Ch13:A Continuation Rise Of Internal Energy… (9th December)

After the dinner, Vastav didn't lengthen any talk with

Eka. "Good night Eka, I will have to leave tomorrow, I need a sound sleep. Sorry dear". Vastav closed the door and tucked it to bed. He recalled the previous night and couldn't make out what happened to his psyche.

"Please Guruji, show me the way" he had an internal conflict.

At a leisurely pace, his eyes became heavy but his consciousness remained at peak. All that he could feel and experience is nothing except darkness. His entire body became numb as everyone in sleep but his mind started awakening from within.

Despite all his efforts, he couldn't protest the energy, which forcefully made him put the two thumbs on both the ear holes. The pressure increased up to that limit till the thumbs became hot, hot enough to go deep into the ear holes. Vastav felt a high current in his feet soles which were about to take its upward journey to the pituitary.

Additionally, his breath became deeper and slower. As he breathed in, he could feel his entire body quivering from inside. Vastav being an ordinary human, couldn't bear it and his consciousness started fading into the mortal world. "This is the experience of a dying man!!!

But it's not my time now, I will be victorious in this deadly combat".

His breath became deeper, thumbs went deeper into the ears generating a central vacillation through his veins.

Vastav's senses went into an internal journey. He saw red bubbles floating every here and there. "Arey!!! These are my blood cells, R. B. C., a microscopic view of my body from within, an internal journey of the superconscious state". He felt unbearable heat and started melting like red hot iron and felt that he will finally blast like a supernova. Was it physical or spiritual? Vastav still lying on the bed and his corpse tussled the ultimatum of cosmic liveliness.

His body started accepting the mystical change, still unaware that despite all the efforts he will have to pass his trail helplessly.

"Now it's time for you to repent your past lives, without which your evolution is incomplete"…..Vastav felt a voice from within. Though he couldn't see anything, he could feel the voice of Bahurja. Vastav realized that Bahurja is not an ordinary man. He is induced with super intelligence with a superconscious soul which can enter into people's bodies at his own will. An astral journey of the subtle body. Vastav didn't know what will be the result of this energy transfer. The breathing pattern rapidly kept on changing and his thumbs pulled out from the ear holes. He smelled a pungent aroma, though sweet, its appearance made him flow deeper into his consciousness.

The mid-portion between his brows where the soul lies, he learned when he was a child, started showing signs as if it will explode.

"You are not the ordinary boy now, concentrate all your faith in your third eye, the area between your brows." In a flash, Vastav pulled out the skull thumb ring from the left thumb and with a tight and mighty grip pressed on the third eye.

His body, at present, was working as if he is a remote controlled-robot, controlled by the one on whose hand lies the clicker.

The extreme pressure made him quiver and the pain he experienced was a thousand times more than a mortal being can experience in his entire life. A bright fire glazed and it made his soul awake once again, not allowing him to surrender into the claws of death. His epidermal layer of skin started changing just as a snake changes its outer sheath.

He felt tough from beneath the core but the realization that he was just breathing in and not able to breathe out made him shudder. In the end.....His breath stopped.