Ch3:The Silent Conversation… A Plunge Into The World Of Subconscious 

Every human on this earth yearns for respect and Vastav's heart was filled with hopes at the warm welcome of the unknown face. "Who are you Sir, may I know what your name is", was the reaction on Vasu's side. "Myself is Bahurja, Bahurja Bhagawati".The man gave a pause.

Vasu thought he will continue. But Bahurja stopped only with the introduction. Vasu stared at the eyes of the unknown, confused at his behavior. "Why you came here and why did you throw away the poly pack", a dark man roared at Vasu.

He tried to look forward hoping to get help from Bahurja, but the room was empty. There were no signs of any human existence at that place. The dark figure rushed to him snatched his bag and burnt all his certificates. "Please help me, please help me, Bahurja, please help me", shouted Vasu. Suddenly he woke up and was awestruck to see Bahurja in front of him. "Sir, I had lots of dreams, mysterious, unsolved riddles…but today, just now, it's not a dream, is it hallucination. I am mad, I am abnormal" cried Vasu. "You are not mad, nor you are abnormal dear, but you are not normal too, you are very far away from the normals", Bahurja gave a hypnotic smile. These words set a tremendous current in Vasu's body energizing every cell. The boy who never bowed his head in front of anybody, who even doesn't believe in the existence of God, bowed his head in front of the man who is destined to be his spiritual Guru. "I bow down my head to thee, from today you are my Guru", with these words Vasu touched the feet of Bahurja. The young boy didn't even know that this would be a lifelong relation from generation to generation.

He left the place not even knowing the person whom he just visited, except the name… Bahurja… his destined spiritual Guru.