Ch14:Tussle Between  Life & Death.

Vastav was clueless about how long he remained dead but with a sudden deep breath regained sense in the whole body with new strength in every part of the body. But with the indomitable endurance, arouse an uncontrolled fear for Bahurja. "The man who can peep into others minds, who can others minds can be a terror to the human race if he uses his powers in another way." Vastav took his skull ring, had an intense look at it.

"Let all the energy of the cosmic flow which now lies within me, duplicate itself and rest in this ring". With this staunchness, Vastav closed his eyes, hold the rung in on his left palm, and transformed it into an electromagnetic field over which he will have mastery over.

"I Vastav Kaushik in the name of the White Light governing the entire universe resolve now that whenever I think of using my mind for a negative purpose, it will be the cause of my downfall and a direct path to my death bed. Even if my Guruji Bahurja Bhagawati misutilises his powers he too has to repay for his karmas.

It was almost dawn. Vastav felt his olfactory receptors became highly active and he could smell an unusual perfume. Following the aroma as he walked through the roads he felt the incompetency of the gravitational pull to keep him attached to its center….the  earth.

"Have I turned into a superhuman, what was my purpose of this journey to Guwahati."He released a deep breath with his mouth and started running at a speed which he never thought of. His blood flow inside started flowing like a jet, speedy enough to burst all his veins.

The intake of a huge amount of oxygen the previous night led to the jet-like flow in his veins.

His sensation of ultimate redolence finally took him to CHAKRESWARA temple, a temple of Lord Vishnu on the banks of the mighty Brahmaputra. Vastav walked down the stairs and sat on a big rock by the side of the river. He looked straight and saw a huge tower on the other side of Brahmaputra. A series of dark grey vibrating waves going in and out of the tower caught his attention.

He kept on staring at the unusual phenomena without letting even a single wave escape from his sight. He felt his heartbeat abnormally and a tremendous unbearable pain within himself.

The waves emerging out from and submerging in the tower acted like a strong magnetic and attracted Vastav's existence. " Guruji, I am dying, I am dying, look, look, my soul, I am being pulled out, my corpse still gazing at me helplessly...…I can't let it happen."

"Remember, your confidence is my confidence. You are submerging into the cosmic field, your soul has become much stronger, just have faith and will surpass death." A holler was enough to bring Vastav back into his mortal consciousness and he did shout aloud. But this time, with a strong determination.

"My soul can never leave my body unless I surrender to  the higher forces that determine or decides death." But Vastav was tossing between life and death. The pull of death is not so mean to overcome so easily. Vatav once more fell prey to its grip.

Illusions captured his mind all the time. While some are leading him towards life, others at the same time were misleading his mind and shutting his determination to live. Vastav was virtually lost between time and space and couldn't relate to the chronology of events. Moreover, he even lost consciousness of the outcome of his physical activities.

The pull of death was continuously demanding the extinction of his physical existence. Vastav, therefore, was engaged unconsciously in such activities that would end his physical existence. "My will to live will vanquish death", With this strong and ultimate mental resolution, he sprang up and headed towards his destiny. As he walked up the stairs, the sound of the Sankha, ghanta, and mridanga piqued his curiosity. Illusions again captured his mind. He assumed himself as a superhero and visioned a huge gathering awaiting to welcome him by the side of Brahmaputra.

With this euphoric sensation, he walked down the stairs and returned to the place where he was standing on the verge of death a few minutes ago.

His mind failed as if it was playing hide and seek with him. His strong determination collapsed in an instant. He sat on the same rock and gazed at everything around as if he had never seen them before. Vastav swept away with the music of death. He could hear the melodious sound of the lapping of water.

Vastav forgot that he had to leave for Nagaon that day and stood numb stuck by looking at some clothes and a bag which came floating towards him. "These are my clothes, they are for me, I'll be a superhuman."

He visualized himself running in the water and collecting clothes. But his judging power didn't make him realize that by running into the uncontrolled great flow of the mighty Brahmaputra, he will end his life, his existence, the end of Vastav Kaushik. The pull of death was at its peak. Simultaneously some positive forces were acting beneath the core of death to keep Vastav's soul consciousness maintain balance in both the physical and soul world.

A deep cry from far away diverted Vastav's mind. He saw a young man, releasing burnt ashes of his father's dead body as per Hindu tradition. Vastav could guess now…..what was happening, he came back to sense. "Those floating clothes are not for me, these are the dead's possessions whom I just visualized."

Vastav looked around, straightened his arms got up, and headed towards Sharada- Vimala. As he walked, he couldn't stop the confirmation of his hypnotic mind. "Nothing on the earth can attract me, I am the earth's magnet, I attract everything towards me". A dangerous resolution is going to manifest.