast.

On the other side, Minato-nii is chatting with Sandaime-jii and a black haired old man with an x-shaped scar on his chin. Minato-nii looks like he's acting as a mediator between a chastising black haired old man and Sandaime-jii who looks sad at being chastised.

Kakashi saw me looking, and told me that the black haired old man is the Sandaime-jii's friend and council, Shimura Danzo. Kakashi told me that apparently, Danzo was the one who sent over the '101 ways of Shinobi' book last year for my birthday. Being ninja's of high caliber made them notice my pointed stare, and they glanced over.

I waved back with a grin, and Minato-nii returned a wave, with Sandaime-jii and Danzo-jii giving a small smile back.

The night was still young for the adults, but for me who is way pass my bedtime, I had to leave early.

Since a semi-drunk Kaa-chan had to be supported by Shizu-nee, Kakashi had to be the one to carry me back and tuck me in.

A week has passed since Minato-nii stepped up as Hokage.

And this morning, with a knock on our front door, was the best gift received from Minato-nii.

A gift-wrapped befuddled and confused Kakashi with an Anbu fox mask.

Life is good.