Chapter 6: The Alfalfa flower

After we decided to take the cave as our main base, I started looking for anything that belonged to Leo but I was only able to find some wooden plates and spoons that were in a bad state, it seem that the wood got infected by some worms, we threw all of the wooden things and started discussing how we will organize The base, we decided at the end to put a storage spot at the deepest and coldest area in the cave so the food can stay fresh for a longer period of time, and put our sleep spot near the entrance and between my bed and James we made a place for a campfire, it was starting to get late and the night wasn't far so we divided the work between the two of us James went to get some fire wood and I followed the map to get to the nearest spot on the river and started hunting down the fish using the spear again and as a result I ended up getting just two fishes and then returned to the cave, I found James waiting for me there so we used one of the matches to start the fire faster and cooked the fishes for dinner.

            At night while James was sleeping I went and started reading Leo's diary, I was mostly interested in the information about plants and animals so I spent the whole night reading that part to find anything that will help us get more food, I found out that you can lure the deer using a specific flower he called it "the Alfalfa flower" and that there is a spot in the island where a large amount of wheat is growing but it is a bit far so for the time being I decided to hunt a deer, so I thought about making along-range weapon and the best choice was the bow, and after all of that, I was so tired that the moment I put my head on the bed I fell asleep immediately. The next day, I told James about what I thought and we started planning the way we will catch the deer, first we went to the forest to look for the flower that we will use to lure it to the trap, it was a purple flower with some thin white lines we spent a lot of time looking for it but we couldn't find it, so we decided to set up three rabbit traps at some spots that are near the base, and as we were returning to the camp, we were extremely lucky to find the flower hidden between the bushes while we were following a rabbit, so I searched the diary to find the correct way to pick up the flower without damaging it, the correct way of harvesting it was to not damage the root of the flower, so we started digging carefully around the flower and picked it up slowly and put it in the bag so it stays safe, now that we have the flower we can start to plan out the trap we will use for the deer.