chapter 26: priorities come first

[hatano and yoichi packing up the truck]

Yoichi: Hey, what if we go in there and it's not your mother?.

[hatano smiles]

Hatano: Then I guess we stop inaba once and for all.

Yoichi: ok.

[hatano blushes]

Hatano: hey i know i've been asking this alot but when will you propose to me?.

[yoichi looks at hatano surprised]

Yoichi: [sigh] it was meant to be a secret but as soon as we get your mother out of the city.

[hatano looks at yoichi surprised]

Hatano: really?.

Yoichi: yes, i wanted you to not be stressed when i proposed so i decided once we got your mother out of the city alot of your stress would be gone so i thought it would be the right timing to do it.

[hatano smiles]

Hatano: That's sweet of you.

[yoichi looks at hatano surprised]

Yoichi: really?.

Hatano: Yes, you're always looking out for me and even when i'm in my darkest times you've stayed right by my side and helped me get through it.

[yoichi blushes]

Yoichi: o.oh, well I'm glad that you're happy.

Hatano: come here.

[hatano hugs yoichi]

Hatano: When all this is over I promise I'll make you the happiest man on earth.

Yoichi: o.oh ok, that sounds good.

[hatano gets a call]

Hatano: Why are the higher ups calling me?.

Yoichi: Well, if they're calling then something must have happened.

[hatano answers the call]

Hatano: hello?.

Azai: hatano, i've heard from multiple sources that you're planning on going back into the city is that correct?.

Hatano: Yes sir, it's true.

Azai: Well here's a warning: if you step foot into the city you will be stripped from your rank in the company.

Hatano: a jobs a job.

Azai: Excuse me?.

Hatano: If saving my mother strips me from my rank I'm perfectly fine with it. I can get another job somewhere else but so help me if you get in my way while i'm trying to save my mother i will not hesitate to kill you.

[hatano hangs up]

Yoichi: What did they say?.

Hatano: they're firing me from my job if I go and save my mom.

[yoichi looks at hatano surprised]

Yoichi: what?.

Hatano: yeah its stupid.

Yoichi: Well, we'll get your mother back, consequences or not.

Hatano: yeah, well i guess we better hurry up and get yadara and narimo.

Yoichi: ok.

[hatano and yoichi finish packing the truck and go inside to find yadara and narimo]

Hatano: I'll go and find narimo, you go find yadara.

Yoichi: ok.

[yoichi walks down the hallway to yadaras room]

Yoichi: Hey, we got to hurry and leave.

[yadara looks at yoichi surprised]

Yadara: Why, I thought we weren't leaving for the city till tomorrow.

Yoichi: Well, we have to go now. The higher ups called your sister threatening us.

Yadara: alright.

[yoichi and yadara hurry for the truck]

Hatano: What took you two so long?.

Yoichi: yadara was wondering what was going on.

Narimo: Are we going to leave our stuff here?>

Hatano: Yes, me and yoichi packed all we need for the city. We don't need to have our personal items lost within the city.

[narimo looks at hatano surprised]

Narimo: why?.

Hatano: because inabas henchmen can trace our tracks and hunt us down if we lose our personal items while trying to save mom.

Narimo: oh ok.

Yadara: what are we going to do if the guards don't let us back in?.

[hatano smiles]

Hatano: You'll see.

[yadara begins to worry about mazato]

Yadara: I hope mom's ok.

Narimo: Yeah, but we'll save her don't worry to much about it.

[yadara smiles]

Yadara: yeah.

[hatano gets a call from ise]

Hatano: hello?.

Ise: you need to hurry. The guards are about to lock the gate.

Hatano: Even if they do lock the gate we'll be fine.

Ise: wait, how?.

Hatano: We still have the truck from the first mission.

Ise: really?, i thought you took that back to the guards after you met up with me to get the key to the house.

Hatano: Well, we didn't.

Ise: well good luck on finding your mom.

Hatano: ok.

[ise hangs up]

Hatano: Ok now as soon as we get into the city we'll need to find a place that's low profile because we don't want inaba's henchmen to find us.

Yadara: how is that going to be possible?, most of the city is destroyed.

Narimo: We park under some debris idiot.

Yadara: You're an idiot.

[soldier 1 looks in the distance and sees something coming their way]

Soldier 1: what is that?.

Soldier 2: what?.

Soldier 1: something is coming towards us.

[hatano,yoichi,yadara and narimo arrive at the gate]

Soldier 1 and 2: stop!.

[hatano plows the truck through the gate and heads towards the prison]

Yadara: Now what?.

Yoichi: we find somewhere to park and set up camp.

Narimo: But what about food and water?.

Hatano: do you really think that were not prepared?, me and yoichi packed the truck last night and most of today, trust me we have all we need.

Narimo: ok.

Yadara: how are we going to stop inaba?.

Yoichi: I'm not sure yet.

Hatano: We are not worried about inaba right now, saving mom is our number one priority.

Yadara: [sigh] ok.

[hatano finds a large piece of debris]

Hatano: ok this will be where we park.

Yoichi: Well now all we have to do is set up camp and we're ready to go find mazato.

Yadara and narimo: ok

[yadara,narimo,yoichi and hatano set up camp behind the debris]

Yoichi: ok we're not too far away from the prison so we can walk there when we're ready.

Hatano: tomorrow we're going to get mom.

chapter 27 july 20th