Chapter 7: The Wolves Pack

We returned to camp quickly and began planning the trap that we'll use to catch the deer, we decided to put it near the river because most of the animals go there to drink, but I didn't know how to set a trap for an animal as big as a deer using just the rope and the trees, I only knew how to make a trap for rabbits because of a show that I used to watch, luckily James knew how to make it, the village that he used to go to at summer vacation used to organize a competition where they release a bunch of cows and sheeps and let the children form teams and the team that catch the most animals wins, that is why he knew how to make a trap for an animal of that size, he told me how the trap works and there was one single problem the trap need someone to stay near it to give the finishing blow to the deer because the trap wasn't meant to kill the animal it was meant to catch it alive.

          So I decided to be the one to guard the trap, we went to the river, and found a good spot to put the trap in, we put the flower near a tree it was surrounded by spiky bushes and there was one single path that lead to it James made the rope in form that if you pulled it even a little it will shrink and squeeze to anything inside the circle made by the rope, we put it in the path and hid it with some leaves, I made a spot inside the spiky bushes that I could easily stay in and don't get hit by the thorns, and just like that our trap is finished, I returned to the camp to get some foods and return to my spot.

           I returned to my spot and hid in the bushes while waiting for our prey, as the time goes by I started to get tired and my eyes started to close and little by little I started to fall asleep, the deer didn't show up at all but at some point I began to hear a lot of footsteps and they were running, I got really scared to the point that I wasn't able to move I stayed silent and didn't move from my place I took a little peek from the bushes and I was terrified, I saw a large pack of wolves but luckily the smell from the bushes was strong enough to hide my scent so they didn't find me.

        The pack stayed in the area for nearly two hours, and at that time I was scared to the point that I was shaking, luckily when it was about dawn the pack went away, I wasn't sure if I had to move or not so I stayed at my place for another thirty minutes, at that time the sun was clear in the sky, so it is day time I was able to move from my place but I had to move carefully after looking in the area for some time I was sure that the pack completely went away, at that moment I headed towards the cave while trembling, I met James in the middle of the way, the moment he saw me he knew something bad happened, he came running at me but at that moment I was so relieved that I fell asleep on the ground.