Chapter 8: The Marks

After I lost conscious James took me to the base and put me in my sleeping spot, from James point of view he just saw me sleep normally, he thought that I didn't sleep last night and was very tired so I fell asleep, yeah it was like he thought but there was something else, while I was asleep I had a bit of a weird dream, in it I found my self in a word that is completely white there was nothing but the white colour , I kept walking even though I knew it was a dream, I didn't know how I knew it but It just came to my mind the moment I started questioning where is this place, after some time I saw two black dots near each other, so I started heading towards them I kept walking for a long time but when I got near them I was shocked at the fact that the black dots are actually Orbs like the one who brought me to the island, I didn't try to run away because I already know that I am in a dream, I kept watching them from a distance but the moment I touched one of them it started glowing and changing its form a bit by a bit, until it reached the form of an eye after that it started shrinking and moved really fast that I just saw a black line in its path and entered my body, I didn't know what to do but after it entered my body I didn't feel anything different so I started searching my body but couldn't find anything, and after some time the second orb started to transform just like the previous one but instead of taking the form of an eye it took the form of a man hiding between the bushes, and again it entered my body, I didn't know the meaning of those symbols but after it entered my body I woke up from the dream, I found myself in the cave James wasn't  there I didn't know how much time I slept but I was starving I searched our  storage and found some fruit, I ate everything we had but even so my hunger didn't disappear I went out to look for food and met James on his way back he was carrying three big fishes it seem he was at the river fishing, when he saw me he came running  to me, he was panicking I told him to calm down and he screamed at me "how can I calm down when you lost conscious for two days" I was shocked we returned to the base and talked about what happened, I told him everything about how I saw a big pack of wolves and wasn't able to sleep and more importantly about the dream I had, and for him he told me that the moment he saw me I fainted  and that I was sleeping for two full days and that he didn't return to the trap that we made for the deer, I was so relieved for the fact that he didn't go there, after we talked about that I asked him if I can have the fishes he brought he gave me two of them I went running to the campfire and started cooking  them James  laughing non stop he told me while laughing "you must be starving right now" I didn't answer him because my mouth was full of food, and after I finished my meal I remembered the fact that two orbs entered my body in my dream so I started searching all over my body to find any changes I noticed something in my back but I couldn't see it clearly, so I asked James to help but the moment he went behind me he told me that I had two tattoos, I was surprised because I had never got any tattoos I told him to describe them for me and he said "an eye and a man hiding in the bushes" I panicked and told him to try to peel them out he tried but ended up telling me that they are inside my skin so they couldn't be removed, I told him those are the symbols that I saw in my dream, he said "it seem that they don't affect you loop right now so just let it go and have some rest , and if you notice any changes in your body or your actions we will try to find their effect and a way to remove them" I agreed with him and told him that they could have a meaning not just effects, he asked me "why do you think so" I said while laughing " you don't remember that I was hiding in the bushes for a whole night and the wolves didn't find me, I think the meaning of that symbol is hiding" he told me with a thoughtful face "then what does the eye mean"

I said that I don't know what that marks mean, he said <"marks? Yeah let's call them "marks", and maybe the eye mark has something to do with seeing in the night or noticing something that is hard to see or conclude to">

I told him "maybe these marks represent our achievement and abilities"

After that conversation I thought of the possibility that if the marks are achievement then there must be something that is keeping track of them.