Ch2:Powwow.....First Meet With The Unknown

I WHY...I will help you. Vasu read the line printed in deep violet and examined if the address written below does exists. He planned to go to the destined place the next day. The sunsets with the promise of a new day. But for Vasu, the new day had lots of hidden solved problems which will change his life from a normal guy to an extraordinary man. Vasu took a ride off the town on his Hercules MTB. He likes to be alone and most of the time busy reading something or the other. Finally, he reached the destined place.

Vasu took out the card and a small poly-bag slipped out from his pocket. He picked it up carefully and kept it in the pocket and checked whether somebody has seen him picking up the poly bag. He inspected the gathering at the front of the house where the address in the card took him to.

Vasu entered the campus and sat on a chair in the corridor. The corridor was finely colored with deep violet and several others were sitting with a token on their hands. Vastav realized that he had to collect his token for entering the mysterious room. Suddenly his eyes fell on a picture hanging on the wall, which shows Lord Krishna revealing the secrets of life. Arjuna at the final hour of Kurukshetra. 

Below the  picture, a caption was written: "Out of thousands only one will go deep into the matter of energy level about which I am here to share." ...…..Bahurja Bhagawati.An instant series of current ran in every cell of Vasu. He knew the lines. He had heard it before, but couldn't recall when and where?

He just cursed himself at the numbness of his memory which was lost when needed utmost.

"What is this place, why are you all here, Sir?" Vasu asked the person near him. The man was astonished and said, "Don't you know where you are, why you are here"?

"No Sir, a man on the road told me that I will get a path to my destiny here," replied Vasu with a weak smile. Suddenly he realized that he still didn't have the token. "Sir, please give me my token," Vasu asked the man who was distributing the tokens. 63 the serial showed.

"Which number is going on"….… The man took out a pen and wrote 27 on a page and showed it to Vasu. He felt very uncomfortable facing the situation and additionally, angry at the behavior of the token giver who didn't speak a single word. Vasu thought of leaving the place immediately.

A strong magnetic pull shattered his will as he was about to leave the place. Vasu stopped at the voice "token number 63" from inside the room.

"According to serials it was 28's turn but why me when I was about to leave".

Vasu rushed into the room but threw the poly pack from his pocket on the way. Vasu entered the room. "Please have your seat and feel at home," a man with a bright illuminating face and dazzling eyes greeted Vasu.